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Everything posted by Darnok

  1. I found https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titius%E2%80%93Bode_law equation that helped to find Ceres. Here is improved version... what are fallibility rules for theory that claims our solar system appeared on its own from dust and gases?
  2. I will create new thread to continue discussion about DNA and CMB... As for Moon, how many moons from that list have rotation and orbital periods locked exactly like our Moon? "The Moon's rotation and orbital periods are tidally locked with each other, so no matter when the Moon is observed from Earth the same hemisphere of the Moon is always seen. " Interesting wiki article about hypothetical planets https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hypothetical_Solar_System_objects
  3. Then what good can come with SETI? We find some random signal from ancient civilization that is dead for millions of years and what we will do with it? Meanwhile any studies closer to Earth or on Earth are called as "crazy", just because aliens on distant planets are ok, but aliens that could exists or visit Earth, before we humans learned how to build wigwam, how to farm or write on clay stones, are crazy ideas. As for Pluto flyby where did I said it is useless? IMO we should put few satellites in orbits of every planet in our solar system and drop few more rovers that we have currently on Mars to study every planet in our solar system much better. We should, instead of stupid Voyager missions, send many probes with telescope so we could use it today to track objects passing through the solar disc, because that is easiest way, we know, to explore and study space objects.
  4. Ancient aliens advocates use SETI to find signals send by aliens millions of years ago Or they are searching for patterns in our DNA or in cosmic microwave background (CMB) and they call it science. Even if SETI would find any signal it would be useless, because we would never be able to answer it (someone didn't think for second before SETI started, why would any civilization send any signal in very possible hostile space?) Pattern in DNA could be useful and would mean that GMO and any other genetic experiments are totally wrong. Pattern in CMB also is useless, because it wouldn't help us to contact anyone. After thinking that way you see that ancient aliens in our solar system or as builders of pyramids are not only easier to study, but also any found evidence would be far more useful than SETI. Like Eris there could be many planets in many different orbits and with little luck they can be synchronized in way they are balancing their gravitational influence (look at the Moon how much luck it needed to orbit Earth in way we can only see same side?).
  5. Very large one, but its structure would be few km high and hold by magnetic field rings generate... I know lots of power, but while you want to play with magnetic propulsion to orbit you have to think about huge power source first
  6. I was thinking about little help at take off and magnetic rings tower that would push away each other to remain in same distance and would generate magnetic field to push vehicle up to orbit
  7. But what do you want to send to orbit... Mount Everest? I was thinking about single human in suit and some light capsule per flight.
  8. @SciMan power delivery shouldn't be problem just put few nuclear power plants and transfer energy, using microwaves or other kind of radiation, to vehicle. Or we could shot magnetic beam from Earth and build elevator that would climb it http://www.google.com/patents/US5929732
  9. Main question from me is "how you want to solve stability problem, because magnetic field changes and fluctuates?"
  10. I think you guys confusing some things... for example Einstein could have lower IQ than some average person, because Einstein was good in one thing in physics, while this average person could be way above average in multiple things.
  11. If you are smartest person in the world I am sure you can learn English on your own at level allowing to even pass that test
  12. So even tests from https://www.mensa.org/ are waste of time?
  13. You should add 3rd option "The name we give doesn't change what Pluto is", for you it may be dwarf planet for other person planet it doesn't change anything.
  14. Try attach radiator panel to MK2 drone core you won't need time warp to kaboom
  15. You are not first person who is thinking about life on Jupiter
  16. IMO we should have option to play in current physics set or simplified with lots of small parts being physicless.
  17. Ok, I understand that, but my point is... is it really worth it to count 300 solar panels when they are attached to 80t vehicle? IMO it should be dynamic solution (no idea if it is possible in unity) , if root part is very heavy and child parts are relatively light is it really worth to decrease performance and waste CPU on those parts? If I connect two 80 tons tanks and put 300 different very small parts on each of those tanks, maybe it would be better from performance perspective to do not count those little parts?
  18. Wait so if I use 80t fuel tank and put 300 solar panels on it physics engine will count that as 301 parts? That is very wrong, even 300 solar panels have very little impact on how 80t tank will fall, fly or whatever. And if 80t tank is going to hit something at 30+m/s I am sure solar panel won't survive this, so why would KSP count solar panel as part?
  19. What is name of this software?
  20. If you are looking for simplest way to see Earth shape As for lasers and water IMO you have to look at Moon position too.
  21. I want this in next update, so I could play mixed sandbox-carrier mode
  22. How about secondary star with few planets. One maybe with single moon destroyed like in movie Time machine.
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