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Everything posted by pellinor

  1. This is just what KSP-AVC is made for. It compares versions and provides you with download links but does not touch the KSP install.
  2. I don't see what this is supposed to do. Furthermore it does not depend on the 'eng' variable so why is it inside of the FOR loop? In my understanding ship:partstagged("something") will return a list of parts. Probably the IF is trying to convert that list to a bool. In some languages this is equivalent to "the list is non-empty", but I don't think that kOS supports that.
  3. Release v2.2.9 for KSP 1.1.2: * fix for drag cube scaling * update right click menu after rescale * recompile for 1.1.2 * cleanup for mass scaling
  4. modular fuel tanks (or realFuels, which uses the same code)
  5. See if it works with stock+tweakScale, then add other mods back in. For resource nodes not scaling, the most likely candidate is MFT, which to my knowledge does not support TweakScale currently (and the fix might take some time since its developers are quite busy fixing stock bugs).
  6. With stock+TweakScale I can't reproduce this. Any other mods that touch part mass, like fuel switches? Where do you see the negative mass? Engineer's report? mechjeb? In editor or flight? 1.1 changed how part mass adjustments work (in flight), so new mod interaction bugs would not be a surprise. But we need a reproduction with a minimum of mods in order to find them.
  7. Which problems? The only thing I ma aware of is the new B9 partswitch module, which does not support TweakScale yet. But this needs to happen in the partswitch module since it stores its information in a way that TweakScale can not access.
  8. Dev update: * fix drag cube scaling The drag cubes need to be scaled later now. If I scale onLoad (like before) or onStart, KSP overwrites the changes with the initial values. Now I scale in the first update and it seems to work.
  9. Dev update v2.2.8: * recompile for KSP 1.1.1 * (edit) forget the versionChecker, sneaked that in without incrementing the version
  10. Without understanding in detail what you are doing, I note two things: * How come inclination goes into it and not LAN? The result must somehow depend not only on how far your orbit is from equatorial, but also in which direction it is tilted. This would affect latitude more than longitude, so it might be the error you are looking for. * Lat/Lon is quite an awkward coordinate system to do calculations (because it breaks the symmetry of the sphere in a quite arbitrary way). It is often more convenient to use normalized vectors for calculations and convert the result to Lat/Lon. For example I find it much more convenient to use the orbit normal vector for calculations instead of Inc and LAN.
  11. Seems like we have a problem with dragCube scaling. A small 1.25m rocket has a terminal velocity of about 100m/s when using a stock tank. When I use a downscaled version of the largest Kerbodyne tank, this drops to about 30m/s. So something broke with dragcube scaling, probably drag not scaled at all at the moment.
  12. Dev update: * update right click menu after rescale
  13. No Idea, haven't used it yet. All I can say that there is no support from TweakScale's side (bdarmoury might come with its own scaling configs). I always thought that would work, at least for single parts? Have to check. Changing how/when the game shows right click menus would be out of scope for this mod. All it does at the moment is attaching a "tweakable" object to a variable, everything else is organized automagically by the game.
  14. I made a few issues on github for the current to do list, and will try to keep them up to date: https://github.com/pellinor0/TweakScale/issues
  15. The log helped, there is a good collection of exceptions, especially one caught my attention: >> AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'Regolith': Regolith was a resource mod that was pulled into stock long ago, the last supported KSP version was 0.90! Please don't just copy your pile of mods from one KSP version to the next. It causes all sorts of issues. And even if the game tries its best to survive exceptions they are generally a sign that something is wrong.
  16. Release v2.2.7.2: * fix scaling of the root part (many thanks to NathanKell) Known issues: * editor: tweakables of scaled values are not updating their limits correctly (specifically RESOURCE nodes) (Workaround: right click again, or attach/detach a part on the vessel)
  17. I can not reproduce this. What I am doing: * take MK1 pod * attach small stock battery, right click => says 100EC * scale to 200% => still says 100EC (if I would right click again at this point, the dislay would jump to the correct 800EC) * launch => I end up with 800EC on the pad For engines I tried two Vectory of different size (0.625 and 1.25), and the thrust of the small one was considerably lower. Do you happen to have MFT or realFuels installed? By design TweakScale is not touching some things if their modules are present on a part. Edit: more specifically: "ModuleEngineConfigs" makes it ignore engines and "ModuleFuelTanks" makes it ignore RESOURCE nodes.
  18. Thanks for reporting. What I can reproduce is that scaling a part does not update the right click menu. Once I launch the vessel or attach another part, the values are right. So there is probably some 'shipModified' event missing in the editor. I'll have a look. Edit: looks like the event is there, the tweakables are just not updating like they did in 1.0.5. And there is a future issue that we now have two more stock tweakables for float values. Scaling their limits won't work out of the box, we'll need some extra code for that.
  19. Dev update: * get "model" transform by name instead of assuming that it is the first. This should fix the root part bug.
  20. The way I would test this is to compare two things of equal mass. Size is most obvious but not much less gameplay-relevant as mass. A stock large reaction wheel is less powerful than the same volume filled with small wheels because it has the typical amount of torque needed by a 2.5m craft, packaged in a form factor that looks good on such a craft. By the way, it is good to have a few people who don't just trust my words because someone needs to find the bugs I introduce.
  21. Release v2.2.7.1 (same as the last dev update) Things that might need testing: * Wheels and Legs * the inflateable heatshield ("procedural drag cubes" sounds like things could go wrong) * everything: are there any new properties that need scaling, or old ones that broke?
  22. Release v2.2.7.1 Changelog * update for 1.1 * Workaround for the camera breaking (root part scaling is still broken) * support for new stock parts * shrinking science and probe cores makes them more expensive (only changed for stock so far) * update for the OPT v1.8 test release Known issues * RootPartBug: the root part still reverts scale on load/revert to launch (only visuals/colliders). * Tweakable: you might need the slider to reach to the min/max values (the UI_ScaleEdit tweakable is stock now and behaves slightly different). * IVA overlay is not scaled Thanks for the update Sounds like a problem with your install. Missing modulemanager maybe?
  23. I also poked NathanKell on github since he fixed the rescaleFactor, which had the exact same problem. There has been an issue on the tracker for more than a year. Since they generally don't update that tracker I can't even tell if it is considered a bug, or has been looked at at all. I'll add a new one for the root part refusing to scale, since that is technically a separate issue from the camera breaking. Edit: new issue http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/9444. As an issue that can be avoided this has priority low, we will see if it gets any attention.
  24. Dev update: * Workaround for the camera breaking (don't try to scale the model of the root part on revert/load since this will fail anyway) The distinction between launch from revert/load is a bit hacky (vessel=null on launch), but it works for now. We are getting closer to a release. Edit: I'm still pretty stuck with the root part issue, collecting ideas in the github issue: https://github.com/pellinor0/TweakScale/issues/3
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