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Everything posted by MedievalNerd

  1. Please keep me appraised on this amazing renaming/overhaul of the engines to 'real names. I will definitely update my tech tree to match the tech levels and all. I'm going to sound annoying, but let's not forget to have engines that have higher than 0 minimum tech level based on their 'release date'. Thanks a million,
  2. If you can also have some parts that have a minimum tech level higher than 0, that would be great. If an engine was made available in the 70's, then it should have a minimum tech level of 4 or 5. Cheers,
  3. The problem with B9 is the number of parts. I'm not interested in sorting through 100+ parts and place them in the tree, there is a lot of redundancy like fuel tanks and other parts. It alreayd took me weeks to get the tree sorted the way it is, throwing in an extra 100 parts will most likely kill me. (And might cause memory issues considering how many mods are already on board) Perhaps just go through the stock, NP & KW surface control, wings/wiglets and propose a 2 or 3 tier progress for it. That would be more than enough for now. If you could list them by 'partname' IE: Tier 1: Partname1 Partname2 Tier 2: Partname3 Partname4 Tree Edit does list the 'title' of a part, but it's not pleasant to have to count them manually and pick the right one as partname, since they often have little resemblance. If you have any questions feel free to PM me at any time. Thanks,
  4. How dare you fall asleep! How many 3AM runs we did in the last 2 weeks? lol
  5. Why thank you for trying it out! I'ts my very first mod/plugin, so I apologize for the little bumps here and there. But I'm going to keep working on it to make sure it's in a fun state. As I asked a few times in my comments, I'm open to suggestions for experiments. (Collect X data, around Y body, in Z situation, for A science points) Feel free to send me your suggestions via PM. In order to get a full experience of scientific missions, MCE is apealing to allow for impact missions which can then also payout science. Simulating impact objective with the science modules, even with my plugin, it's not really feasible. Some people have expressed concerns about SRBs and their usefulness. I tend to use them to give me a little boost to my core stage and allows me to cheat with a slightly lower than 1.2TWR on the LP. I'll put a ring of 8 Globe I's around my 2M core stage. I was talking with Nathan, and one of the useful things of KSP (which can be modeled in KSP) is their price. They are cheaper than than rocket fuel engines. So once money is in play, using a quick SRB fix rather than get better engine or add liquid boosters will be more meaningful. I'm considering perhaps lowering the cost of SRBs by maybe 50% and see how that plays in the whole thing. I'll keep that for V19. I'm going to add experiments to the 'mercury' and Gemini capsules. And adding with a MCE mission, you could do the Gemini docking mission and have it payout science. Not really possible in the science module mindset. (Although I could add a 'docked' situation check) Well see. I don't want to turn the plugin into this huge thing that does more than it should. I'm actually surprised I got it working the way it is right now. haha Another thing I'm looking help for, is suggestions on how to split the aircraft tree. Right now ti's a bit of a mess and everything is bundled into 2 nodes. And I realized I have KSPI's ram scoops in there, should move those along with the advance propulsion section of the tree. cheers,
  6. Yup, you still need to. (hence the pre-release note on top of the OP). And no you can't, but you can easilyl move the 'edit window' to the far low right, and you'll barely notice it then on.
  7. So the problem was in 2 places, the new error messages added I had removed also a Data check. Here is the updated plugin, just overwrite the one you currently have installed with this one: https://www.dropbox.com/s/89vdl34xqw1hyf1/CustomExperiment.dll
  8. Hey everyone, When I added the new error messages, I forgot to add target situations to the munar experiments, please download this file and overwrite the matching one in the RPL_Tweak_pack\Tweaks\Probe Experiment Tweaks\ https://www.dropbox.com/s/yy49a99zisik5zn/RPL_Tweaks_Probe_Squad.cfg Sorry for the inconvenience, but replacing this file and loading up your game should fix it!
