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Everything posted by pellinor

  1. Yes, the range reverts to default whenever the part is far from the vessel you are controlling. Since that is the main use case for a relay antenna, I chose to not make them scaleable by default.
  2. You can easily write your own scaling patches (see here: https://github.com/pellinor0/TweakScale/commit/d874146ba6b46a910d0e73fffe162c2c561672e9). Just be aware that the range only scales as long as the part is loaded.
  3. Exactly. Maybe "removing support" would be more clear.
  4. Release v2.3.2: * recompile for KSP1.2.1 * update patches for RLA-Stockalike, OPT * exponents for ModuleRCSFX * remove an obsolete exponent * remove patches for relay antennas since scaling of their main function does not work (which is relaying signals when the antenna is part of an unloaded vessel)
  5. Nothing known at the moment, just make sure you're on the current TweakScale version (v2.3.1) since reverting attachment nodes were a bug in a past version.
  6. Dev update: * update patches for RLA-Stockalike
  7. But it appears as a part RESOURCE in many parts? Are you sure? Iirc that resource is hidden and used as a marker for degradation. The invisible tanks then can be refilled with some "maintenance" action that consumes MaterialKits. So you do not need tanks for ReplacementParts.
  8. Dev update: * remove obsolete exponent * remove patches for relay antennas since scaling of their main function does not work (which is relaying signals when the antenna is part of an unloaded vessel)
  9. Look into ModuleManager, you'll want to copy an existing part and change antennaPower (in the ModuleDataTransmitter module), and probably also rescaleFactor, mass and cost. This will make a new part that uses the (rescaled) model of an existing antenna. TweakScale might also do the job, but it only works correctly with direct antennas (and I'm not sure how the balance plays out with different size solar systems).
  10. Hmm, generally a simple MM patch with rescaleFactor should do the trick. I'll have a look at how TweakScale handles this tomorrow. Haven't tested rescaleFactor<0.5 yet.
  11. Update: TweakScale-v2.3.1 * exponent for groundHeightOffset (fixes landing gears clipping the runway at launch) * fix for node positions reverting when cloning a part * antennas: refresh range display * antennas: tweak exponent (so that downscaled antennas are a bit less overpowered)
  12. The idea of CRP was to contain resources which are used by multiple mods, to avoid conflicting definitions. Probably those resources are now used uniquely by EPL.
  13. FOR also acts a positional. And of course you can run patches BEFORE or AFTER your own mod. All these are just times with a name attached to them.
  14. Dev update: * exponent for groundHeightOffset (fixes landing gears clipping the runway at launch)
  15. Anyone else seeing this? Building the exact plane from the screenshot, it doesn't happen for me.
  16. These immediately make me think of the miniatures from super dungeon explore. I'd love to see heads like these: http://smg.photobucket.com/user/BulldogUK/media/SuperDungeonHeroes8.jpg.html Maybe different meshes for the professions?
  17. Thanks, raised a github issue: https://github.com/pellinor0/TweakScale/issues/48
  18. should be fixed in the dev version (https://github.com/pellinor0/TweakScale/issues/47) I just did a quick test in the SPH, and I'm seeing both the CoM and the CoL move as expected when I scale control surfaces (tested with the dev version v2.3.0.2 and an AV-R8 Winglet). Does that version fix it for you?
  19. Makes sense, wings and control surfaces use different modules so it is totally plausible that one of them broke. I'll have a look.
  20. So is this for the main or the legacy pack? I'd prefer to follow the main pack with the bundles configs and keep the legacy support separate somehow, not sure how to organize that yet.
  21. Dev update: * fix for node positions reverting when cloning a part (thanks @jrodriguez for the report)
  22. Dev update: * antenna: refresh range display and tweak exponent (so that downscaled antennas are a bit less overpowered) Obviously unloaded relays use their unscaled range. Changing that would probably require making the range field persistent, so fixing it is out of my reach.
  23. Update: TweakScale-v2.3 changelog v2.3 * fix for wheel colliders * fix wheelMotor torque and ec consumption * CrewCapacity: has a configurable exponent now * CrewCapacity: additional seats are not shown in the editor (stock limitation) * scaling support for FloatCurve (for wheel torque) * scaling support for and int values (for CrewCapacity) * fix scaling of input/outputResources (new stock "resHandler", e.g. consumption of reaction wheels) * move workaround for stock UI_ScaleEdit bug into the plugin Known issues * stock upgrade mechanic not supported yet * CrewCapacity: removed seats in the editor sometimes reappear * CrewCapacity: launch dialog of the pad/runway shows unscaled seats * unloaded relay antennas use their unscaled range Feedback wanted: * wheel damage: does this need scaling? * wheel torque and EC consumption: are they balanced? (goal: one big wheel should be equivalent to several small ones) * CrewCapacity: how annoying are the known issues? Any other problems? I'm still debating if this should be on or off by default.
  24. Dev update: * CrewCapacity: has a configurable exponent now (not sure if it will be set by default) * CrewCapacity: additional seats are only available in flight (hidden in the editor) * scaling support for FloatCurve (for wheelTorque) and int (for CrewCapacity) * removed a few log messages * removed empty cfg files
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