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Everything posted by khyron42

  1. Vincent - check the earlier post I made, it\'s been updated with locations for TWO arches. I\'m not guaranteeing that there aren\'t more. The OP seems to assume there is only one (or that they are identical,) but we should measure both to make sure there are no differences.
  2. Using basic trig and exact lat/long readings from mechjeb with a rover, I measure the inside distance from base to base on the near side arch at about 108 m. That\'s from nose of Bigtrak up against the inside of one base, to tail end of Bigtrak up against the inside of the other - so add maybe 5 meters for the length of the Bigtrack itself and say 113 m. If people don\'t just measure other distances by dropping debris I might do the same method for measuring thickness of the two bases. Sitting down there below them reminds me of visiting St. Louis!
  3. I\'ve noticed at least two spots that 'sparkle' from Munar orbit. One is on the leading trailing edge, the other middle of the near side. I\'ve landed at one of them and confirmed an arch, but can\'t remember which. Launching rover missions to both spots now, will update. ----- Mid-nearside nearside close to leading trailing edge arch, parked as nearly as possible directly below the center of the arch. Screenshot looking down. (Spoilers: mechjeb surface information details.) Fun fact learned: if, while landed right there, speed up time to 1000x and wait about half an orbit and then drop to 2x or below time compression, your craft will be violently thrown upwards and destroyed against the underside of the arch. Same screenshot spoiler for mid-nearside arch.
  4. Done, Thrfoot. Mincespy - it\'s your turn! The OP has the latest save file and other details.
  5. I am starting to think that the community base option is going to get away from reasonable any time mods are included. I\'m willing to hand this off to someone else if they want to try managing the madhouse, change the rules however you like if you do take over, but if I\'m still running it I\'d like to see a little more just building bases together. If I keep running it, a turn needs to be 'I am going to launch a single craft to add to this base, and land it there.' Anything else can be done elsewhere; the goal is to build community bases on the ground at limited locations, as laid out in the updated OP. I\'ll update the OP\'s title to something like 'Limited Mod Base' to clarify, and people can sign up still if they like. I hope enough people will still be interested in doing this to keep the bases growing, and look forward to taking part in Twinky827\'s community Kessler too. (updated to clarify)
  6. Saitek Cyborg 3D Gold USB - overall grade, D-. For most flight sims this one works very well, the windows OS level calibration seems to produce stable, correct control aside from a slight touchiness in the roll controls. KSP/Unity does not work well with this joystick; by the time I give it a large enough dead zone to avoid jitter issues, it\'s not much more accurate than the keyboard. Even worse is the throttle, since there is no 'max and min' calibration in Unity, the throttle will only cover a range from 20% to 95% throttle, or if I invert the axis from 5% to 80%. This makes the throttle completely useless to me, so I have left it as a keyboard only control on the few flights I\'ve taken with this joystick. I would chalk this up to a genuinely bad joystick were it not for smooth and problemless control when playing any game that makes use of the windows OS calibrations (Microsoft FS X, Mechwarrior 4, evochron mercenary) or has its own calibration system (older games like wing commander, x-com interceptor.) I may also just be missing some feature of Unity that would allow calibration - I gave up on joystick flight almost immediately based on these issues.
  7. No offense taken, and feel free. Someone had previously started one called 'group mod bases and stations - less rules' or some such, but I just went all the way through to page 12 of the spacecraft exchange forum and couldn\'t find it. If you want to reserve a flight in this thread, I still need you to pick one (and only one) of the currently available destinations to get added to the flight plan. You\'re also free to wait until enough other people have signed up to make a whole new base an option, and then try to request a flight to found the new base before anyone else does. We can also split this into separate threads for each planet/moon, if people want to manage some of them separately - there were a few people who thought the idea of moving craft from one planet to the other on different turns would be cool, but so far no one\'s actually done it and I don\'t know how many people would choose that option instead of flying a new ship. I think being at a base, having 4 or 5 others land around you, and then lifting off to land somewhere else would provide some fun screenshots, but that can be done within a single planet if we split it into mun, minmus, and kerbin threads. I think more flights would get flown that way too, and everyone could be booked for flights on each instead of all being in a single queue.
  8. Might be a little overpowered. From ground I can boost up at 50 degrees with just two scramjets and end up with a 300 km apogee, on less fuel than is in one mk II fuselage. If I climb slowly and aim for max speed, I end up leaving the atmosphere at 2800 m/s, apogee up around 1800 km - on about 2 mk 2\'s worth of fuel. I\'m not sure how to fix that with the current engine system, though. Maybe give them even lower optimal airflow? Higher fuel consumption? Also - one thing that almost every plugin does is put the plugin name abbreviation in front of the part name, so that it\'s easy to find them in the list of parts and easy to replace them when a new version comes out. The parts in the VAB and SPH sort based on the part folder name. It\'s also helpful, to avoid two mods using the same part folder name and overwriting each other.
