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Posts posted by Darnok

  1. That is one possible solution other would be to rent flight from NPC agency and pay them to deliver one more boring subassembly to orbit?

    This NPC agency would give you their own price for this mission, of course their prices should be bit higher than your own mission price, so if you want to save time you spend more money, but if you need money you fly on your own. In late game it could solve "boring delivery and not only that missions" issue, since you should have lots of money and you would want to speed up things :)

  2. BASIC and QBasic are interpreted languages.

    I am not using Basic, but other interpreted language - Python.

    While my code is interpreted and slower than C, any call for system or math function is as fast as in C, because I can use CPython - interpreter with libraries written in C and compiled, so linux can run them in same way as your C code ;)

    Again about Google, Python creator Guido van Rossum once said that Google would use only python, because of few features, but since Java has larger market share they want to lure as much devs as possible to their tools.

    Facebook is written in PHP, but they convert and compile their code to C++.

    You can do same thing with other interpreted languages.

    Of course for someone who is doing physics fortran is always the best.

    Also why do you even compare interpreted and complied langs? If you compare monkey and fish on how fast they can climb trees, monkey always wins, but it is very narrow minded since interpreted languages are not created to have same performance and same purpose as compiled langs.

  3. You should look at this one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budget_of_NASA

    1960 3,222,000,000$ (2014 Constant Dollars) 0.5% of Fed Budget

    1966 43,554,000,000$ 4.41%

    2010 20,423,000,000$ 0.52%

    Sure they have half of money they had in 1966, but back then they had to invest a lot of money in new studies and new infrastructure. Today they can use this infrastructure they where building for last 50 years right? Of course they could develop new technologies like Orion, but they have data from Apollo program, they don't have to start from scratch.

    It looks like NASA is doing many things in very stupid way, first they made very expensive shuttles that were dead-end http://www.thespacereview.com/article/1694/1


    then they made expensive space station http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/geekend/nasa-admits-shuttle-iss-were-mistakes/

    When you send modular components into orbit, they should be designed with orbital construction in mind, so that you don't need a $2 billion spacecraft to insert Tab A into Slot B. SkyLab and Mir prove this point. However, if you intend to build a lets-all-join-hands-and-sing politics-over-science international space station, with a dozen countries building a dozen or so parts independently, you're going to need a shuttle to bolt the end-product together. Frankly, this is more an indictment of the ISS than the shuttle, because the ISS was designed to make a bad idea like the shuttle necessary.

    And as for ISS, there's pretty much no legitimate scientific reason to build a space station in low Earth orbit other than to study the longterm effects of microgravity on human beings, and we could have done that far simpler and cheaper with a Mir-style station than the motley modular design of ISS. All the other orbital experiment packages could have been done more safely and cheaply as independent probes and satellites.

  4. I was reading this and noted your comparison. It does seem like C# will not be a bad launching point but I should note that https://www.jwz.org/doc/java.html

    What does he mean by Java doesn't have free().

    This guy is C dev from 2000 ;)

    At that time Java garbage collector was bad and making your own memory management was better solution in some cases. Of course Java doesn't have function called free(), but you can force JVM to run garbage collector at time you need it, but you should be advanced dev if you want to do this.

    If you are someone who likes authorities... keep in mind that Google is using Java and JVM as their main development environment and they are not people who like to waste resources ;)

  5. OK, so in preparation I have two SSD drives, one is 500 GB and the other is 120 GB, some of the sequence files I parsed with VB because they were too large for a single 64 GB memory pen. They will have to be recombined. I need basically i386 compatibility and I already have it with windows/linux C#. But the thing is that I have techniques in VB developed that really I will need to get the logic to work, so that it needs to be portable with VB.net into something else with minimal amount of work. The process is that in Studio.Net I can start shaving portions of the VB code into C#. That's a big plus but the structure has to be compatible. Parallel processing would be great, sequence is randomly placed in the file, and I have already split the file into binary code for transport. I have access to 2 computers, but only 6 total processors. (Win 7, Win 10, Ubuntu 14.0.4) Technically speaking I could recombined all the sequence into a single file, and then carve it into 8 smaller files that could be processed individually. The end product will be a text files.