  9. Sorry, I'll have a look at this today and release a fix for either the plugin or the experiment files. Darnit!
  10. Strange, even if I load someone elses tree (from the tree edit list) and press F5, it does seem to be saving a local copy of it in the save folder. Rest assured that as soon as I 'released' V17 I had already PM'd r4m0n to get the tree published, but I think he's been away for a bit more than 2 weeks now, so we'll have to wait for his return before I can see my tree in there. :/ Memory aside then, using things like procedural fuel tanks will probably help with part count as each stage can basically be a single tank. I can't wait for you to get your new laptop and get to enjoy the game even more. R4m0n asked me last time if I wanted it published and I said it was just about ready, should have said yes then and there! Woe is me! Cheers,
  11. Well best of luck with the take over, and looking forward to what the future holds! Cheers,
  12. What does the F2 report say? There is an stock issue which is excacerbated with RSS, which is the ground contact error with clamps. Try diffirent configuration of clamps and you should make it. There is also an intermittent DRE issue where you sometimes can burn up on the LP. Just revert to launch or VAB and that as well should work. @V18 Mini Update I saw that the Gemini parts were erroneously placed somewhere in engineering, put all of them in the tier 2 of capsules & landers. I've also pushed the Interstellar Science Lab & Computer core to seperate upper branches, and put the Jr Lab in a node prior to that. Cheers,
  13. Your career got messed up because of the new tree? Pretty sure that once a career is started, you run off the locally saved copy of the tech tree you loaded initially. Let me know if I got that straight, because I want to make sure I'm messing people's games when I perform updates. From what I could see, my old saves still had the old version of the trees. To help with low memory issues, I HIGHLY recommend the Active Memory saver plugin: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-22-Release-1-Active-Memory-Reduction-Mod This does wonders for me in terms of reducing the amount of memory required by the game.
  14. Did your Kerbal disappear along with your logs!? It's a conspiracy! Don't need to crash. just go in the folder that Nathan mentioned above!
  15. For gravity turns in RSS you want to start as soon as you hit ~100m/s. Very early on. You can't do what a lot of people usually do in stock KSP which is go straight up up to 10km and then do your gravity burn, you'll most likely spin out of control if you try to do that. And Ideally you'll want your rocket to have a surface TWR of ~1.2-1.3. When I do that i usually don't end up going too fast before clearing at least the first layer of atmosphere. You can ask mech jeb to show you an ascent node to follow, it could give you an idea of how fast you want to turn. (very slowly) And sure I'll send you some screenshots of vessels I used for my campaign, i'll probably make a video about it. Cheers,
  16. I was in a rush just before supper time to release the pack, so that people could start enjoying this new version. But I might make a stock 'size' pack. But it would still need all those mods but instead of using the realmass/fuels, it would use stock mass/fuels. Obviously results may vary as I'm planning progress more so in line of what you can do using the 'essential mods'. For Life Support, I'm a growing fan of ECLSS for it's power tracking properties. So even when dealing with unmanned probes/satellites, power sustainability is something tha needs to be ensured! But, some people have reported performance issues using BUT (yes another but) the plugin is still getting quick updates and fixes and it's in a really good spot right now as far as I'm concerned performance wise. Just wanted to put that side note in. Glad you decided to go full scale, it's a whole other experience. Plus you can actually go read up on real life rockets and see what type of design you could go for. I'm loving the Delta rockets. With those sexy blue tanks! @andqui: If you install realchutes with the 3 packages it comes with (FASA, Stock and NP) it'll work fine. The only thing though is the new chutes with the resize aren't yet implemented within realchutes. So those will still behave like stock chutes. (Which isn't that bad, but just plan accordingly) For Gemini I believe Nathan already tweaked it, please go ahead and post that question on the RO thread since Nathan took care of those specific tweaks. (Where part of his old KATO tweaks if i'm not mistaken, which are all in this new version called RO) Thanks for the compliments and feedback, I'll keep working on this till it gets where it needs to be. Plans for V19: #1 - Continue the probe overhaul for torque/size/power/experiments. #2 - Add the first manned custom experiments (linked to Capsules/Landers) #3 - Expand on Munar Unmanned experiments #4 - Add Deimos/Phobos fly-bys (need to check how difficult that is) #5 - Review the other capsules for size/specs to bring into the resize. #6 - Consider movie "probe level" propulsion into advance probe parts of the tech tree. (tiny engines & RCS blocks) Right now the aviation tech line is pretty much a bit of a mess. If anyone could suggest perhaps 3 tiers of aviation parts, I would love to try it out in the tree. I'm more of a rocket guy, so the plane parts don't really appeal me enough to do them justice. Don't want to leave the aviation buffs hanging. Cheers,
  17. I'm assuming you are keeping an eye on your G forces? It's rather insane now (since how light tanks are) how you can easily over G espacially in later stages depending on how powerful you engine is. Does the F2 report say why it disconnected?
