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Everything posted by pellinor

  1. Raised an issue on the squad tracker for the problems with the highest interval of the tweakable http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/9743
  2. It works for me, however I need to use the slider. The arrows not bringing you to the extreme values anymore is a known issue. This piece of usability got lost when they integrated KspApiExtensions into stock, and I already raised a feedback issue on the tracker about it.
  3. Looks like a bug on my side, I'll have a look.
  4. Fixed in the dev version. Looks like the panel mechanics have become a bit more complex and I need to scale a different variable now.
  5. Dev update: * update exponents for ModuleDeployableSolarPanel * rewrite of chainScaling: propagate relative scaling factor to children (it works across radial attachments now, hope it is a bit more useful that way) poking @Space Scumbag for the chainScaling update
  6. Sorry, must have overlooked your older posts. I'll have a look. At the moment the only way is to not scale mass. Other than that, if you want a pocket size pod that still holds a kerbal you could use a MM patch to define a scaled copy of that part without using TweakScale. This is what I use to make certain scaled parts stackable in KIS. Does that help? The problems with FAR should be fixed with the current FAR release. Not sure how far realFuels is with its engine support. Other than that I'm not aware of any issues.
  7. Release v2.2.12: * scaling of crew capacity (hardcoded to use the mass exponent for now) * Fix patches scale crewed parts with an exponent of 2 for crew and mass (not realistic but fits better to stock balance than 3). In any case mass/kerbal is hardcoded to be preserved. * scaling of the IVA overlay * support for new firespitter biplane * support for HLAirships module (thanks SpannerMonkey) * some missing patches for B9 (thanks BlowFish) (did some reordering but still need to sort through the content) * fixed a few patches * reorganize some patches into their own folder (B9, Squad including nasa and spacePlanePlus) * small optimisation: disable partModule in flight if not scaled
  8. Sure, nothing special about launch clamps. The following patch works for the stock ones: @PART[launchClamp1] { %MODULE[TweakScale] { type = free }} Yes, the stock config value for this is called "rescaleFactor". No TweakScale needed, and it will only scale the model. So it is up to you to adjust the config to the new model size.
  9. Dev update: * support for new firespitter biplane * fix a few patches * reorganize squad patches into their own folder (including nasa and spacePlanePlus files) * Fix patches scale crewed parts with an exponent of 2 for crew and mass (not realistic but fits better to stock balance than 3). In any case mass/kerbal is hardcoded to be preserved. For updating patches, I had a look at stock, B9 and Firespitter so far. For the large collection of more exotic patches, TweakScale relies on the people using those mods to have a look at teh stuff they use, or complain if anything seems to be off.
  10. Dev update: * some missing patches for B9 (thanks BlowFish) (did some reordering but still need to sort through the content) * support for HLAirships module (thanks SpannerMonkey)
  11. I have zero experience with RO/RSS, only know that it is a very complex and heavy modpack. So i'll need help to reproduce it in a simple manner. Most likely you have at least two modules on that part which modify mass. Maybe you could make a craft consisting only of this part and upload the craft file, that would tell what modules it contains in your install.
  12. Try adding this (in a cfg file anywhere in GameData): TWEAKSCALEEXPONENTS { name = HLEnvelopePartModule envelopeVolume = 3 } You could also try envelopeVolumeScale, but the above seems more apropriate. If it works I can add it to the TweakScale configs.
  13. Dev update: * scaling of crew capacity (hardcoded to use the mass exponent for now) For upscaled parts, excess crew will log errors because they get no IVA seat, and will not get a crew portrait (same behavior as raising crewCapacity with a MM patch). Other than that everything should work.
  14. You need kOS plus another module which applies mass through the new interface. That totally explains why a simple pod +kOS does not show the issue. If you have patches active to add kOS to more parts this would also explain why you see the bug for more parts.
  15. I had a look in the log and found kOS. You don't happen to have kOS functionality on those parts? This is known to cause this symptom when combined with other modules that use the new interface (the same thing happens with kOS & TweakScale). https://github.com/KSP-KOS/KOS/issues/1643 (solved but not released yet)
  16. The KIS inventory might be the culprit: https://github.com/KospY/KIS/issues/141 For reproducing the issue it might be necessary that two modules try to add a non-zero mass (one via the new interface and the other via part.mass). Also @Denko666 could try removing modules from the part to see which ones are needed to get the error.
  17. Dev update: * IVA scaling * small optimisation: disable partModule in flight if not scaled
  18. It packages TweakScale and MFT, which makes it prone to bring back old versions (and therefore bugs that are already fixed). Just something to keep in mind, I can't relate your issue to anything I fixed recently.
  19. You are bundling an outdated version of TweakScale. And actually I do not see why this is part of the download at all since it seems not to be a dependency.
  20. Could you at least put this into a spoiler? It makes the whole page pretty much unreadable. There is a nice collection of exceptions in that log, none of which points to TweakScale. Always look for exceptions first. You have other problems than an empty config file. For example moduleManager refuses to load, which means that TweakScale's code will not even be called.
  21. Actually this warning might be normal because Examples.cfg consists only of comments (unless you have manually activated anything there). You can safely remove it, however I do not see how an empty config file should interfere with anything.
  22. Release v2.2.11: * remove obsolete IFS exponents * fix bug in partMessage for MFT * expose API via the part message system * fix for mirrored parts * workaround for tweakable bug: extra scaleFactor 500% for the free scaletypes (so the range from 200-400% is usable again) * don't interfere if other mods illegaly write part.mass. Print a warning in this case * fix thrust for moduleRCS (new maxFuelFlow exponent like for moduleEngines) Example code for using the new partMessage: [KSPEvent(guiActive = false, active = true)] void OnPartScaleChanged(BaseEventData data) { float factorAbsolute = data.Get<float>("factorAbsolute"); float factorRelative = data.Get<float>("factorRelative"); Debug.Log("PartMessage: OnPartScaleChanged:" + "\npart=" + part.name + "\nfactorRelative=" + factorRelative.ToString() + "\nfactorAbsolute=" + factorAbsolute.ToString()); } Edit: poking @NathanKell since he needs this for RF engines.
  23. Fixed, looks like moduleRCS needs an extra maxFuelFlow exponent (like moduleEngines needed in one of the previous KSP versions) Also the exhaust looks better now. It is just unscaled, which is a known issue that I probably won't solve any time soon.
  24. Confirmed (fuel consumption does not change). So they probably changed something about the variables where this thrust is either configured or stored... And no idea yet about the visible exhaust. Edit: what I do is put thrusters of different size on a pod and compare their fuel consumption. And KER shown thrust in the editor. More or less known issue in the presence of mods which still write to part.mass directly (like kOS and KIS). The mass handling interface has changed and mods are still catching up. This issue seems to be caused by multiple modules that modify mass coming together on the same part, and some of them containing assumptions that are no longer true.
  25. Looks like a new bug in the tweakable, thanks for finding it. This is the downside of making mod stuff stock: no fixes between KSP versions (and only a handful of people are allowed to do fixes at all). As a workaround I added a new factor 500% to the free scaletypes, so the range from 200-400% becomes usable again.
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