    Here are some tests, they are from 2009 http://reverseblade.blogspot.com/2009/02/c-versus-c-versus-java-performance.html but my point in here is not how much faster is "my fav lang over someone else fav lang" you have there nice chart showing in what algorithms one language is better than the other.

    I don't know what is your app main "logic", so you have to decide on your own, what kind of algorithms you are using most and pick best solution for that.

    Here is also nice benchmark for linux and many languages and many algorithms http://benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org/

    You can think about your app structure on many different layers.

    Multithreading is one way and it is good if you have multiple cores and multiple computers, but it won't save you from issues like:

    load large data chunk from disk (disk usage 100%, CPU usage 0%)

    run logic (disk 0%, CPU 100%)

    write data to disk (disk 100%, cpu 0%)

    You have to pick right size of chunk you read and write, so you wouldn't waste lots of time doing that part of your code.

    You can also try to make buffer for loaded chunks and load next portion of data while "run logic" step your CPU is used at 100%, but disk is free to load next part of file.

    It all depends what is your logic if and how it can be sliced... yes logic not only data can be sliced in some algorithms, for example standard logic:

    load input data -> process logic -> write output

    in some cases you can use mid-points, it all depends what are you doing:

    input data -> process 1st part of logic -> temp file -> 2nd part of logic -> output data

    now if you would want to repeat lots of time 2nd step of your logic you can safe some time just by reading input data from temporary files.

    You can even try alternative method and not using any programming language ;) just put your data in database engine and create SQL query... databases are great if you need to find patterns, sort, count or aggregate your data and I am sure they are going to run very fast and you can split them on multiple computers :)

    There is no single "best scenario, best language or best algorithm" it depends what are you doing:

    - if you need to repeat execution of your app multiple time with same data, but you put different parameters in your logic

    - repeat execution of app every time with different data set and same parameters in logic

    - or else :)

  6. Sometimes you want a barebones stripped application of all its bells and whistles that just crunches massive amount of data. I have 200Gbyte of Desinovan genome that I want to process. I know how to do in in VBasic relatively logically an easily, now I need to get into a version of C that can make it go fast, barring that I will probably never be able to hex code on an i586 processor, i need the next best thing, ergo on linux and learning C. The logic is, if I can port it to C# and work out all the bugs there I can create a C++ application and run it on the console. In response to what one of the other posters says, efficiency is very important, still.

    Tried running barebones sequence alignment on mtDNA sequences from all Eutherians, and will need to repeat soon, the last time I ran the alignment it took just over 3 days.

    Few questions:

    1. Does your app have to process data in chain or you can split processing in multiple threads?

    2. Do you have access to many computers?

    3. Do you need multiplatform app? (all you computers are running linux or there are many different systems?)

    4. Problem is CPU power or I/O of your hard drive (you mentioned 200GB of data)?

    If your app have to process many loops with exact same code you could use Java, I don't remember now how it is called, since I wasn't using Java for last few years, but there was some really great feature in that language. It could compile parts of your Java code into native code for your OS, so it was running as fast as C code ;)

    Ohh and if someone is saying to you that you have to know C to write plugins for Java ask him in what language is written Java virtual machine (that is key for multiple platform app)...

    Spoiler alert it is C++ ;)

  7. Any serious C# project will feature C/C++ integration. So yes, learning all three is valuable. And yes, if you want to have a boring job with a five figure salary, go ahead and learn just Java. Unless you know how to write C plugins for it, you won't be working on anything more exciting than app UI.

    C# integration with C/C++ in what project?

    You have very narrow experience in Java then... Java is multiplatform, so you can use it under windows, linux or mac, while adding your C plugin would mean you have to write and maintain 3 different versions of this plugin. Of course not every software needs to be multiplatform software, but it is one of main Java features.

  8. I can't see sense in learning C, C++ and C#.

    C and C++ is used for example to code linux kernel, while C# is Microsoft invention and it has nothing to do with those two. C# is more like Java and most of its features was invented to take market share of Java, so learning C# at same time as C and C++ is mistake IMO.

    If you are looking for language for your self it would be reasonable to pick most popular first http://www.tiobe.com/index.php/content/paperinfo/tpci/index.html

  9. Sagan in his Cosmos series was talking about friend who came up with idea how to test "if there is life on Mars?", but his project did get funds... or it was bit too heavy to fit the craft... I don't remember what episode it was and what mission was he talking about. Mission was successful just without equipment to study samples and detect life.

