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Posts posted by Tuareg

  1. ksp will never run smooth. after every patch i load my old savegame to see if my spacestation is lagging or not and when i see the 10 fps at best i just quit and wait for the next patch... (my pc is a fx 8350 black with 16gb ram so definitely not my problem) crysis 3 runs smooth, ksp doesnt

    (or does it run smooth ONLY 2gb ram below? hehe i will have to downgrade)

  2. well, i could be the "i've already told this when they have announced science" guy and... well, i've already told this. dont wait anything intuitive from squad. they know it well they have already harvested most of the money from this game so they just hint some crap (like the new refueling) claim that the game is complete and abandon it. i follow this game 2 years ago and bought 1.5 years ago but it knows nothing more than in those time. squad had a good idea, they have built the base but they dont want to invest into it any more. it progresses like a garage project and it will end exactly like one.

  3. I know what you mean. You can unlock the tech tree without leaving the Kerbin system. There needs to be another incentive to go to other planets. They are bringing in resources so that's a good thing.

    and yet it will NOT make you to do anything interesting as it will be probably just a part add to your craft. land on asteroid, and it will autofill up the tanks. done...

  4. I've got a config I made for myself for this exact purpose. Personally, I just wanted to recreate Philae and the stock Claw was too big.

    Give me a couple of hours to get back to my PC and I'll post it. Just keep in mind that it's just a half-size claw, not a new model or anything. The original will still be in the game, though. :)

    would be great thanks

    If you want Squad to take the suggestion seriously, I recommend explaining why you think it would be nice. It doesn't have to be a huge explanation, just something more substantial than "I think it would be nice". A half-size attachment for redirecting asteroids doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me immediately.

    What problem does it solve?

    What niche does it fill?

    Why is the current version not suitable for the situations that you see the half-size being useful?

    meh, i dont think they take anything seriously. it was much more of a "drop up an idea, some might start talking about" stuff. the reason behind is simple i think as there are different size of parts and so u can build different size crafts its simply too big for a small craft/lander/whatever. i use it for general docking and landing purposes sometimes but u cant do it with this big one...

  5. I definitely agree with that. The red cross is a bit overpowered for starting the game though, but like I said, if it gets worked into the building upgrades it would be an incredible edition to the game.

    I've actually got a bunch of mods that I'm using that don't change the game a lot, but make life easier. The most noteworthy was the trajectory mod, and since I thought "why isn't this in the game by default", I decided to create this thread.

    glad u did, it would be great in stock game.

  6. A fuel generator part that requires electricity to hydrolyze water or ice. That seems like all you really need to me! You need to land it on a planet in such a way that it can drill down into the ground, and it will generate fuel at a fixed, fairly low rate if it has enough power. It will fill whatever tanks are part of the same vessel. Fuel transfer to another vessel is through a docking port. If you want to refuel a ship that lands nearby, you'll need a rover with a tank on it and a docking port that is either mounted at the right height/angle or somehow adjustable.

    so from that moment you just have to add that one part to the craft and you can refuel it wherever you want. the game will be really interesting from that moment :)

  7. As insightful the rest of your post is...

    ...this just doesn't seem right. I've never seen reference to anything like this within Unity. Do you have a source?

    no need of any reference. if you have unitiy engine, place a model into the scene, apply a force. it will not accelerate but get a constant speed and start moving with that speed until there is an other force applied to it...

    best to see it in KSP is the crappy eva. did u ever wonder how is that pressing any movement button will launch poor kerbal into the deepspace instead of slowly accelerating against its mass? thats why. they apply a force and it doesnt cause acceleration but apply a speed based on the force/mass ratio

  8. the problem with multithreading physics is not that squad couldnt write a multithreading api but that the physics is fully INSIDE the engine. its not something they have any control over it. they could multithread their own code, their own calculations (even that would be good but thats tiny little compared to the calculations done by the engine).

    if you try to imagine a black box you are pouring data into and it will do something with it, the physics engine is the black box and your code is the one pouring the data into. you can optimize/multithread your code, but you cant change what is inside the box...

    the biggest problem is that this actual black box is made to simulate physics ON THE SCREEN and it isn't up to simulate real physics or to make realistic physics calculations. It's just to make it "looks like". building a physics simulation on something like this is silly.

    There would be 2 ways

    a: write their own physics (it sounds horrible but it actually isn't) but knowing squads drunken garage developer style it will never happen

    b: integrate a modelling engine used in engineering, we all know it will also not happen

    So whats left is cheating wherever they will need, and they will need a lot...

    One of the biggest crap in KSP physics (both unity's and squad's fault):

    unity physics engine, when you apply a force to an object, in reality apply a SPEED to the object calculated from the weight and the force but missing the time value. there is no acceleration over time just momentary speed, however we all know in reality it doesnt work like this.

    now if you launch a rocket with solidboosters around it has x force, they calculate its speed of it but when the solidbooster gets empty, your SPEED drops because they calculate the new speed from the new force / weight, however it shouldnt. only the acceleration should decrease, not the speed (if the speed decrease it would mean that your rocket cant lift off without the solidboosters).

  9. If you can just use a probe core to control the craft the piloting skill is pretty useless, probe cores are light compared to manned command pods.

    well, for me its logical that a probe core can drive the craft on its own and it should be better than a BAD pilot. they should be able to do general things on their own or complex things with radio control (aka you pilot it) while trained kerbals should be able to do more complex things. (just as an example a probe should be able to go up on a planned route to orbit, but it cant chase an other craft to dock, cant dock etc, while a kerbal should be able to do it with the right training)

  10. I think the whole "on world" exploration and science aspect needs some expansion.

    by "on world" I mean all vehicles that traverse planets surfaces. (rovers, boats, flying drones etc)

    one thing id like is:

    programmable robotic rovers! like adding way points and science markers in map view. this could be linked in to sat mapping in some way also.

    hill slopes can be mapped out easy enough so slopes steeper than X° are impassable.

    speed limits for robotic rovers would be easy too.

    the player could be forced to "calibrate" the rover when they activate the auton-o-rove function. calibration would determine the max safe incline, max safe speed.

    the way points would act like "rails" rovers could be left to rove on there own, outside of physics focus.

    *im assuming they are working on adding sat mapping. its only what 90% of space operations are centered around after all.

    yes, it would be very much needed to make the rovers any useful. sadly squad said there will be no automations...

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