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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. I want cookies too! Where did they put them?
  2. Who, me? I can be kind of friendly, provided you don't touch me too much. Red Iron Crown?
  3. Jesus, I just listened to that entire thing... You know, suddenly the tornado seems the more desirable option...
  4. The same thing goes for alarm tones on clocks and phones, they are designed to get your attention. In this case while you are asleep, which is impressive.
  5. I might make one for 3k, definetly for 5,000. If I get there, 10,000.
  6. That would be awesome. And since it's lego, I could literally snap it to a car base. Some gears, a battery connector... a string to make sure it doesn't drive off the nearest bridge...
  7. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/memberlist.php Go here and keep going until you find yourself. Then at the bottom of the page, will be thenumber of the top and bottom index. Count and find your number.
  8. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ifa0n3xrf5tg2k8/0511151110-01.3gp?dl=0 Video of it running. About 1600 rpm.
  9. One and a half years ago? Dunno.
  10. I. Hate. Mobile. Uploads. I can't do any more, I'll put up more stuff later. Had a whole post typed up with a bunch of pics and it decides to refresh when I switch tabs, no autosave. - - - Updated - - - There.
  11. I think that Squad certainly should take every precaution not to break saves. However, games eaten by the kraken are to be expected.
  12. Navhud is also a nice mod. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81543-1-0-NavHud-a-NavBall-inspired-Heads-Up-Display-1-2-1
  13. Any realism tweaks? You may be glitching, and the game thinks you are in some atmosphere. Try restarting. What's your mod list?
  14. I think it was called Active Struts or something, it let you attach struts in space, use them as tethers, or like grappling hooks. Tethers and EVA struts would be my choices from that mod.
  15. There's an echo on here... it sounds like "Biased poll is biased..." I like the new cursor, and it works just as good as the system one.
  16. Go figure, I'm still #34 on the member list, even after another 400 or so reputation... The forum's list, not the op.
  17. Starwhip

    1000! Wahoo!

    I tried to use the search funtion to find out your total posts, zekes, but it appears to cap at 5000.
  18. Congratulations! As for jury duty, just make sure you take everything into consideration beforehand.
  19. This. If you can, after the contract put the sat in a high elliptical orbit that skims both high and low orbit, or just plain low orbit, and if you get a contract to get science data you can switch to the thing for free money.
  20. No, only asteroids have finite deposits; all other bodies are concentration based, like the Karbonite mod.
  21. Not a man, a dragon. A certain salvager?
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