    NASA probably is going to announce they know... why Moon is red only sometimes and Mars all the time!!!

    I wonder what other agencies discovered, last time when NASA was doing TV show about Kepler... one observatory discovered second (or rather 3rd) star at size of Sun with planet at size of Jupiter on nearly exact orbit as our Jupiter is. That was interesting discovery anyone heard about it in TV?

  10. How is that any easier than Mars? On Mars, you can extract metals FROM THE GROUND. No need to go into space. There's also still geothermal vents in volcanic areas on Mars-It's still somewhat volcanic.
    But no metals. While a lot of the construction might be done with polymers, not least because they tend to be acid-resistant, metals will still be wanted for many purposes. No silicon or other semiconductor materials either, so computer chips or the materials to make them would all need to be either imported from space or brought up from the hostile surface.

    For me most important thing in space exploration is human health and life. After few years on Mars you will have health issues, smaller than after few year on ISS, but still. On Venus you can spend 10 years and you almost won't feel the difference, so after you return to Earth you won't have to spend weeks or months(?) on things you don't want to waste your life.

    First bases on both Mars and Venus are going to be build on Earth and send to its destination, so you don't have to worry about metals for first 20-30+ years? Just look at ISS, how long its working and how much metals they needed to mine to repair main structure?

    Even if you mine metals you won't do anything with those metals on Mars, it is called heavy industry for a reason ;)

    To build simple CPU you need more than 5 different metals, what do you think to mine "ksp ore"? You would need many mines to find those rare metals.

    And even after 30+ years living on Mars, your funny solar panels won't give you enough energy to power up ironworks.

    Because to manufacture metals you need insane amounts of heat, on Mars you can have solar panels, maybe few geothermal power plants... while on Venus you have unlimited amount of heat right there on the ground level! With Venusian ground level pressure we could make stronger structures from metals?

    Inside flying cities you could use wood as main building blocks, outside structure can be delivered from Earth. On Venus you won't need pressurized structures like on Mars, so living space will be much much larger.

    In first few years main goal of both Mars and Venus bases is going to be produce enough food to self sustain.

    I've seen picture of corn grown on ISS and grown on Earth, no idea if this was true, but if it was ISS corn had ~30% size of corn grown on Earth. If that is correct then on Mars you will get 50% food production efficiency compare to Earth? While on Venus you have ~95%, and you don't need pressurized space because you can have almost same pressure as on Earth.

    While on Mars pressurized space for plants if going to be problem, because you will need lots of it and pressurized space is not cheap and it is not lightweight.

  11. Those rockets never got into space either until they were fixed. Your suggestion that mission failure should result in everyone getting fired is naive. Like I said' date=' you've never worked in any actual professional setting in your life.


    Can we please stop going into personal attacks about resumes and experience? I am trying to stay on topic, but you guys are forcing me to defend myself :mad:

    This is pretty simple, if rocket has minor malfunctions or even larger and it explodes once or twice, ok you can still finish the mission.

    But if it never goes to space, then someone is responsible for that. In N1 case the entire concept of rocket was wrong and it had not enough tests, from what I read about it.

    So I would fire leaders of this mission and everyone who would want to go with them. How is that bad approach?

    I never said I would fire everyone... I said "Fired everyone responsible for failed mission." - maybe I am translating this wrong, but being responsible for failure is not same as working in group that failed its mission.

    And if you don't like paying your taxes don't be a hyprocrite and use the things those taxes pay for. You want us to take you seriously then you better get off the grid. All you're doing is further proving your hypocrisy and apparent immaturity.

    Read again my posts' date=' you misunderstood what I said or you have no idea how things works.

    Because for all we know you're just a teenager trying to assert a poor and unrealistic worldview. Literally no one here agrees with you, and no matter what mental gymnastics you decide to pull, it means that you. are. wrong.

    This world view was working good for 1000 of years in Europe... if it is unrealistic please explain me how during that time Europe conquered rest of the World?... but maybe in different thread ;)

    Well' date=' gee, how about them having to scrape funds from payload development just to finish SLS?


    You see only one side of the coin, other side would be SLS is too expensive?

