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Posts posted by Tuareg

  1. I think some are making this more complicated than it needs to be. Just add a single part to appropriate sizes that, when attached, create a bond similar to attaching nodes in the VAB. I'd suggest a "port" for 3.75 and 2.5, as those are the main candidates for large ship construction.

    I wouldn't mind a male, female style, to add a bit more thought into the process.

    even you overcomplicate it :) eva engineers simply should be able to connect parts like KAS does, without size restriction. sure not the engineer moves the parts they would have to be in the right position... thats it. no parts needed, nothing is needed just 3 lines of code...

  2. I don't like an idea of welding parts, when you smash one of your engines, whole ship will disappear, which is very unrealistic. What if on every craft there would be a center point and parts would be attached directly to it? Neighbouring parts would be joined with with invisible struts. When you "cut" your vessel in half, there would pop out a new central point.

    why would? this is a program. you can do ANYTHING. with welded together parts you can still brake the parts down... welding means the connection between the parts is fixed, no physical calculation is done on the joint. you can still distinguish which part has got hit...

  3. I think this could be a good idea if the option was toggleable in the VAB or SPH. Sometimes defaulting to filling the seat with a kerb could be a bad idea. Say you launched a rover Apollo-style to the Mün. The rover will never come back to Kerbin, but will be left on the surface. If that seat is automatically filled, then your second kerbal (who traveled by rover to the Mün) will be left behind. Thus begins a tedious rescue mission to brig him back. So, I propose that the option to be filled should be available via right-click on the command chair. This could make the problem of including pods for rovers negligible, but could have negative repercussions not unlike the one I describe above.


    it already works in the VAB/SPH so can fill or empty a seat. they would just need to enable the commandseat too

  4. except without timewarp some missions can take RL years to finish and then suddenly months later you get a notification on a probe that you forgot you even sent out

    OMG. i didnt say dont timewarp at all. :) haha... i said if you plan doing other things too, dont just timewarp to the end, instead do what else you want when your craft is on its way and timewarp only when all your planned crafts are up. sure you need to watch where they are but i dont think following 2-3-5 crafts simultaneously is such a big problem...

  5. If Vector3 doesn't work right on win64, then Unity 4 does *not* support perfect 64-bit. You also can't avoid using Vector3 in Unity; Unity has no such thing as a Vector3d. Unity has Vector3, which is part of the underlying language spec; while the .NET libraries do have a Vector3D (note capital "D"), that's just for WPF stuff, and KSP's Vector3d is Squad's own creation. Any call to Unity functions must use Vector3.

    the problem is m8 that u mix the parts in front and after the "and" in my sentence... nobody said that vector3 has anything to do with 64bit... those are 2 separate things (except that using 64bit build support cpu level doubles). and yes, u can call unity with float only but they could do every calculations with doubles however most of their functions like COM or other range sensitive stuff are using floats though they should use it only for local space calculations

  6. Actually, internet connections are quite common in third-world countries. Unlike things like sanitation, clean drinking water, and a reliable electricity supply, basic internet connections don't require major infrastructure investments. Just like mobile phones 10-15 years ago, the internet enables people in poor countries to improve their quality of life for an affordable price.

    As long as we're talking about people playing KSP, electricity and powerful enough computers are the limiting factor, not internet connectivity.

    sure, because where there is no electricity there still is internet :) pfff

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