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Everything posted by khyron42

  1. I just went back and modified my separate-fuels spaceplane slightly, and was able to get a perfect success - with a kerbal-level stupid mistake at the end. During takeoff gradually pitch-up to a 50 degree climb, at 10 km light the rockets, disable the jets just before they finish draining one tank. Once you\'re clear of the atmosphere the rockets can\'t be used at above 75% thrust without losing control, due to being off-center from the CoM. remaining fuel in that picture is more than enough for a deorbit burn - burn it all or disable the rocket-fuel tanks before you re-enable the jets if you want to maintain fuel separation. landed, throttle off, meant to hit the t key to disable the ASAS.. and hit G instead. Even more images here.
  2. Zekes, are you trying to move your already-scheduled flight or schedule a second one? I\'m very confused by your posts in general, so I want to make sure what you\'re asking. In general, you need to chill out. This is a group thing, and the others who are trying to participate are being overwhelmed with your enthusiasm. You\'ve made about 10 requests for various kind of flights; if this is the one you want, it needs to not change again (aside from switching to only add one mod.) As Thrfoot said, you get to pick one mod to add. You won\'t necessarily know what other mods are allowed until your turn comes up, so don\'t assume all the others will be in already for your use. Most of your posts completely ignored rule 2 until Thrfoot put it in very simple terms; your latest one ignores rule 5. It\'s reaching the point where you\'re disruptive to the thread. Please settle down, get your flight scheduled without ignoring the rules, and then I\'ll PM you when it\'s your turn to fly. Radion - added! Sirscott, I\'ll move you down one. I\'ve updated the first post with the merged persistent.sfs file. Mind that slope at Cloria I base, it could be ugly. It\'s Candre\'s turn.
  3. Speedollama - There\'s no such thing as a 'full' base, they never close. However, some people with slower computers had problems landing in crowded bases during the previous thread because when you get within 200 meters of the other ships, it takes them off rails - and that can be too many parts all active at once for some computers. That\'s why there\'s always going to be an option for a smaller base! I\'ll add you for a flight to the Cloria I base. Tim_Barrett - there are two Mun bases planned at this point, and you\'re free to land whatever you like when your turn comes around! Which one do you want to land at - the Cloria I base, or the upcoming base being started by luciencd four flights before you? Stellar - you request ONE flight. you get put on the list. everyone scheduled before you flies their flights. you fly yours, and request a second flight if you like. Everyone who requested a turn between your two requests gets a turn before you get one again. Also, there won\'t be another new Mun base until luciencd\'s new one (currently only 1 craft scheduled) has 5 craft. So, what within the valid targets do you want to be your one landing? Tonight I\'ll go through and add 'planned mod to add' to each scheduled flight, but it\'s not mandatory to announce it when scheduling the flight. I\'m also going to add a 'request form' to hopefully cut down on the requests that don\'t follow the rules. Everyone - is the two chances thing too long? Should we switch to just 'If you miss your 48 hour launch window you\'re removed from the list and have to reapply'? Misterspork did land, so I\'ve got the merged persistence file including ready to upload if he doesn\'t complete the re-flight within the next day.
  4. Added! Added, but since you\'re insisting on a new base, if there aren\'t enough already landed at the current one due to cancellations, I\'ll move you down the list. Sound good? Thrfoot, because you\'ll need all other previous mods, you\'ll have some additional lander leg options. The ones in NovaPunch and BACE will be available even if no one else adds another mod with legs, so you might take a look at them. There seems to be some confusion about flight sequence. Here\'s what you\'re expected to do when your turn comes around: - make sure you have all the previously used mods installed. - add one mod of your own if needed. - download the latest persistence file. - to check the mod are all installed, go to the tracking station. If you get any message about a vessel not being loaded because of missing parts, you\'re missing one of the previously used mods. - make sure your craft doesn\'t use any parts other than the ones in those mods and the one you\'re adding. - fly your flight. - Make a post in this thread with the persistence file as an attachment, a link to the forum thread for the mod you\'ve added, and a screenshot showing all craft that have landed at the current base, not just yours. You\'re encouraged to also upload other photos showing off just your craft or exciting moments in the flight! I\'ve added that to the original post. Dogon, congratulations! Since everyone else is over on that side I\'ve moved my original rover over near the base and taken the group photo for you. That was just for the photo, it\'ll still be way off to the side in the persistence file, so in future screenshots it\'ll just be a speck in the distance until I take one of my turns to move it. Misterspork, it\'s your turn (second try!) If you don\'t manage to relocate the base in the next 48 hours, I\'ll use the original location and everyone can try to land stably on a heavy slope. That would make the Mun the 'hard' landing target for now and Minmus the 'easy' target given the flat lake we\'re on.