    I don't know if NASA people are correct or not on their prices, maybe private companies that are manufacturing components for SLS are selling them on too high prices.

    But I consider take both options, not just one, because I like space and NASA (well I really don't like NASA, but this is just example).

    How about the entire existence of the CCDEV? Hell' date=' how about the fact that over the years NASA's budget has decreased more and more no matter what they do?


    And what they did over last 10/20/30 years?

    Our government wanted to slash funding to NASA before we even launched our first Saturn V. NASA's funding is just as likely to be cut during its height as it is during its lows' date=' and has been at both times.

    NASA is underfunded because [b']our government has repeatedly shown it doesn't want to fund them, period. What NASA has to say about its own budget has nothing to do with it.

    I know why, but I can't tell you here. It is same in my country with nuclear power plants, it is same reason why we can't have one :)

  12. This sort of sentiment almost always outs someone as being incredibly immature. You would hate every second of having to live during that time period' date=' and you really can't lie and say you won't. The very simple fact that you're even on this site is proof enough of that.


    If you got your knowledge from TV, yes.

    Private companies can be more efficient than a government' date=' but that doesn't mean anything[/quote']

    That means everything :)


    No' date=' I don't play it.

    So, your idea, is that every time NASA had a rocket that exploded back in the 50's and early 60's, the entirety of the organization should have been fired. Lolk. Its very obvious you have no experience whatsoever in any sort of professional setting, be it a government run organization or otherwise.

    Where I said that? Mission failed isn't single rocket explosion, mission failed is like N1, never go into space.

    Please don't put words I didn't said as I would.

    Its called a social contract' date=' and its the unfortunate reality of being able to enjoy a modern lifestyle. And regardless, if you're so opposed to it, then don't use anything that that money went towards. Don't use the roads. Don't use the emergency services. Good luck getting treated when someone stabs you.


    You forget that if I have to pay high taxes I can't afford on private treatment?

    If I wouldn't give away those money on taxes I could use them when I would need them?

    Do please give us your extensive resume listing your experience in the aerospace industry. Do show us how a private organization was able to do more than NASA currently while also being severely underfunded. And no' date=' the answer is not SpaceX.

    I hate to retread this road like in the last thread where we had someone like this, but its plainly obvious that you're completely clueless and should just stop embarrassing yourself.[/quote']

    Why do you need my resume? Why do you value authorities more than arguments and common sense?

    How did you calculated that NASA is underfunded? If because they said they need more money than they have it is not very accurate method ;)

  13. Ah, so mass religious oppression and a life expectancy of 35 then.

    What? For example Kepler was much older than that and he wasn't exception.

    In my country there was no religious oppression, Poland was always one of most tolerant country in Europe.

    As for moral guidance... kings has to be good at something, diplomacy, military etc etc, while today politicians are only good at telling lies.

    Best liar wins in all countries, not only in Europe... so much for moral guidance of 21th century.

    And I suppose this is spoken from your years of experience in cutting-edge scientific research, right?

    I don't perform, I lose my funding.

    Years of experience in private sector and seeing how it is slowed down by useless regulations and burden of sponsoring payrolls of officials.

    When some one is working for government main question is does anyone really needs your work to be done or it is artificial job created only to move papers between desks?

    So it was an argument in favour of monarchy then. Gotcha.

    What are you talking about? I am not supporting corporations and not advocating to give them more rights - it is opposite.

    Yes, I am supporting monarchy.

    And who is going to work for you if you go around firing people for the slightest transgression?

    Very successful people :)

    Mission failed != slightest transgression

    How is the constant stress of being made destitute going to affect people's willingness to take risks an innovate, not to mention their general wellbeing?

    As it always did, it will push people to pick most efficient path to do the job.

    NASA has problems in doing the job done... the only purpose of NASA was to explore space, if you haven't noticed.

    If they can't push US any further in space exploration... they are no longer needed?

    Of course they will say US need one more space station or one more capsule launched by catapult, but that doesn't have to be true ;)

    Not paying taxes is a crime. And well it should be. Your wages aren't something to be viewed in isolation. They're created by companies and individuals using an educated, healthy workforce, benefiting from low crime rates, using state-funded and maintained transport systems. You don't want to contribute to that? Fine. Move to Somalia, I hear it's lovely this time of year.

