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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Almost as everywhere as me... 10/10
  2. Ooh, wonder what mine is. Lemme check... Edit: Isn't there one for 3000+?
  3. Oh, right. Maybe I can use my psychic powers to make him post here... Enders!
  4. I agree completely. I've been working on a book of sorts over a few years, and know what it takes. If you need any advice on your writing, I'm more than willing to help.
  5. Alright then. You mention magic (which I am a big fan of... you ever read Eragon?) How much magic are we talking about, and how does it work? Unless, of course, that is some kind of major plot thing that shoul be discovered...
  6. Interesting! I made a really detailed map of Croatia for a school project once! I... suppose I'll refrain from further questions and just see for myself what the writing is like when I get to read it.
  7. Confirmed change. There is now a reason to use the shielded ones.
  8. That would be pretty cool. What is your native language, out of curiosity?
  9. Yes, I do believe that is the point. It is unnecessary and often derails useful threads into heated flame wars, and locks. As for the OP, had you been paying attention to the history of KSP, you may have realized that 0.90.0 was by no means the final product, and that everything was subject to change. And so it has. Here we all are, having a good time, re-living old failures, and successes. Most of us, anyways. I'm sure you can find some way to get KSP fun again, or, you could simply go back to playing 0.90.0.
  10. I just hit four Light Green bars a little while ago... so, a ways to go.
  11. I end men all the time! And buildings... and trees.... and rocks.... Noname117?
  12. Yeah, it is super stressful at that speed, yet I trust it to more or less behave itself. This is not safe. At all. I've only obliterated one intake so far. Plus a revert when the ocean ate my engines and contol surfaces...
  13. Starstreaker III. Ran into a bit of a bug at the very end of the flight.
  14. And this is why I use the stronk gear. Also, what's your top speed? I've been pulling 210 m/s on land, 130 m/s on sea. (Air travel isn't allowed, but I can do 160 m/s there too.)
  15. Step one: draw reference points. Step two: draw lines to connect points. Step three: define equations. I cannot help much on mobile. Sorry!
  16. Aww, this sounds so fun! Maybe I can get one for my school. I know the principal pretty darn well, and I told her about KSP once... And no, I don't know her because I'm a troublemaker, it's robotics business.
  17. Hey, no problem! This kind of stuff happens all the time, and can be quite confusing.
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