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Posts posted by Darnok

  1. We already have the hitchhiker container. Even if we had some more, why would you want to use it? There's no life support. Baloons-I don't think you would find many use of them. Even if you would, it's nearly sure that there won't be baloons in the stock game. Inflatable heat shields... They should surely have lower stats than the standard ones with the equal size.

    Hitchhiker is ugly and doesn't work well as planetary base also would be nice to have 3.75m more flat size.

    For what would I use them? Why do we need more than one pilot cockpit or more than one capsule?

    I would found lots of use for balloons, if they would stay more or less in same altitude during time warp :)

    Agreed on heat shields.

  2. This is not like our ancestors explorers, where it was defined by adventure and risk .. Now they need a 5 stars hotel to accommodate the first visitors (those we call heros back then).

    But since when heroes worked for government? Even Robin Hood knew it is not true... full time job for government have only officials and they want to keep their jobs badly, because they can't do anything else than moving paper from one desk to another. Of course that paper and desks are not bought from their money those are your money they just feel they know better how to manage them :)

  3. I'm not sure if it makes any sense to plan 20+ years ahead at this point. By that time SpaceX, ULA and Blue Origin should be flying fairly cheap, semi-reusable launch vehicles.

    It'll become really difficult to justify a plan where you need an expendable monster rocket for every single launch.

    SpaceX is flying only because NASA pays them for resupplying ISS, when that one is over how will they make enough money for developing better technologies?

  4. don't airplanes have noxious gas detectors installed? -- by law?

    They have, but they are not magical they are human made, and humans for money can do many bad things.

    How do they work, do they have some fixed limits implemented in device? Something like in Volkswagen? :)

    The Volkswagen emissions scandal explained: The chief executive has quit after the firm admitted diesel cars were designed to cheat in tests. How did the ‘defeat device’ work and what damage was done?


  5. 32 SLS Block II launches? That's about 4200 metric tonnes to LEO, which can probably be around 1500 metric tonnes in trans-Mars injection, 3 times the mass of ISS. I wonder why do they need so much stuff there, it can be accomplished with a lot smaller and lighter vehicle and hardware.

    Because they don't want to go to Mars :)

    They just can't say "we are too lazy or too scared for this", they will add tons of expensive things, so nobody will accept their budget and they will stay with closer to Earth, much safer and less bold missions... like lunar space station. It will let to keep their jobs for years.

  6. From http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/09/nasa-considers-sls-launch-sequence-mars-missions-2030s/ I would like to Devs inspire on few parts that are going to be used by NASA.


    Rover - we would really need some new rover parts like cabin and crew/cargo section.

    Also large inflatable heat shield.


    Planetary habitat - in KSP 2.5m and 3.75m sizes would be nice with build-in docking ports.

    Also I would like small engine, before 1.0 we had 3 great engines with 20/30/50 thrust on ground level, right now they are nerfed. We need light engine (radial and inline) for 0.625 and 1.25 with 30-40 thrust on Kerbin ground level.

    And balloons, lots of them from small for weather probes to larger versions


  7. haha, funny.. I was not going to do it, the same as the last 2 or 3 similar topics where I dint make any comment.

    But I dont want to ruin your joke.. so one link:


    For those who really want to know why is a better option, this site explained in detail. Is long... because there are a lot of aspects why is better.

    And many aspects are not even explained in that site, but is a start for those who wanna challenge their convictions.

    This is great!

    We can use wood as basic construction material inside city dome and when some elements are too old you can just burn them for heat.

    If we need metals we can always redirect few asteroids and put them in orbit and this is going to be cheap because they can break in atmosphere before circular orbit.

    Mining on surface sure is going to be hard at start, but you got free lift up to 50km with balloons or acid resistance domes filled with breathable air or other gas that can be harvested from atmosphere, no rockets or fuel needed.

    We can have power plants running on water/steam :)

    Just lower flight height to warm up water, lots of heat from atmosphere will produce steam and turbines can easily produce electricity. While city is converting water into steam it is going up, so steam will cool down and condenses over time. To produce electricity city would fly like Reduced gravity aircraft used by NASA only much much slower. We could even simulate rain inside city dome with that mechanic :)

    No micro-meteorites and even larger meteorites are going to burn in atmosphere, in Mars you won't have that for next 10000 years.

    Using airships and wind we can get anywhere on the planet in just ~96 hours, while carrying large cargo! How much fuel you need to do same thing on Mars?

    Terraforming Venus would basically need water, redirect asteroids made of ice or comets, aim for burning in atmosphere.

  8. The Basic manifest goes like this:

    2014- EFT-1 (Done)

    2016- Insight and OSRIS-REX launch on Atlas V Rockets.

    2018- EM-1 unmanned test flight

    2020- Mars 2020 Rover launch on Delta-IV Heavy (Apparently, it's quite a bit bigger than Curiosity)

    2020- ARM Robotic Segment Launch on Delta-IV Heavy.

    2021- First SLS/Orion Manned Mission- basically Apollo 8 2.0.

    2022- Lunar Space Station launched, with year-long crew rotations until 2027, using SLS IB.

