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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Is that based on testing or just their appearance? I agree, I've never cared about my games being destroyed between versions, and want the landing gear in. As well as adjustable suspension and steering.
  2. Can everyone doing a stock version of this challenge pm me their craft file? I'm going to make a video.
  3. I swear, there is some kind of voodoo magic on every power button. Works miracles on my personal machines and the FTC robot.
  4. IP address conflict? Random guess here. Try disconnecting both from your internet, then reconnecting the desktop. If that doesn't work, I'd give it the old "off 'n' back on again".
  5. Considering the other thread, no. I'll keep this one about the ones it does not cover. I'll update this eventually, can't do it so well on mobile.
  6. That is, until 500 points. Then it is 200 points per bar. So, 700 points is two light green, up to 1500 points for six light green. Rep may continue past this point. Edit: by what logic does this post get me ten reputation points?! Seriously, it was just informational... though it proves the point about the actions of the rep giver rather than the poster.
  7. I think that I stuck that thing in my hoard somewhere... The one with the sandwich?
  8. Hey, how's it going, BrianWW? Glad to have you here!
  9. Join the dark side, we have... well, used to have cookies. Someone ate them all, and left us a very rude note...
  10. I can't type this damn fast on mobile! Bailing out!
  11. Hey, you! Yeah, you. Get against the wall! You got any bullets? I'm out... Edit: HAHAHA look at me friggin' ninja you!
  12. I'm not kidding, I'll have to eat you. Ethanadams?
  13. Don't abuse it, I'll get bored. Might have to eat you. Ghostbuzzer? Gash durn ninjas.
  14. For me, anyways. *shudders* No more essays, please; three in two hours is enough. (AP English Language exam)
  15. Yeesh. That's got to be quite stressful... may this man rest in peace. I remember when a car got flipped about fifty feet from our doorstep because it was t-boned by another speeding car. Paramedics arrived within moments, along with about 20 people, and they got the person out of the upside-down car very quickly. The noise was unholy... you ever scratch your fingernails on a chalkboard? That, much lower in tone, much louder, plus tire screech and metal thudding and rolling.
  16. I think it is clipping... try a craft that consists of just missiles, or firing missiles before separating the turret.
  17. You should really keep a moat around your grass then. Speak of the devil, is that the pesky thief over there?
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