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Everything posted by Darnok

  1. Yes for inflatable heat shields! I would also like space plane heat shield, tweakable that would add additional protection and mass to wings and plane parts, SpacePlane+ mod had this as far as I remember. It should allow to decrease temperature resistance of many parts, so I could replace large docking port with proper heat shield on my dragon-like-capsule and use those tweaks on my space planes. Right now we really can use docking ports as heat shields :/ and I remember some post from Squad that we can't have harsh heat effect or most of space planes will not survive flight.
  2. Ok, you are right that calling someone medicore is bit harsh, but if you are saying later that they made game where you can build craft with hundreds parts and each part resources are checked per frame then it is hard to call that kind of skills professional. I understand that this is first game made by Squad, so some things can be forgiven. Also I was wondering why in 1.0+ KSP is running slow and how much it is temperature checks and new aero fault. I hope they excluded per frame checks if part is inside cargo bay or not. IMO we have here few people that would love to think about better algorithms, but for example I have no idea how KSP is made. I doubt it game is going to be open source, but some data/manual how things work would be great and Squad could implement best ideas just like they are making best mods stock.
  3. That doesn't make argument "do better or shut up" valid. That is only basic rule of economy, if someone does something bad and you can do it better you will make more money than he does
  4. What are you talking about? If you want to produce cars you need company, if you want produce software (game is software) you also need company... now look at your argument, we can't criticize software if we can't make better software is same as we can't criticize car if we can't make better car. Your argument is nonsensical and it doesn't matter on what kind of company we are talking about. Every customer has right to say his opinions of course those opinions should be constructive not insulting. Also I don't understand why people are overreacting and think criticism is hostile attack on their work. Criticism is good, it helps your product to get better, of course if decide to listen your customers, but if you ignore them or think they are attacking you or have no idea what they are talking about, because they don't have experience, you won't make any use of customer opinions and fail in your business. Remember if everyone would be able to make their own game nobody would pay Squad for their game, this rule apply to any business Problem of lots of critics is IMO result of "early access" development path. Look at Fallout or Baldurs Gate two epic or even legendary games, how they were made? Their producers had great idea, but their development path was different they just made investment, released 1.0 and risk paid off. Today we have many early access games, that starts in same way as those two great games... with a very unique and brilliant idea, but people are too afraid to risk money on their ideas. This is sad, because if you think your dreams are not worth to risk your money, why I should risk my and buy results of your work? KSP started same way as those two great games, but its development path is different, Squad didn't risked money to create finished product and then release 1.0, so KSP is not yet optimized and polished. Instead they started to create and release step by step unfinished product... alpha versions, people noticed potential and uniqueness of KSP and started to play it. This is path where all of early access indie game starts and this way many fails, because at some point old players, that were playing game for years since 0.1 version, are going to get bored with game (its content and features), they will want more or in different way (more realistic, less realistic, more sandbox, more carrier mode etc etc), while game is still far from being finished. Of course that is not game creators mistake, you can't make players happy, in early access game, if they are impatient. New players are still coming, due to adverts or friends sharing informations about "cool games"... they see game first time and ask for new things. Now what game owners should do, listen old-players and add new features and content or finish, polish and optimize game for brand new-players that will buy it and play for the first time? IMO early access development path is pitfall... very easy start, without risk of losing money and resources, on wrong idea, but you have more problems over time than in classic game development path. Time is also factor, because software is getting old very fast, same as UI designs and graphics. How to finish game with both groups, old and new players, being happy after years of development? Also any dev guides I've seen saying you don't polish and don't optimize unfinished software, so Squad should make one update without new features, just spend all time at fixing bugs and optimizations, after they will feel game is finished.
  5. You think you can do better than put-any-car-making-company-name? You think their engineers are medicore? Go and make your own company and make better cars... I do understand that some critics are written because people like to criticize, but this argument is terrible.
  6. What? They can't be that bad... it would be as bad as: while(true){ i+=1; } hard question what this code will do? As for update IMO it is too late for U5.2 in KSP 1.1. Some optimizations are not on coders side, you just need design properly your features.
  7. Hmm but those are still very close to Earth, I was asking about same tests beyond Van Allen belts.
  8. Next step is evolution of electromagnetic shields that will cover ships from lasers?
  9. We didn't made any nuclear tests beyond Earth? I mean beyond Earth magnetic field... so maybe there is somekind of radiation we didn't found yet?
  10. I was thinking about building fairing and putting seats inside to emulate soyuz capsule, but making nice looking fairing is too hard for me... this part of editor sucks IMO, we should have gizmos to change shape of fairings.
  11. Doubt it would be binary... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_numeral_systems I would pick "Golden ratio base" or "Base À "Pi-nary""
  12. Wait... lift and drag isn't calculated inside cargo bays right now? I want to remove as much as possible physics from parts inside cargo bays as long as bay is closed. I don't mind loading textures and shapes of those parts, but any periodic checks should be disabled.
  13. I don't mind having 200 parts after landing, I do mind having 50 part less while landing, for my CPU it is noticeable difference I have no idea how unity works, so pick whatever works better to improve performance and what is easier to implement. EDIT: I read about this mod and IMO those parts should be physicsless it should work good enough, we don't need new mechanic.
  14. IMO if you make 50 parts lander with cargo bay and put 50 part rover/miner/lab inside ability to land with 50 part craft instead of 100 near planetary base with some ~100 parts would reduce lag.
  15. Unloading content of cargo bays and content of fairings from physics engine. If something is inside cargo bay just add mass of "cargo/package" to cargo bay, but don't load each part until cargo bay is opened. This would allow us to increase performance making smart builds with proper fairings.
  16. Are you sure? I mean someone checked that or you just guessing, because we are so awesome civilization we don't make mistakes?
  17. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_Directive it is good reason not only for sci-fi. Why do you think aliens didn't contacted us? Are you aware of every appointment for example of Obama and Putin? If aliens can contact us they would contact world leaders not scientists groups like SETI.
  18. I wish I could give more rep for this... we live in age of meaningless things, where form, name or advert is more important than "product" or content itself.
  19. Not faster than light... if you consider Aether then quantum entanglement wouldn't be called spooky or even entanglement. It would be same consistent mechanic as for electrons with different smaller scale and instead of wire aether needs electromagnetic "tunnel". Imagine green balls are aether particles trapped in "tunnel", they are not moving much from their location, since you would need too much energy to do that, but you can push them little and one particle pushes another and another... particles are not moving faster than light, but message can be send instantly because each trapped particle moves at same time. For example you would be able to get live transmission from Pluto, but making connection, creating electromagnetic "tunnel", would take as long as New Horizons was sending data from Pluto. Keep in mind I used "if you consider..." before posting
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