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Posts posted by Tuareg

  1. So I am not sure if I get this right,but this mod is like Hullcam VDS, but it has an EVA viewable screen, with automated camera, and capable of seeing cameras on another craft?

    Now if someone has a way to send simple commands to other craft without switching active vessel, we would have ourselves a full fledged drone control mod.

    im actually working on that :)

  2. The other 2 monitor there's no problems and looking at the CFG there the same but that 1, I can place it and that it can move it, I can't even highlight it again and out of VAB on pad can't hightlight so can't use it kerbal can't pick it up will take out my cfg and check it.

    u are right, one of the colliders is wrong. thanks for warning :) fixed

  3. OMG YES! The ability to have picture in picture is an absolute GODSEND to the videos I wanted to make!

    I don't have much to say right now but I will probably be back here with a million questions/suggestions for you in the future.

    suggestions are always welcome :) questions? less liked but what can i do? :):):):) :cool:

  4. Awesome!! Planning on supporting WiFi? Ie. view cameras on the monitor for any craft within physics range?

    its part of the gameplay as it works already, you just need to dock the 2 vessels (either docking port, claw or KAS does the trick), detect the cameras with the monitor and after undocking you can still see the image of the remote camera. You can collect any amount of cameraID-s.

    im thinking of making it possible so if the vessels has communotrons, they will be able to detect the remote cameras too

  5. I feel completely like OP.

    I've bought this game 2 years ago not for what it had not for what it promised but for the potentials it has. After a few patches I was already disappointed as I saw the devs have no any intention to add content or gameplay to it, they just try to streamline it but the 2 years old release was just about the state (based on sandbox) as it is now, and as it will be finally released (thats my guess now).

    ok they have made a rushed out science and missions (what i think is quite the final state, they might finetune it a bit but no big changes are coming), included some mods and thats it. the stock game is boring after the first 5-10 hours and many of the modders are giving up already, more will after the final release im sure. most of us are still waiting for some miracle if they change their mind but its very unlikely...

    from the gamers view the only good thing can happen if some modders get together and create a complete overhaul but this game is not X3 so i wouldnt hold my breath

  6. Tuareg and Ximrm the 2 lunatics are here to release the:

    Dynamic CCTV system compatible with KAS (isn't required). Now with WiFi camera

    Camera functions:

    • Switch on/off
    • Sweeping movement on/off
    • Set FoV (only on controllable craft so set it before you attach it to a building or wreck or whatever)

    Planned movement detection and zoom

    Monitor functions:

    • Switch on/off
    • Detect cameras
    • Remote control of camera movement
    • Cycle through attached cameras

    Best with First Person Eva and KAS Thanks for the guys for the great mods.

    My remote control station:


    source included in download

  7. ? There is no early access. You buy a unity license for 4.x and you get U5, and it has been that way since U5 announcement.

    They'll release once it's ready. U5 include some rather large change from some platform (they while IL2CPP stuff) so I m not surprised it takes time.

    there isnt? hmmm. and u get u5 if you buy 4x? hmmm. i thought upgrade price is $750 so u dont just get it and you can preorder u5 so u get the beta now and the full on release. they do it because a lot of geeks go to "preorder" so they can be in advantage in front of those still using u4. once the number of these early birds is down they will release the same beta renamed to full build



    Unity Pro 4.xUnity Pro 5.x$750

  8. Then what the heck do you think is shooting out of the bottom of the engine? Why, then, do they think they bring oxidizer? For laughs? NO. They Bring oxidizer in order to keep the engine running, and as a result of combining oxygen, fuel, and heat (the fire triangle) you get FIRE. LOTS and LOTS of FIRE. You can have fire anywhere as long as you have oxygen, even in space.

    Is there fire inside you? Or is that a chemical reaction with generating heat? Not every oxigen+fuel+heat called fire. its called oxidisation... Hot gases leaving the rocketengines, not fire.

  9. So, I was thinking about this and came up with a thought. Yes, only one thought. My brain is really busy these days and that's all I could afford.


    Oh, right, I should probably tell you what the thought was, shouldn't I?

    Right then... I was thinking that having options to increase/decrease the gravity factor in addition to the "like this body's gravity" settings would be useful, along with a readout of the current gravity factor being applied to the craft. Perhaps put the change rate at 0.25, thus allowing for quarter-gravity changes. Then, all you'd need is a reset function to disable the gravity modification and reset the device to the default for the current body.

    originally i had a slider for that reason but the problem is that many mun would require 0.01 steps but then i can set the max only for like 1. if i want the max value as 20 then the minimum step is 0.1 so yeah. i just removed it

  10. I hate to say it and it may have already been said. but these problems are mainly caused by you.

    if you tried to mod ANY other game with over 40 different mods (by different modders in an Unfinished game) im dam sure you would have far more problems.

    just for one, well three, examples are elder scrolls games. morrowind, oblivion and skyrim can run hundreds of mods with little to no issues. they are not perfect by far but a single scene in skyrim has more assets on screen than KSP has alltogether, still it can run perfectly... im modding both games and guess which one is better to work with, well, i help a bit, its not ksp. actually ksp gives little to no help for modding and even that little is full of bugs, its rather unity we can say thanks for most of the mods.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Unfortunately there are very small number of choices in newtonian spaceflight genre. On the other hand, it is very diverse area of possibilities. I think that therefore people have so much contradicting demands to Squad. Somebody wants to engineering game with a lot of technical details, math and realistic physics, somebody wants to build experimentally with "moar boosters" attitude. Other people wants economic and other terrestrial resources, build productive systems with space resources, fly planes, make huge stations, see nice graphics etc. It is clear that stock KSP or any other single game can never respond to everybody's demands. KSP is Squad's opinion. Fortunately they have understood that and made game open for mods. Now everyone can pick suitable mods for their playstyle. But it also means that vanilla KSP is very boring to most players. It is just a platform on which players can build their own game by selecting suitable mods.

    yep, this explanation would be nice if the game would run stable with the said mods :)

  11. 1) in the .cfg Consumption = 0.5 change to whatever lower value you want

    2) copy the MODULE from the .cfg into the wheel's .cfg. it can be a problem if you activate it with hotkey you will activate all 4 wheel in the same time and you will make a rocket from your rover. if you activate it with the toggle button only on one wheel, it should work fine

  12. new model is implemented as well as new hotkey added (numpad 5)


    - - - Updated - - -

    Can I drive on the actual Mun with Kerbin gravity? Now that would be nice! :cool:

    yes, you have to take its huge energy consumption, but yes, definitely. you cant use it to launch crafts though, its electronics are getting disabled if there are any kind of engines on the craft. (except props so you can still create little rcs driven levitating crafts with setting the gravity to Gilly :cool: )


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