    2022- Mars Moon Explorers Flagship Robotic Precursor Mission Launch on Delta-IV Heavy.

    2025- ARM/ Lunar Space Station Crewing Hybrid Mission.

    2028- Block II SLS debuts, SLS begins launching mission elements at a rate of 2-3 per year to support Phobos and Mars mission elements, for a total of 32 missions launched in total for three cis-Mars missions.

    2033- First Phobos Landing

    2039- First Mars Launding

    2043- Followup Mars Mission.

    First off, the long-proposed Lunar Space Station is going to be launched (something I was a large supporter of, as it was a useful low-R&D mission with enough flights to sustain a reasonable SLS flight rate.)

    Buahahaha and that is only thing that will fit their budget :)


    If I would have to guess what are NASA plans for next 15 years I would put my money on space station on Moon orbit. After 2020 ISS will be gone, most of people in NASA will be unemployed, their big project is gone they are no longer needed. So next logical step would be to make next space station that would let keep their jobs for years, but they can't build one more station on Earth orbit, they have to build it further. Mars is too far, Moon seems great strategic choice, if you consider what is going on in space market.

    NASA has Orion that would let crew and resupply missions to fly to Moon orbit, SpaceX Dragon v2, Soyuz and Boeing CST-100 (confirmation needed about CST and Soyuz?!?) are unable to go into deep space missions like that. So NASA would keep their money and would get rid of competition with one simple move

  9. NPC space program should have secret base in place where nobody would be looking for them... on Dres ;)

    Also would be nice to have media building where you could watch NPC achievements like:

    - landing on Mun or other planets

    - first 100t payload rocket start

    etc etc

    Redirecting asteroids (in some war/aggressive mode you and NPC agency could drop asteroids on each other bases :) )

    In carrier mode you could just resupply NPC space station, it could be more fun to do that on station you didn't build.

    You could trade craft designs with NPCs and even hire them to do mission for you, while you are observing, good option for beginners.

  10. Mars may well harbor subsurface life. While Venusian conditions aren't exactly favorable. There's no liquid water, for one.

    On ground level yes, that is why I said we should start with flying bases and later go underground as fast as possible.

    We are mapping Mars just like we have mapped Earth, but did anyone made map of Venus?

    On Mars there is no liquid water on on a surface, so why would you expect water on Venus, we have to drill for water on both planets. Also I remember scientific talks from 10-15 years ago, scientists were saying that there is no water in our solar system except for Earth and today boom we have water everywhere.

    There are going to make few missions to Venus and Mercury, so I think soon we will see t-shirts with label "get your *** to Venus" ;)

  11. Mars simply has more scientific value to us than Venus does.

    Mars is dead' date=' while Venus is at stage where basic building blocks of life were formed.

    Although the environment at that time (including the constant bombardment by asteroids and prodigious volcanic activity) would have been highly hazardous to life, the necessary ingredients were all present in some form or another: liquid water, chemical building blocks (usually taken to be the six elements: oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus) and some kind of energy source.


  12. Mars has no magnetic field, almost no atmosphere, it is smaller than Earth, lower gravity for long missions would have impact on our health, why anyone wants to go there?

    Go to Venus instead, it is almost at size of Earth, it has atmosphere, much denser, but that is good thing, we can use it.

    We could start with flying bases like this one


    Venus has very long day ~120 Earth days, so you can hide from radiation and solar flares on "the dark side" with that flying base.

    Later we could build underground bases and mine for resources.

    We could grow there plants faster than on Mars, plants needs carbon dioxide ~96.5% of Venus atmosphere is carbon dioxide.

  13. wrong. It's "nuclear", therefore the environmental and anti-nuclear lobby are going to go ape and bombard the population with doomsday stories about nuclear explosions from failing rockets, which is going to cost anyone approving the funding to lose a lot of votes, which means it never gets funding.

    And if a private company were to attempt for a launch permit you'd get the same thing, and thus no launch permit.

    We may know it's nonsense, (most of) the politicians and activists may know it's nonsense, but that doesn't mean it's not going to happen (as we know, it's happened numerous times in the past).

    What? We can't send it in two parts?

    First send reactor and second fuel, just like we are sending crew with safe capsule and abort systems, and then put fuel into reactor in safe orbit?

  14. The setting 'Disable Crossfeed' on docking ports is ignored by jet engines. That means for example that a transport space plane drains fuel from it's payload and if user doesn't notice it it might end in a big unnecessary and unwanted surprise.

    And when this gets fixed finally also let this setting be preset already in VAB/SPH and save and restore the current state of the crossfeed setting also in the savegame. Geezus!

    Would be nice to see tweakable on docking ports

  15. Thats what first occurred to me, though I thought KSP was single-threaded? Anyhoo, you're obviously correct.

    And about other ill-effects? Is the CPU usage preventing you from playing or causing other bugs?

    Nope, I can play it is just slow.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Ok, fresh steam install (no old saves, no old crafts, no mods, pure stock!)...

    main menu - 170% CPU usage :huh:

    KSC screen - 105%

    editor - 150-170%

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