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Everything posted by Darnok

  1. Where I said planet was pushed by civilisation? If large planet would get close to Neptune it could change its orbit and push him away... some scientists say that Neptune had different orbit at beginning of our solar system. one of hypothesis I googled in few seconds... http://www.space.com/4755-trading-cosmic-places-neptune-uranus-swapped-spots.html
  2. Something like pushing Neptune to new orbit and destroying planet on orbit where is asteroid belt today? It could pass asteroid belt only once so far. No, just some sources say Earth orbit was 360 days long and Moons exactly 27 days. Because back then there could be no asteroid belt? And staying on planet that is passing asteroid belt is very very stupid idea Sorry, just writing some hypothesis... myths... stories... etc in one place
  3. Case where wave wasn't that large... In past humans were making settlements near water, so great flood didn't had to be that great to go deep in land, yet most of people would remembered there was a flood on entire (known by them) world. "silt layers in the sediment record" - Tidal wave that swept few times thousands years ago wouldn't act like flood... it would be more like tsunami, where water rises and then lowers very quickly. While during flood water stays in one place for long time, so imo those are two different cases. "peculiarities in the orbit of the moon" - 360 days long Earth year and 27 days Moon orbit fits this? "evidence of hugely increased vulcanism" - there are two events like this... one is myth about Atlantis that was destroyed by vulcano or Earth quake "evidence of a global extinction event" - second is both extinction of dinosaurs and massive volcanoes activity at same time. Also in second case tidal wave, depends on its size, could mix layers and bodies of dead animals (case where wave was huge), so carbon dating would be inaccurate.
  4. What evidence you would expect from alien visit and few days flood made by tidal waves as high as "mountains" (Interstellar like wave, but less steep)?
  5. Ancient aliens used escape pods to leave their home planet. Probably best choice to stay for while was Earth, they mined what they could to return and rebuild their home planet after crisis will be over. Of course on their home planet gravity could be different than Earths gravity, so for hard labor they needed cheap work force... dumb apes were near by, so they made them a bit smarter. Gold could be very important for development of their technology, so they had mined as much as they could and since then all smart-apes on every continent started to think that this shiny metal has great value. Once alien planet was thrown away on different orbit, aliens returned home. But over time it passed near Earth at least one more and smart-apes wrote that down in old book, they called it "Great flood", since seas and oceans washed entire planet. Of course water level didn't raise a bit and water didn't washed entire planet at once. Gravity from alien planet caused huge tidal wave and since planet was passing near by Earth for many days, Earth during that time made many turns around its axis, so almost every corner of Earth was flooded.
  6. There could be more that just one more planet in our solar system http://www.space.com/31731-rogue-planet-biggest-solar-system-discovery.html
  7. Creating coal costs energy, we can build device that will drain energy from coal... of course as result (output) we can get only fraction of energy that was used to create coal. This should work with any element... Creating magnets costs energy... so why do most people think we can't build device that would drain energy from magnets? This is same case as with coal, you should expect in output only fraction of energy used to create this magnet. How this breaks conservation of energy?
  8. Mass is human invention, it is part of model created by Newton. Mass and all calculation with "weird" numbers just fits best to explain force that appears between object and Earth, but that doesn't means mass really exists.
  9. Ok, you think that kill = you have to kill in one second... You can release virus that will make group of people (for example entire race) infertile or make females of that group unable to have natural childbirth (natural = without sharp tools involved). In past there was Hundred Years' War, why we can't have one long war today?
  10. He was wrong WWIII was cold war, now we will have WWIV and it won't be war on nukes, but war on biological weapon and after that war only one race will remain the one that first release virus killing all other races.
  11. Yea and that is why IMO they are building rocket from wrong end... they should start with payload and 2nd stage and then go for 1st stage. With current approach they will have to rebuild 1st stage many times and each time add and recalculate everything. True, but with 2nd stage they would probably landed on barge at first time and with working 2nd stage they could rebuild 1st stage once and add all it needs to be resuable.
