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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Hello, CapnSlappy and jamesbiederbeck! Welcome to the forum!
  2. Glad you are somewhere in this world. Can't have people sneaking off to other celestial bodies, now! Welcome!
  3. I noticed that though craft appear as thumbnails of themselves, subassemblies are still portrayed as the useless green checkmark-rocket thing. Could this be changed?
  4. Bleh, the fifth is better. Welcome from... The Twilight Zone
  5. It would be less frustrating... Good thing it was just a test!
  6. Cool! I was expecting a rocket on a trailer a la Soviet Union.
  7. Bigger jets for bigger planes. More Mk3 wings, or an overhaul. Inline plane/lander landing gear. Bigger solar panels for the new solar curve. At least bigger fixed panels, something approaching 2x the size of the OX-STAT. EVA struts and fuel lines. Would be a godsend. SRBs with some punch. The current ones are kind of wimpy. Of course, better fairings. Art overhaul, please!
  8. A test run ended approximately 60 km northwest of KSC when Jeb exploded on the top of a mountain in frustration of missing the sunset view. (Stupid buggy peaks and flags)
  9. Looks like it's going well, wish you the best of luck! Edit: *mumbling* stupid Dawn Racer, get your tail in gear! *mumbling*
  10. The signature is quite promiment. 8/10
  11. *COUGH*ScreenshotsAndBlender*COUGH* Yeah, they're probably not going to just hand their hard work over to you, but that doesn't mean you can't spend the time reconstructing the models externally.
  12. Friendly reminder: don't leave your e-mail lying around like that. I'd be glad to help, but don't know if I can send you the file with my tablet.
  13. I'm not sure if separators are more massive than decouplers, though it seems counterintuitive. Look at the Rockomax Brand Decoupler and the 2.5 meter stack separator, and tell me which one should weigh more.
  14. So, a slope indicator? That seems kind of cheaty unless you are fairly close.
  15. Ten gallons. Though I'd guess there are about 4.5 or 3.5 gallons in it right now.
  16. Testing of the CRN-08 went badly. I found that the Dawn Racer still works, so I gave it some tweaks and some kicks to the shin, and got it running in 1.0.2. Handles the sea without a hitch, but I'll need to slow down a bit in the thicker atmosphere when going over land. 100 meters per second is managable in 1.0.2. (Sort of sad, in 1.0 it did 200 without batting an eye.) Top speed has been reduced slightly. Unofficial half-hour sea trek placed the Racer nearly 20 degrees South. Official journey begins tomorrow.
  17. Yeah... maybe I'll put it in the pond we made in the backyard.
  18. I've got a big tank of water in my room that used to have fish in it, and is now just slowly evaporating. The other day I realized that the plecostomus (almost got that right the first time ) is still in there, alive and well. Oops.
  19. Can't wait until they give us dynamic shadows that cross SOIs.
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