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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Oh. I forgot about the three boxes of miscellaneous gemstones and the sack of quartz geodes in my closet. Pictures after I'm done with homework. (Also, spoilers don't open for me on the desktop computer... )
  2. I had this problem for 0.90.0, it would constantly stop just short of the 500 or so megabytes it required. If your connection is interrupted for a moment, you get a corrupted download. Hold off until you are sure your connection is stable. And as Ethanadams says, it can be the store. I was having a ton of trouble with the patcher, in fact, I never got it to work.
  3. Strange bug, I can still create a spoiler: Can't see this But I cannot "open" it.
  4. Yes. Be really careful on ascent, too. If you drop a thirty ton booster on the launchpad, well...
  5. It isn't a game about throwing stuff together, at least for me. Since physics amd aerodynamics are important factors in ship design, one's craft may not work. Thrust misalignment, drag, misplaced center of mass and/or pressure... all these things make for an engineering challenge. Which is why the game is fun for me. Getting, as you say, that last 10% is the most satisfying thing I've come across in a game.
  6. Unless you burn instantly, the burn itself takes time. In my experience with orbital rendezvous, this time is not insignificant. Try accounting for it.
  7. 8/10 Major STS module builder.
  8. Now that's what the coloration on mine is like! Nice one!
  9. 1 (-1) Edit: breach detected. Current count is four.
  10. Countless hours. Don't have steam, though a rough estimate shoves me past 800. Most likely quite a lot more.
  11. Oh, just wait until you learn circles and ellipses. Welcome to the forum!
  12. Easy is a stretch. You've got to keep your Kerbal alive. TAC gives you 24 hours at a time. You'd need a resupply craft to follow or provide a waypoint. Though I agree that it is possible.
  13. Jumping, you say? You are looking at the reigning champion of the Minmus Rover Jump Challenge! This one was puny. My current record is 2.1 kilometers. In which time I could do innumerable flips, flatspins, barrel rolls, or other stunts. Is this a Kerbin-based challenge?
  14. Oh god, I don't think anyone has the time for this. The Elcano Challenge is a long one, but not the year that this one would take. And, per the rules, you need a submission, or need to attempt alongside others and prove its feasibility.
  15. Right. Sorry for the potato cam quality... So I've had this for around six years, maybe more. Won it in a raffle at a science museum near my house, along with a piece of petrified wood. 6 inches long, about three wide, and three tall. Amethyst. My stupid phone camera just does this thing no justice. In reality, it has brilliant purple and white hues. Don't know how much it is worth, but I'm never selling it!
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