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Posts posted by Darnok

  1. Do a google search. Performance of the "physics" system goes down brutally depending on how many tanks or batteries you have. This is a LOT more brutal than physics.How long do you play?

    It is well documented that ressource distribution is a performance hog. Among the issues being that the list of all containers for a resource is regenerated every frame.... It is in their bug list.


    So, it is not "physics" that is slow per se. Not with something as trivial as a 200 part ship ;)

    What? They can't be that bad... it would be as bad as:




    hard question ;) what this code will do?

    As for update IMO it is too late for U5.2 in KSP 1.1. Some optimizations are not on coders side, you just need design properly your features.

  2. Physicsless doesn't mean what you think it means. It just means that it's mass is added to its parent part. Any forces (lift, drag, inertial, w/e) are still applied to it, the game still needs to calculate physics for it (I could be wrong though).

    Wait... lift and drag isn't calculated inside cargo bays right now? I want to remove as much as possible physics from parts inside cargo bays as long as bay is closed. I don't mind loading textures and shapes of those parts, but any periodic checks should be disabled.

  3. Ok, but you'll still have to open the cargo bay/whatever to get the rover/miner/lab out which means you'd be having 200 parts at the scene at some point anyway. Though I grant you, there would be an initial benefit.

    I don't mind having 200 parts after landing, I do mind having 50 part less while landing, for my CPU it is noticeable difference :)

    Physicsless != unloaded. I believe OP is proposing that parts inside cargo bays are unloaded from the physics engine and their mass added to the cargo bay, I guess similar to how the Hangar mod works.

    I have no idea how unity works, so pick whatever works better to improve performance and what is easier to implement.

    EDIT: I read about this mod and IMO those parts should be physicsless it should work good enough, we don't need new mechanic.

  4. as well as having a tweakable for the tank contents id also like to see a tweakable for hard or soft shell tanks.

    Allow me to elaborate. Currently almost all tanks are "hard shell". The round8 is what I would describe as "Soft shell".

    the stiff cylindrical shell makes them aerodynamic and stand up to earth G and atmospheric affects.

    Interplanetary stages do not need this hard shell as they operate in vacuum so I think it would be good to have a tweakable option to remove it and save some mass for that cool interplanetary Mylar look :cool:

    like this:


    yes, that means extra art work, but art work looks great and if porkjet doesn't want the task, I'm sure there are many talented artists lining up for a chance to make more stock parts.

    very few additional textures would be needed also 1.1 being x64 means the cap on the number of game assets now nice and high.

    Also hi everyone! I've not been around for a while.

    I like those spherical tanks.

  5. The man on the street has no idea Voyager program exists. Same goes for practically every interplanetary probe.

    Go on, get out on the streets and ask 20 people what's the most distant man made object.

    Ask people how far away is the Sun or the closest star other than the Sun.

    If the man on the street has no idea the program even exists, it's not because the program lacks a flashy name, and the flashy name won't change it.

    I wish I could give more rep for this... we live in age of meaningless things, where form, name or advert is more important than "product" or content itself.

  6. So they are saying that the entangled particles do send information faster than light through a wormhole ? Interesting.

    Not faster than light... if you consider Aether then quantum entanglement wouldn't be called spooky or even entanglement. It would be same consistent mechanic as for electrons with different smaller scale and instead of wire aether needs electromagnetic "tunnel".

    Imagine green balls are aether particles trapped in "tunnel", they are not moving much from their location, since you would need too much energy to do that, but you can push them little and one particle pushes another and another... particles are not moving faster than light, but message can be send instantly because each trapped particle moves at same time.


    For example you would be able to get live transmission from Pluto, but making connection, creating electromagnetic "tunnel", would take as long as New Horizons was sending data from Pluto.

    Keep in mind I used "if you consider..." before posting ;)

  7. Those parts are amazing, most of them would solve not only planetary bases problem, but also lack of space stations parts, since they have nodes at the bottom :)

    Cupola is great for large rovers.

    Only one part I would change...


    this one large on right, after right click it should allow us to drop/disconnect cargo that is attached to it, so we could reconfigure "cargo" at some point without lots of docking ports.

    Those smaller parts could have some kind of magnets that would allow us to connect or disconnect them from cargo bay.

    EDIT Also it would be nice to have one part (like this with two engines) with integrated landing legs to decrease part count of bases.

  8. Do you think a lion could survive if it wasn't an apex predator.

    Could a whale survive if it could not hold its breath.

    Could a bird survive if it could not flap its wings.

    Could a fish survive if its fins had the consistency of lead bricks.

    Could a microbe survive if it weighed 60 tons.

    Could a elephant survive it if weighed an once.

    Could a snake survive if it could only eat microbiotes.

    Could a chameleon survive if looked like a biohazard sticker.

    Is any ape relatively unintelligent?

    Those are wrong and not fair...

    - I think you confused cause and result in here, but yes lions can survive even if bigger and stronger predator take their place

    - how deep is plankton?

    - there is lots of birds that doesn't fly, so my guess most of birds would survive


    Could any animal survive on random planet from our solar system? Those examples are like that ;)

  9. Do not underestimate humans. They are very resilient when pushed, if only just for the fact that they are too stubborn to realize the odds are stacked against them. I would argue that the latter is our greatest trait. We, as a species, simply refuse to understand some things should not or cannot be done, and therefore we do the impossible. Homo sapiens, homo impossibile.

    Too many movies from Hollywood :)

    Look at worlds economy, every democratic country has debt, poor people accepted their "fate", rich doesn't care about future of the world, people allow to rule and create law to incompetent "liders"... and now out of nowhere they would learn how to create society that would survive hunger, lack of resources and hard labor?

    If now our intelligence is failing right now... because we can't create society model that would work on our current civilization level... then maybe we are "made" for labor work only or we developed our society standards in wrong way.

  10. You can leave intelligence, just get rid of all our technology and most people would be useless, very angry, very hungry and very useless.

    Most of human population would die without:

    - electricity - from cold or hunger, lack of communication and access to knowledge TV and internet, no water in cities

    - cars - no food in large cities, no warm houses far away from cities

    - markets - when food in markets ran out people in towns are dead

    - internet - without access to ultimate knowledge base people would have no idea how to make fries

    - medicines - we forgot almost all methods that doesn't require large corporations and patents

    - vaccines - no natural immunity... epidemics

    - clothes - who today knows how to make warm clothes without using electricity and factories?

    So we probably wouldn't be able to survive, because those useless people would start to kill and steal things from those who knows how to survive.

    Take away intelligence and leave technology and we die as well... from weapons of mass destruction.

    Take away both technology and intelligence and we also die, because our bodies are not prepared for wild live... no medicines, no claws or furs, we would become free food for most of large predators. We wouldn't be able even to eat raw meat, so we would have to be herbivorous and spend most of our day time on gathering and eating, also no hunting means no furs from herbivorous animals, most people would die after first winter.

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