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Everything posted by I_Killed_Jeb

  1. The solution is relatively easy in this case. Use separatron boosters when staging the tanks, they'll fall quite far away, clear from the main stack
  2. mind.blown. didn't harvester specifically say he didn't want science to be a timewarp thing?
  3. You'll be surprised how reasonably small the drop in DV is when using the Rhino in a big enough craft
  4. Launched like this: And when landed, it looks like this: Pretty straightforward. My Mun base was delivered via skycrane and surface docked
  5. Just launch it vertically inside a fairing. Post pics for us to give more specific advice, but being a bit off center due to wheels is usually very easily overcome with reaction wheels and thrust vectoring. Also, launch your rover empty or mostly empty and the transfer stage mass will just dwarf the payload
  6. This thread makes me a little sad I didn't know how to capture screenshots in Steam when I first started playing this game
  7. The whole purpose of a forum is to have a discussion isn't it? If anything it seems more appropriate that a post-release update should only tweak the aesthetic as opposed to overhauling it dramatically, using mods for that particular purpose if desired
  8. The only reliable way to get a true TWR readout with jet engines with KER is to launch the craft and get the in-flight readout of TWR (look at the denominator).
  9. That's, just, like, your opinion, MAN ;-) But we'll just have to agree to disagree. I find part of KSP's charm to be the whole bolted-on mishmash of stuff kind of aesthetic it had in the beginning. The fact that the company has JUNKYARD in its name but you wanting a uniform, sleek look for all parts from all companies I think is kind of illogical. I mean, why even have companies at that point?
  10. I'm personally pretty tired of this argument, which I find trite. We shouldn't abandon our faculties because "it's Squad's game". Taking this kind of thinking to its logical endpoint, you don't have a right to say what I have the right to define, because it's my prerogative to define the world I live in. The game is not a one way street where KSP is being birthed into a bottomless void; its purpose is to be used, played by its end-users, i.e. us. Therefore we of course have the right to have whatever opinion we deem fit of that experience, some of which will extend to its completeness. Don't sidetrack the discussion, which is a valid one, with these non-sequiturs.
  11. I prefer pointing prograde with full airbrakes until my craft stops heating up (I use the KER heat readout) and then go full dive (often times up to negative 35-30 degrees AoA). I pull up to glide in for a final approach that's relatively gentle. I have not had a problem with this yet.
  12. Lots of different approaches, some of which have been explained above. Most helpful, I think, is to err slightly on the long side and then aggressively scrub speed/altitude using airbrakes and a deep 45 degree dive once KSC is in sight. Something to keep in mind is that entering like a space shuttle (high AoA with nose pointing up) will very significantly lengthen your glide trajectory from the lift, even at pretty high altitudes. Your plane looks very well lifted so I think you might be running into this a bit.
  13. Good call on all of these. It seems unfortunately the KXP stuff is on the backburner, since they never talk about it. Would love more, proper RPG-ish elements, like customizing kerbals and a better, revamped leveling system. Guess more Skyrim, less... what we have now
  14. Personally, while I love SPP stuff and Porkjet's Mk2 overhaul, I would prefer to keep the current rocket aethetic than his more sleek approach
  15. The Mk1 cockpit underwent a redesign very recently and they've completely overhauled it, so I don't think that's really a factor here
  16. Personally have never been a huge fan of their look (although they fit with the chunkier rocket aesthetic) and am kind of hoping they get a cooler look soon, maybe with the nozzles a bit more exposed or something. Anyone else thinking the same?
  17. How about increasing the mass of the new cockpit, making it a two seater? It certainly looks like one
  18. I'm bummed the old design is getting tossed, I really liked the old in-line mk1 too as opposed to the current bubble. A shame that we can't just keep the old parts, esp. with the move to 64bit and the presumed increase in memory usage ability
  19. Here you go - Pre-landing, the Twin Craters biome lights up under the 70% filter. Landed, the surface scan reveals a 6.13% concentration Now, back in map view, the filter no longer lights up the biome under the same settings!
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