  5. Sign me up! I\'ll be landing at the existing Mun base. Glad to see the new stock base open!
  6. Sorry about that, dOgon11. I blame autocorrect. Misterspork is being moved down the list one, which means it\'s dogon11\'s turn. Use the persistence file on the original file, and keep in mind that the current mod list is only Carts plus whichever one you choose to add! I know you were planning to use both BACE and novapunch, and we know misterspork is adding Nova, so I\'m willing to be flexible on that rule this once (especially since we\'re really early in the building the list of mods and need to add variety.) Misterspork, if you want to keep working on it, I can merge the save files later since you\'re landing on a different moon with no base there yet. luciencd - I need to know which of the bases you want to add to, or if you\'re founding a new Mun or Kerbin base. Keep in mind that until 5 have flown to the Mun base, I didn\'t want to open a new one - so if someone before you on the list gets dropped you might have to change plans if you\'re opening a new one!
  7. Sounds good. I\'ll get you added to the list in a few hours! This is a just for fun and for cool group-of-ships screenshots - the role play needs to stay in the RP forums. Misterspork, how\'s it going? If you\'re not finishing tonight, I\'ll move you down one spot and let Dagon land his minimus craft, and then you can try again after his turn. (as stated in the rules) or we can go ahead with your craft unstable and see if anyone else can land something there that IS stable on that slope - could be a fun challenge and funny scrapyard of broken parts after a while!
  8. A very belated congratulations! I know you\'ll do a good job. Maybe you\'ll even learn how not to get grumpy at entitled jerks.
  9. Thrfoot, adding you to the list - that will give us five at Cloria I, enough to open a second Mun base. zekes, you can launch when you specify which base you\'ll be adding to, and when your turn comes around... You\'re not reading the rules, or at least rule 2 is confusing you. The options are now: 1. land at the existing 'Lake of Broken Landers' Minmus Base, 2. land at the existing 'Cloria I' Mun base, 3. start a new Mun base at a location of your choosing, 4. start a new Kerbin base at a location of your choosing. Pick one of those four. You can also always just say for a third time 'I want to land at a base' - if you want to continue not getting added to the flight list.
  10. As people define landing sites in the Mod Community Bases 3.0 thread I\'m going to invite them to submit the place names here. The first of those is the Lake of Broken Landers, and the second one should be defined today on the Mun by one of the other participants. If you want to take part in building collaborative bases at known points and defining new ones once the existing ones start getting full, feel free to register there in accordance with the rules in the first post.
  11. I\'ll get you added to the list and sal_vager removed. Misterspork PM\'ed me that he\'s re-flying his mission sometime today. Generally speaking, after you land - go to the space center and then return to your craft from the tracking station. If it explodes or rolls over or otherwise breaks, it was going to do that anyway the first time someone else lands there. sss and zekes, still need to know planned target landing zone (minmus 'Lake of Broken Landers', Mun 'Thrionian Cloria I Base', or establishing a first base on Kerbin at a location of your choosing) before I can add you to the list. None of the existing bases on Minmus or Mun will be populated enough by your turns to plan on opening new bases on those bodies yet. This is first properly registered, first flown, so neither of you has a place on the list yet since you didn\'t name the planned destination. I\'m asking for this so that people can plan ahead for whether there will be a chance to open a new base somewhere when they are registering. I\'ll start putting the # of completed and registered flights next to each base. The next person who registers for the Mun base, for example, would (if all are flown in order) make a total of 5 craft there and allow the person after that to register to open a new Mun base if they wanted to.
  12. I know - sorry, didn\'t mean to be harsh, I was replying in a hurry. I might redo it with a mechjeb nose and confirm my mass to orbit, I didn\'t know about that stats screen. Does that only work if you launched using the ascent autopilot or does it work with hand-launching? --- Launched with fewer boosters (just needed to unstick from the pad), a mechjeb pod (same mass) and a few more tanks. I used mechjeb ascent autopilot to get it to orbit and then hand-corrected the final orbit a bit. Mass to orbit and launch mass:
  13. Right - but, it\'s not like saying it\'s broken or anything! Green and Blue are both 'healthy' ships, just greens are mobile and blue aren\'t.