  9. I\'ll be busy most of the day, but I\'ll fly my turn in about 10 hours! I\'ve been having some problems over on the Mod base with people who were completely new to the concept of these community bases we\'re doing, I\'ve updated the OP there to clearly lay out the goal of the thread and try to make the rules and how to request a flight more prominent. If that turns out to be a really positive change I\'ll let you know, but for some reason you haven\'t been having those problems here - maybe because of the thread title, or maybe because the people who want to do everything all at once tend to be more interested in using mods Mechjeb is needed to do the kind of 'I\'m putting 10 craft up all at once' things that I see as against the spirit of this. ---- Flight completed! The Alien Invader has landed at the Targuete base. I left a little more space between it and the other craft than is really necessary, but I didn\'t want to scare them. Shortly after launch: first stage will burn up on re-entry... While the rest gets ready for TMI burn! Approaching Targuete base. The TMI stage was jettisoned after lining up for landing and crashed about 1 km west of the base, while the landing stage slowed to a hover and killed horizontal drift. Group photos after landing. I guess it\'s now sal_vager\'s turn! persistent.sfs attached.
  10. I guess I will try again to explain why Tim and Twinky\'s requests are a little off. The goal isn\'t to have everyone put things where ever they like and just have a shared save file. You can do that with the Kessler software, or in another thread, not here. The goal isn\'t for everyone to set up their own Mun or Minmus base with twenty of their own rovers, a sauna, and a jukebox. You can do that without anyone else around. The goal is to build a set of Community Bases. Where there\'s only a few bases, and each player adds their own special something to one of the bases one at a time. It ends up being a glorious mess of player A\'s little lander because he just wants to add something, player B\'s big fuel depot, player C\'s entire french cathedral made entirely out of wing parts, player D\'s rocket-propelled fighter plane, etc. When player E comes in for a landing he should be having to find a place to land among or just outside stuff added gradually over time by other players. Because of that goal, everyone lands one thing on their turn, at one base. Everyone lands at bases where there are already people, so that you\'re building that community - until those eixsting bases are big enough to leave some people unable to participate (lag on slower computers keeps them from ever landing near that many craft) and then we open a new one. If it wasn\'t for the lag issue we\'d only have one base per planet. If that\'s not what you want to participate in, I\'ve outlined above how to do what you seem to want to do. So, Tim, you want to land at which of the bases this turn? In spite of repeatedly being asked to pick one you picked two. You might want to pick lucien\'s if you want a shared landing site with Zekes, but keep in mind his turn is well before yours since you\'re still not on the list yet. Twinky, do you want to add to lucien\'s base instead so that it will grow enough to eventually add a third mun base? Hopefully this makes the concept more clear. If it\'s not what you want to help create, please don\'t sign up. ---- I\'ve edited the OP to move the rules and how to request a flight section up to the top, and added that stuff about the goal of the thread to it.
  11. Tim, you\'re welcome to do that as long as each turn, you pick one landing site to add landers to. So, to get you a turn scheduled, which one base from the list do you want to add to on your first turn?
  12. Is greghorst\'s time up yet? I\'m ready to go whenever my turn comes up.
  13. Tim, the only reason you\'re not on the list yet is that you never answered the key part of booking a flight. As I asked you back on page 4 of the thread... When your turn comes around, you\'re free to fly whatever craft you want - but I had made it a rule that you have to name your landing site from the available choices! So... which one are you landing at, or are you trying to wait until a slot opens up for a third base on the mun (once lucien\'s has had at least five different people take a turn landing at it)? Lord, same goes for you - does that mean you want to be put permanently at the bottom of the list until there\'s an option for a new base? From the how to request a flight section: The option for 'new base' only opens up when all existing bases on that planet/moon has at least five people taking a turn landing at it. SanctionEnvy\'s turn will be up in about 2 hours, and he\'ll be removed from the list because it\'s the second time he\'s missed it. Thrfoot, I hope you\'re ready!
  14. If everything was perfect, we\'d be getting in many turns a day because everyone would see the message it was their turn, fly their flight, and turn back in the persistence file for the next person about an hour later. The 48 hours is there because people have lives, to hopefully give them time to fit in a flight in between their busy schedule of conquering the world or saving orphans or college finals. It\'s also to let less experienced pilots have time to screw up the flight a couple times - if you\'re not used to precision landings it\'s easy to miss the group base. In other words, No - instead turn in the flight as early in your 48 hours as possible.