  18. Shamless self promotion is, 3, 2, 1: My RPL Tech Tree version 18 is out! Go break it!
  19. Howdy everyone, So with a few fixes and changes, with some light reorganization, I present you RPL Version 18: V18a - Change Log Tech Tree: * Created a Realism MiniPack to minimize confusion/downloads. (link on OP) * Reorganized some tech lines (placement wise) * Reshuffled Engines to fit new tech levels of the MiniPack. * Reshuffled Capsules tech line entirely, put non tweaked capsules later until they also get tweaked. * Merged Adapters & Fairings * Engineering now includes Structurals & Dockping Ports * "new" Staging Tech line - Decouplers & Seperators + Parachutes. * Added additional node for KAS. (Winches & Grapling comes in 2nd tier) * Various other reshuffles to account for all the new parts. (struts, ports, adapters, etc.) Plugin & Custom Experiments * Fixed Lunar mission bug with not being able to perform mission while landed. * Added multiple possible TargetSituations to Data recorder to allow grouping experiment of different situations within the same probe. (Cube2) * Added Eve & Duna flybys data readings. * Manned Capsules are available from Tier 1 Probes, but still more expensive. * Added custom error messages for Data Recorder and Experiments. In order of importance they will say what is their TargetBody, TargetSituation(s). Thank you everyone for the general feedback and comments. I would like it if any of you have more specific suggestions for experiments (where, conditions, scan or sample, etc.), to please PM my with your suggestions, I'll be happy to implement them in the pack. This is all proving to be way more work than I over thought. But it's going to be fun down the road, right? Here is the latest snapshot:
  20. Exactly. The lure of MC geosynch sat is large, but its' a quite DV expensive manover to setup. I tend to send a series of 3-4 statellites around LEO, so to have a 'chain' which then allows you do do some more interesting manovers with the increased communication with MC.
  21. Not yet, I actually managed to make a "DEV" version which I'll be able to work on in between updates, instead of doing updates to the live version which is what sort of happened. I tested the plugin with the new error messages and it's working OK. Not as neat as I want it but beggars cant' be choosers! The sorting of the tree is done basically, but I'm still uncertain about how best to layout capsule progression (in terms of parts) and on the fence about the whole 'advanced probe' parts sub tree. I'll probably leave it like this and release it along with the updated tweak pack and fixes. I've added multiple TargetSituations for the Data Recorder, so a probe can group experiments of varying situations. IE, InSpaceHigh, InSpaceLow, SrfLanded. Don't laugh at the error message, since depending on whether the are multiple situations for a probe, you might see an extra comma or two.
  22. Yeah, with V18, I'll update the OP and have a little surprise in the making to make things even easier. Stay tuned,
  23. Sorry if it's taking so long, but I'm going over the plugin for Custom Experiments to make sure it's working properly. The Data Recorder was actually not looping in it's body check. And I'm currently adding more intuitive error messages from Experiments and the Data recorder modules. So rather than say not calibrated for the current conditions. it'll say in the following order, TargetBody & TargetSituation. I've been able to get the SrfLanded flag, so it's probably something else causing the SrfLanded experiment not being detected properly! I'll get it sorted. I'm also checking with NathanKell if I could maybe have a pack for the whole realism mods in one download and already set to real fuel and real masses. (Real Solar System, Modular Fuel Tanks, Realism Overhaul Tweaks, StretchySRB/Tanks) I'd include those with my tech tree tweak pack (extra probes, custom experiments and Data Recorder). That would basically set the stage to make sure your tweaks are in place and you aren't forgetting anything balance related.
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