    Where is @G'th when you need him ;)

    What profit do I have from some individuals, I don't know, using education sponsored from my taxes? NONE! They are taking resources and jobs from my children.

    What are profits for me when drunk people are using "free" healthcare? NONE! They can drink more and don't worry about money for healthcare because it is "free".

    What I get for paying for prisoners dinner? I have to work so person who was trying to steal my property can have "free" dinner, in what universe that is just and fair?

    Really? Which country is that? Because according to this list it's most probably not on earth, unless you're earning multiple million pounds in Belgium or Finland.

    Poland - those taxes are wrong, when you sum things up it is over 70%, people earning over single million have to pay over 80%, but they aren't, because they are creating companies in countries where taxes are lower.

    So people in middle are responsible for paying all the money "country" needs, yet those rich people are taking free education and free healthcare for their children for "free", same as I do. I don't mind paying taxes as long as they are fair (less than 30%).

  14. I don't think we should be taking moral guidance from the 18th century.

    Well you are right I prefer 16th-17th century.

    My salary is paid by the government. Enlighten me on how I would be more efficient, savvy and intelligent if my research had a corporate sponsor?

    Quit and search for job in private sector or start your own company and see difference, responsibility is first thing you will notice :)

    So is your argument in favour of absolute monarchy? Giving corporations the power to carry out executions if people don't spend their money wisely?

    Corporations? I didn't used that word, I was talking about Kings as owners of money from taxes. I don't see how corporation can manage those money.

    How would you punish NASA for their failures?

    Fired everyone responsible for failed mission. If mission has too large budget to be accepted responsible is leadership, so they should be fired. Later I would search for some visionary people like Zubrin who could make plans for missions that US can afford today.

    If I kill somebody, and the police try to arrest me, I can't object or refuse, because they are the law. Guess I'm a slave because I can't go round murdering anybody who looks at me funny.

    Describing anybody who has to give up a fraction of their income to support society as a slave is immensely offensive to anybody who has actually been impacted by slavery.

    So for you ability to manage my own property and my own money is a crime? :) Yeah that is why I am against government workers, this mind set is really wrong.

    Not fraction, taxes in my country are 70+% of my income and they are spend on things I don't want and don't need.

    Funnily enough' date=' punishing NASA would in most cases be punishing the victim.[/quote']

    Victims are tax payers that have hope their money are not wasted on plans that are never going to work!

    If NASA has no idea how to do things, they should quit and search different jobs.

  15. Sure, tell that to the police, firefighters, military, nurses, teachers, etc...

    Police and military should be always sponsored by country, because main role of country is to protect people inside from people outside ;)

    While other jobs can be privatised, before 18th century there were schools, private schools and they did pretty good job. Only later very rich people need more educated laborers for their industry, because uneducated laborers were loosing too fast and too many fingers doing their job and it was bloody hard and expensive to replace them ;)

    So they started public education and those laborers had to pay higher taxes for their childrens education.

    Oh shush Darnok. You think that because somebody's money is coming from the government makes them inefficient or stupid?

    If someone is working at full time job for democratic government he is inefficient, naive and possibly stupid.

    If Columbus isn't to your taste, how about Magellan, Vespucci, Cook, Da Gama? How would their expeditions have been improved if their funding had come from venture capitalists?

    They had money from Kings, not from governments, and King as owner of those money cared about them. If those explorers would failed The King, they would be executed with no exception!

    That is main difference when there is owner of money and where isn't any. In democratic governments money from taxes have no owner and they are wasted. Responsibility and fear of punishment was nice motivation for all those great people, while now there is no responsibility for people working for governments.

    What will be punishment for failure of NASA mission? What will be punishment for not doing any mission for years? NONE! So there is NO motivation to do any mission and there will be NO bold missions.

    With his ideological opposition to any form of government (he thinks if you pay one cent in tax, you are effectively a slave), I reckon he thinks they should all be privatised, Jennifer Government style.

    If you have zero savings, you don't own anything with value (land, buildings etc etc), you have only your monthly payroll from which you have to pay tax, because there are people who know better, than you, what you need... and you can't object or refuse, because they are the law, and if you do object you will be locked in cage... then you are slave.

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