  15. Any part of a craft that had a mechjeb becomes a new controllable craft after release. Since all you gets to do is position them once to wherever you like within the base area and then hand the persistence file on to the next person flying, it seems kind of excessive - but the whole point of this is to be able to add whatever you want to the shared bases, for others to enjoy as they land nearby or look at the post-flight screenshots! It also gives you the chance on any later turn you sign up for, to drive one of them cross-country to join each new base that we set up. That would be kind of cool, to be the guy who only launched one ship but has a rover at every Mun base.
  16. Too bad about the HQ ship, but we knew it was on unstable footing. Now that MechJeb is in things will be interesting, as precision landings get easier for people. Congratulations sirscott, and it\'s always entertaining to see the detailed flight description! Did you want to book another flight? Zekes, chat is fine, it was the constant changing of your flight plan in ways that weren\'t really reasonable that was disruptive. I\'m glad sirscott got in the mod that will let you and luciencd have more fun with your craft! SanctionEnvy\'s second chance starts now! I didn\'t see any response last chance but I\'ve sent him a new PM for this turn, we\'ll see how it goes!
  17. I considered adding a comment that the natives colonized in similar manner to Earth\'s polynesians centuries earlier than that explorer, and their name for island would have to be 'Vespo\'ona' in the language Silisko was making up in the fanart thread. So this one might have been 'Vespo\'ona' followed by something related to being so very happy to end 9 months of canoe travel. Kerbal dugout canoes probably explode if they bump into the shore too hard.
  18. Zekes, read the upcoming flight list and you\'ll see it hasn\'t been made yet, but will be by the time your flight comes up... So, do you want to change your upcoming Minmus flight to land at that Mun base instead? ----- SanctionEnvy\'s 48 hours is up and he\'ll be moved down one. It\'s Sirscott\'s turn at last!
  19. I made a flight last night to what I propose calling 'South Island'. It\'s the northernmost island in its chain, but when an explorer in distant Kerbal history was sailing southwards and sees the first island in weeks, he\'s gonna call it south; by the time his shipwrecked self (Hey, it is Kerbal) is rediscovered the natives will have accepted that as the name for the island in his strange language. This flight continued that fine tradition. Good flight, good plane design... but I\'ve had better landings. Location Looking south from high above the island. Sorry for the night-time shot, that\'s when I was landing. There was a bad bounce after landing, when I thought I was safely just rolling to a stop; I wasn\'t paying attention and barely managed to pull up enough to save the crew. Name: South Island (needs poll) Latitude: 42° 3\' 12' S Longitude: 117° 44\' 30' W Altitude: 123 m Celestial Body: Kerbin
  20. Added your flight, misterspork. I\'m also requesting a turn. Destination base: dogon11\'s Kerbin Base Planned additional mod: Damned Aerospace
  21. You two could always ask if the people launching before you are willing to add mechjeb as their mod, since at least two of them don\'t have a mod announced, and sirscott seemed interested in mechjeb. Misterspork - see the original post, currently valid options for landing sites are listed in the 'how to request a turn' section.
  22. For the crater, I suggest Tarkin\'s Tomb (or Tarkin\'s Rest or Tarkin\'s Folly, if people prefer.) Since that\'s what came after a certain trench run. 'I think you overestimate their chances'. That needs to be on the tombstone.
  23. I\'ve even managed it without using jet fuel in rocket engines - since they\'re supposed to be different fuel types and will be in a future update. This design can manage takeoff to 10km on jet only, kick in the rockets there, make it to a 75km+ circular orbit, deorbit with the remaining rocket fuel, and land on jets again. To keep the rockets from burning jet fuel they\'re in the middle. To keep the jets from burning rocket fuel I disable the jets right before they\'re done burning through their first tank of jet fuel, and will either burn all the rocket fuel or disable the rocket tanks before I re-enable the jets for landing. Design on runway In orbit, about to do deorbit burn. Those 1/3 full tanks are the remaining rocket fuel, the other almost-empty tanks and the two completely full ones are jet fuel.
  24. Sirscott had said he was away for the weekend - with one day still to go on that, I\'ll keep moving him down, I didn\'t expect Candre to be done so quickly! Otherwise we\'d be waiting 48 hours, instead we get to have a few more flights done and then he still gets his turn. Khyron42 - it\'s your ... oh. yeah. brb. ----- Flight successful! The lander/base 'E Aho Laula' has been placed at the Cloria I base. This flight at least, the HQ survived, but it did bounce around a bit. (The name is from an old car commercial and is Hawaiian for 'Wider is Better.') I didn\'t add any new mods. There\'s still an upper stage with more than enough fuel to leave the Mun. Post-flight screenshots: Looking towards mine from Misterspork\'s Looking towards Misterspork\'s from mine SanctionEnvy - it\'s your turn! To put what I\'ve been doing for sirscott into the rules, I added 6a: 6a. If you warn me ahead of time and ask to put your turn on hold for up to 48 hours if it comes up, I\'ll just keep bumping you down instead of waiting for you to fly when you\'re not available.
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