  12. I was watching SpaceX videos and they have plans to make reusable both 1st and 2nd stages... so wouldn't be easier for them to start from 2nd stage? It is much lighter and shorter, so it should be easier to land at whatever they want to or am I missing something (except costs difference of both stages)?
  13. There are many suits with different features https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Man's_armor
  14. I would save myself and my family building bunker or large ship and bought lots of guns.
  15. Why would we ever need to speak with one voice? Progress comes from different opinions, different views and different approaches not from the only one correct way of thinking. If we ever be "the one mind" humanity will die.
  16. Who allowed NASA to act as leader of entire humanity?
  17. Where I said "vaccines cause autism"? I said that most people think this way: if vaccines doesn't cause autism they are 100% safe. Those are two very different things. Also calling people idiots just because they disagree with you remind me this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPMyccAPrgA You just scored 18/10 points
  18. Cancer is known disease http://www.collective-evolution.com/2014/07/15/new-study-links-gmos-to-cancer-liverkidney-damage-severe-hormonal-disruption/ True, but before full-release on market it should be checked very carefully and for very long time (not just for 9 months), meanwhile you demand more scientific data from someone who is against it, than from people who released it on market. That is very wrong approach it should be opposite. Look at wiki and history of Monsanto law suits, soon there should be this I am talking about. That is only example, if something has happened before its is not evidence it is happening now, but it may be same case. That is why standing behind official statements and claiming something is conspiracy is pretty naive. You didn't understood what I said... if company would won false-flag-accusation then one of your arguments in our discussion would be "but they won law suit, so there is no proof it is bad" - this is how winning law suit is changing public opinions and way of thinking. Going back to human cloning... Same thing is with human cloning... if it would be US or European idea people would go against, so they are (large greedy companies) doing this in proxy-China-company http://www.boyalifegroup.com/english/introduction.aspx because Chinese can clone humans and good democratic govs can't forbid them to do so Meanwhile this is US and UK project to continue studies on cloning humans in outposts located in China, but in media they are quoting Chinese scientist.
  19. You should demand science to back up from people saying that GMO is safe in first place Are there any statistical studies on people eating GMO? What data do you have? Does anyone checked people eating GMO on multiple disease or just one or two like cancer? Any studies on 2nd and 3rd generation of people eating GMO or using vaccines? Exactly, if you sue your self with zero evidence you are going to win for 100%. How this is going to affect public opinion about you and your product? Abusing law is easy if you earn billion$, makes worth it and it has happened in past. Large companies hired scientists to present false data. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmos:_A_Spacetime_Odyssey 7 "The Clean Room"
  20. Using natural mechanics to make "bigger chicken" maybe isn't great idea, but it is better than changing part of DNA manually. Or maybe you just don't see what is wrong with them? I read that Monsanto was sued for "crimes against humanity"... I only hope it is not one more false flag sue to avoid in future real accusations. And in case Monsanto wins people will talk that GMO is fine, because they won in court. Just like vaccine-companies made with "autism accusation" (they won) and now everyone thinks that since vaccine doesn't cause autism it is safe
  21. Selective breeding != DNA modification Selective breeding it is just manual driven evolution. While GMO is jumping on different evolution branch skipping many evolutionary steps. And we even see that selective breeding is failing, because most of crops needs lots of chemical protection against disease that would never occur in natural environment, because such disease would simply kill entire evolutionary branch of plant.
  22. It is way Asimov interpreted human mind, not some universal rule. It may change if we understand our minds better, we can even drop this as very wrong interpretation of human mind in future. What? Then he would be talking robot, not human or not even intelligent being. What makes us very different from robots is evolution. Robots won't ever evolve because they have to be created as intelligent to start improving their "production line". And it serves evolution That is why any DNA modifications, cloning and GMO are crimes against humanity.
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