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Everything posted by Tuareg

  1. http://u3d.as/content/amfu/terra-vol-voxel-terrain-engine/4ts
  2. ksp planets are not unity terrains. they are proc generated planets (probably a bought asset from the store). with this kind of terrains you could even cut caves during play if they would implement it. but they wont...
  3. the problem is that they can't. what do you think. if they would have the ability, wouldn't they already have done it?
  4. well. i think in its current state its boring to be a game with its really limited possibilities and simply just bad for simulator 'cos of its faults. also, i think for most ppl the closest to logical or intuitive (i intentionally dont use the word realistic) is the better both as game and as simulator because they dont have to learn the silly fake game-mechanism instead of working from what they know from real life. so, heavily modded its a gameulator as sal said. stock? its a good question. more of none
  5. you know what takes the 99% of the programs running time? the human interaction. think of loading up the most important assets and let ppl playing with the menu... in the meantime a thread can run in the background loading up the main scene assets, let them start, they see nice buildings, looking around, in the meantime you can still load... etc etc etc. if they press the button too quick 'cos they already know the stuff, a little "be patient" message and its done. this is how big asset programs work. you just need to know what will you need next time. dont even mention the amount of assets ksp has is just a fragment of how many assets a modern game put on the opening screen the magic is called optimisation
  6. khmmm... I would just add that creating multiparent connections doesnt create physical loop just connection loop, actually doesnt have any kind of connection to calculating physical forces and with ships built on the go you can already create connection loops. we just can't design it in the VAB. So thanks for all the willingness to help...
  7. you overcomplicate it. to make it simple an orbiting object which doesnt have external forces applied has the same rotation as its orbit so it always look into the center of the orbited body. it could be freaking easily simulated both in active both in rail mode. its the natural way, its logical, its simple, its realistic and its more fun
  8. do you have a x386? big games doesnt even have scenetransition, they load smoothly on the go and they have 1000times more assets KSP has...
  9. could you modify that shader to look more like EVE-onlines wormhole?
  10. a, dont worry, it will be nearly free. b, if ksp in its current form is fun for you, it will not be difficult. I will just copy/paste a tetris. c, no problem, i will add a new color every 4 months or so... Back on-topic, if you check out my mods, you can see I was playing a bit here and there with KSP's gravity and I can tell you, even zero gravity doesn't work, don't even mention the planets. N body physics CAN be implemented in any program, it's Squad's ability is the problem. Even bullet physics can be used in Unity. Creating the game =/= popping models into a game engine, giving them parameters and let them run... This is quite what KSP is. Funny that even the mod loading module is a mod originally. Tidal forces are the basics' of any orbitmechanism. Why do we model a fake something which isn't even close to realistic if we could make it look realistic with just one more lines? and those tiny tidal forces would mean a lot in KSP as the objects looking towards one point of the sky while on orbit is completely wrong. I don't know how is it in mexico but in hungary every kid in the primary school has at least 4 years compulsory physics studies and except the most stupid ones everybody knows how gravity works... what is on the first image is the natural way in reality. the second image is when the object has an initial angular force and its against the relaxed orbiting. that's when tidal forces appear to relax that initial rotation. though in KSP (and in reality) you are able to stop that initial rotation with other tools (like the gyro) and after that the first, relaxed way should apply. but in KSP it doesn't, your ship will keep looking at one point of the sky. its fake, its ugly and its disappointing. (I forgot to add, that over that its ugly and fake, it makes satellites completely pointless)
  11. huhhh, what a bad excuse. u say proper gravity is programmed so badly and buggy because a flawless one wouldnt add to the gameplay? I want to sell my next software to you first best ever customer
  12. Well, that physics engine is so more or less improved that just with CPU under heavy pressure it can do 7-8 times better on an 8 core amd than the current one. and unity 5 (not from release, it will be a later 5.x addition) will support nvidia hardware as extra... whatever makes top PC-s lagging after Unity 5 will be Squad. So yeah, it will fix one big thing: no more excuses!!!
  13. fixed a couple of little bugs added viewrange added scale option to monitors enjoy
  14. hi there. im working on a camera based mod and i have a weird issue i think u might have met already. when im looking at kerbin with my camera and flying away, at 100k the planet disappears. if i understand well, thats the point when the scenery change from the normal view to the scaled down view, but how to solve it so my cam dont notice it? thanks for the help
  15. nope, it works with parts only where you can add a MODULE to the config file i did apologise because i not anymore release on Curse. that's a crap site, slow buggy and un-intuitive... i just don't have the patience to use it
  16. agree with op, what more actiongroups should be editable on the fly so you could see what is bound to what and you could change add or remove too... i dont think it would be hard to solve in stock if a modder could have done it and its so much basic. pls squad add it to 1.0
  17. Yeah, I think this will be the general reaction too btw, i love this gif
  18. Well, this is a little modder release so you can load any custom pre-compiled shader into KSP and add to gameobjects which are childs of the Part you are adding this plugin. no pics or whatever, this is for other modders. https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/554/Custom%20Shader%20Loader example of use: 2.0: MODULE { name = shaderLoader //name of compiled shader file. if the shader is not in the same directory as the .dll, it needs relative path. shader = energy.shader,energy1.shader //no space in the list //name of the child object the shader should be applied to : name of the shader / **not the shader file!!!** / model = Box002:Shieldeffect1,Box003:Shieldeffect2,Box004:Shieldeffect1 } 1.0: MODULE { name = shaderLoader //name of compiled shader. if the shader is not in the same directory as the .dll, it needs relative path. shader = energy.shader //name of the child object the shader should be applied to model = Box002 } enjoy license source included in download from now on i release only on kerbalstuff. sry
  19. Version 1.12 bugfix: energy consumption can now properly set up in .cfg (the default is still high but now if you change it in .cfg, it will work properly) it appears in editor in the right alignment (not upside down like it used to) moved to Utility
  20. bug fixed: electricity consumption in .cfg should work now properly added own shader for a fun effect (effect colors and size also in the .cfg)
  21. this would be the best way though it would need connection matrix instead of part tree so no way squad will EVER implement it... maybe a modder
  22. oh man. squad cant even program correct gravity forces how u think something this complex? tidal force would be the most basic thing and its completely ignored
  23. agree, it would just need an other building which keeps the recovered vehicles, dont destroy them but takes science from them, refuel them and you could modify them. it was my first disappointment when i've started to play this game ages ago that there is nothing like this...
  24. i want a single inline part i can attach to a claw land it on an asteroid and with a click refill the requested fueltank, be it rcs or lf+o whatever.... well its not true, but i think this will happen
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