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Everything posted by Darnok

  1. Wouldn't be more realistic and safer to just send small capsule with resources as independent mission to Mars? And then during flight change its orbit and dock slowly?
  2. NASA changes tank color and it is worth 6 pages... this explains why they can't go to Mars or even back to Moon.
  3. So NASA budget is getting smaller again, no money for white paint
  4. NASA is not receiving less and less funds because this already happen? NASA was sharing results with other, but right now we have different situation in politics and sharing anything with other countries is not best idea, because you may share things with people you will try to kill next day. I am suspecting this merge happened few years ago and USAF is running space missions where results are only stored in US military organizations, where security and confidentiality are on a daily basis.
  5. I would left part of solar system unchanged, part closer Kerbin, and add few procedurally generated planets further from Kerbin. This way new players would have accurate tutorials, maps etc etc in early game, but after they gather experience they would have unique challenges and they would be forced to improvise
  6. Nuclear power plant on GEO connected with Earth using cable, something like space elevator, except it wouldn't be lifting anything, it would only transfer energy from orbit to Earth. It would be clean and alternative way of producing power Do we have technology needed for that kind of construction? Would power transfer be limited to few countries near equator or not?
  7. First thing first... what is conspiracy theory? And when it was used for the first time? Not every person is naive, so they don't believe in everything that is stated officially. This is not a substantive argument, but there are few examples where official version was a lie and theory was true: NSA spying everyone - Snowden Echelon - confirmed Chemtrails - Solar radiation management As for aliens, what proof would you need? Obama shaking hand with alien in TV? Do you really think that aliens would come to scientists and say "study as like wild animals"? Even if alien ship would crash on Earth no scientists would be allowed to dissect aliens... imagine reaction of other aliens later after they knew that member of their family was cut open to check does he have a hearth and how much it weights. Any contacts between other intelligent species will be (or were) done by politicians and diplomats, not scientists. You are watching too much TV, if we discover aliens before they will discover us... that means they are below our technological level. Just look how we work if two countries are sending submarine or plane on hostile territory they are trying to be stealth, but if both sides wants to talk their diplomats talk, not scientists.
  8. Agreed, but if interstellar travel won't be cheap one day... well we as humankind lost no point in doing anything.. just watch TV, eat, drink and wait for the end. Also giving guide to entire new intelligent species even if it wouldn't be cheap IMO it would be worth it. Part of discoveries made by those aliens would survive that way.
  9. https://youtu.be/gWYEnvMM1dA?t=360 (<== question) Not only SETI should be looking for geometric alien billboards and not only orbiting nearby starts Because if aliens are more advanced than we are today, they have found and marked Earth loooong time ago. Leaving billboards here on Earth, so we could learn from them many things. Like how to contact aliens or what are the rules in our galaxy or laws of physics.
  10. Software licensing Patent system was created to allow abusing. But if you think otherwise then for you patent system should be called "bad design". Patent system is dedicated to stealing ideas Military and agencies have full access to every patent and they don't have to obey patent-law. Without patents you still have copyrights on your implementation of idea or algorithm. Imagine scenario without patents where you invented super-fast-searching-algorithm, you made company to make profit out of your invention. But I can also start company making better implementation of your idea and that would be small progress step for humankind, but huge profit leap for me. Of course for you it is bad, because I just took away part of market share from you... after while I was able to improve your basic search-algorithm ever further, yet another step for humanity. And now you can read about my improvements of algorithm and implement them on your own. After while 3rd company arise and creates even better implementation, that company will take market share from both of us, but if they improve algorithm we can push our implementations further. Change implementation into manufacturing to see how it can work with companies making engines for example. With patents it would be impossible to make so many improvements, because after invention you would patent it and nobody would be able to use it without paying you. What makes this invention useful only for large corporations that are able to invest lots of money at start. Patents are slowing down technology, because you wouldn't invest more money to improve your searching-algorithm, you would wait for corporation to pay you fee for agreement to use it. Those corporations wouldn't improve your algorithm because their research would be your property any way. Corporations doesn't like competition that is why patents are so great for them.
  11. If some system allows "evil people" to abuse it, it is wrong system. This http://www.technology.nasa.gov/patent/LAR-TOPS-217 could be used in KSP?
  12. Patents are evil, NASA is no better, but since they are giving away some of their patents maybe you can make use of it http://www.technology.nasa.gov/patents
  13. I had hope for something else
  14. I think it is here https://steamdb.info/app/220200/depots/ but I might be wrong
  15. I have found this https://steamdb.info/app/220200/dlc/ it was before those "6 days" or it is something new?
  16. If something kills people maybe we should get rid of that and try to develop technology based on new concept? What is more important human life, profit or life style?
  17. Interesting argument. So if one technology kills people then other technology that cause deaths is fine? Ok, I get it, it is pretty safe... but does making deep underground power plants would make them any safer? Or cheaper, since this "tombs" probably cost a lot?
  18. If that would be true we wouldn't ever knew about Fukushima
  19. In most developed countries are depleted mines can we use then to build safer nuclear power plants?
  20. I have seen video with different Skylon configuration, it had main Sabre engines, but in tail section was rocket engine to make final push to orbit. Maybe hybrid with main jet engines and large tail section rocket engine would be better? Lynx can make suborbital flight just with rocket engine, Skylon would push it bit further? (I know Lynx is much much smaller)
  21. You created two properties. I can create two different properties/scenarios/hypothesis for this: 1. plants absorbs all light except green, they don't have to have ability to reflect, just all not absorbed light has to go somewhere 2. plants reflects only green light, all other colors are absorbed It seems to be same thing, but it isn't, because in science you have to think what property studied object has, so you could create equation for your calculations. It is important what you pick are you measuring reflection-property or absorbtion? The colors that we see are really illusions, because it is the color of the object should determine the absorption capacity, or reflex is arbitrary. Same it is with every issue, in which we interpret and describe the universe or some object within the universe. For many years, the geocentric system was the only and right model of universe, because an observer from the earth really see, the planets moving around him. But then someone got the idea that this concept is totally wrong and the property of planet Earth has changed. Now we calculate Earth movement, before we didn't. Geocentric and heliocentric systems/models are two ways of perceiving reality, two different interpretation, and both can create many equations that will give correct results. Of course science has rejected one of these models, and there is nothing wrong with that, were it not that scientists have forgotten that the old and misconceptions to be discarded and they should be looking for new ones. Instead today, misconceptions are not discarded, they add the new field of physics (and not only) to only justify their accuracy in a wider range. An example is Newton and his notion that the force that occurs between an apple and the Earth comes from the direct influence of the properties of one and the other at a distance. How does he prove that in his times? Why he has accepted only such a model? Yet the second model that comes to my mind is one in which the force between objects is created by an environment where these objects are. And this model is simpler because it does not require the creation of additional property(mass) for objects apple and the Earth. This come into my mind when I read @lajoswinkler "It's a property of our universe" do we really measure properties of universe or only our interpretations of those properties?
  22. Wrong answer, we see grass as green plant. But did you ever wondered why?
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