  14. I did mine by hand, since the question was 'stock parts', not stock with mechjeb.
  15. Sorry if this is a repeat. I just remembered a site I\'d visited years ago, showing a interactive 3D view of everything NASA current admits to tracking in earth orbit. You can set it to update every so often to show the satellite positions in realtime as they orbit, just like our map view. http://science.nasa.gov/realtime/jtrack/3d/JTrack3D.html/ Unfortunately it doesn\'t allow zooming out to see Lunar and other planet\'s orbits, but it\'s still fun. I know there are quite a few launches that had 'classified payloads' that don\'t show up on the list, but that\'s what you get when visiting the public tracking website ;D It\'s beautiful to zoom out to see the whole Geosynchrous band and then spin it slowly, looking at the ring of artificial moons we\'ve built for ourselves and the clutter in low earth orbit. There\'s instructions on the page and the map view opens in a separate window, but the basics: left-click on one of the dots to see satellite name and orbit path, drag with left mouse button to rotate the view in 3D, shift-click zooms out, cntrl-click zooms in, menus at the top provide options. If you find a satellite you want to know more about, go to satellite, select, find it in the list, and click the sat info. button to display details in a new browser window. (the xxx R/B are discarded stages that are still in orbit.)
  16. I think in the old thread, if it didn\'t have some means of crew return, it was considered out of fuel. With the new rule allowing transfers from base to base, I\'d say if it doesn\'t have enough to lift off and land somewhere else on the same body, it\'s out of fuel. Enough fuel to just barely hover and move to a different location within the same base wouldn\'t count. Rovers will always be green by those rules, as long as they don\'t qualify for yellow/orange/red status. The reason I\'m even keeping track of it is that 'green' craft are eligible for moving from one base to another on a future turn.
  17. Reminds me of a sequence in Invader Zim\'s first episode. 'I put the fires out!' 'You made them worse!!!' 'Worse... or better?' http://nicktoons.nick.com/videos/clip/nightmare-begins-clip.html (0:40 seconds through about 1:20)
  18. Zekes - read the rules. I\'m assuming you\'ll be adding to the existing Mun base, or waiting until there are at least 5 craft there to start a second one. Which one will it be?
  19. Misterspork, there\'s a problem - I\'ve tried twice now to visit your craft from the tracking station (I usually do this to make sure no ones ships are unstable and make sure that I have all the mods right.) Both times, it starts sliding down the slope that you parked it on, then trips over its own landing gear after a minute, falls over, and falls apart. That means it\'s also going to do that the first time someone else lands at this base. Do you want to try visiting it yourself and see if you have the same problem? If so, you\'ll need to move it to where the slope is at least a little bit less.
  20. Go for it Misterspork (if you haven\'t already). It\'s your turn! Original post updated. I\'m also requesting another mission for myself, to the base Misterspork is in the middle of establishing. I think we\'ve set the precedent already with Candre\'s landing that it\'s ok to land a ship and then detach a rover. Let\'s go with that being ok from now on, but no more than one craft launched/moved to another base per turn! The rovers will make great ways to move from one base to another on the same object.
  21. sss, I\'ll get you added as soon as you update your post with the needed information =P
  22. The Mod Community Bases 3.0 thread is now open. Hopefully someone will open the stock thread soon!
  23. So I guess we know which one mod you\'re adding, sirscott (if no one does before you.)
  24. Candre: one ship per turn. Then after your turn you can say 'put me back on the list.' Added Candre, MisterSpork and Sal_vager to the flight list. Candre, it\'s your turn! In past setups, it\'s worked best to build a separate install of KSP to do the community bases, with only the required mods, and save the persistence file into that separate install. That was you don\'t end up accidentally including extra mods from your primary install, and don\'t endanger your main install\'s persistence file.
  25. Here\'s a small frozen lake just south of a larger frozen sea on Minmus. I\'ve been using it as a practice landing target since 0.15 came out, with varying success - these screenshots are from today. Proposed name: Lake of Broken Landers Latitude: 36 deg. 0\' 51' S Longtitude: The map showed 334 deg. 55\' 36' W. I think that makes it 25 deg. 04\' 24' E? Looking Southwest from the ground. Zoomed out, looking roughly South. The name is applied to the small lake in the center of the picture. Map View. Perisistence file attached for ease of mapping this later.
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