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Everything posted by Pappystein

  1. Anyone else having issues with Mercury Motor? It seems to be stuck to the launch pad... And I don't unlock the staging clamps until much later... I have already tried a wipe and reinstall. I can confirm this with latest release as well as 3.31 pre release. Thoughts?
  2. I think we are on opposite ends of the explanation of the same thing. The Sun (directly overhead at standard Atmospheric conditions) is pure white (D65, Neutral, 6487/6500Kelvin whatever other standard you want to call it.) Anyway, so I don't get into the scientific discussion about WHY most colors are named poorly at best, let me just say it was probably the Moire pattern that you adjusted already. If there are issues with the release I will let you know
  3. Actually Photoshop RGB is a touch off of the US federal (and EU) standards for color but that is besides the point (Does not line up with D65 white or "Neutral" if you are looking at an interior design pallet.) The Issue Color wise is more apparent in the VAB than in actual flight. I will try the new file tonight.... Looking forward to the final release of it. Thanks as always for the quick reply and please keep up the GREAT work! By far the best parts mod in the game! Pappystein
  4. Firzzank, As always AWESOME work! Thanks for the quick Reply and fix to the Centaur, you save my KSP program! With the exception of an Air Brake I moved off of B9, I am exclusively using your mod at this point (sans background mods like Enhanced Nav Ball and DLL enhnacements) I am wondering if I could make a small request. The Rescue Gemini, Love the idea but the textures freak out on my monitor. I have traced it to the color of white used for those textures (it is more of a blue white vs the natural white of all the rest of your mod but I won't bore you with CIE color chart information.) This color difference can clearly be seen if you put the white lander legs on the standard Gemini Service Module. Would it be possible to switch the color when you have a chance to the standard white that the rest of the mod uses? It would help me because the texture won't fritz out and should clean up the look of the model (Less blurry due to the glare issue from the Blue-white color.) Thanks in Advance! Pappystein
  5. You have to be exactly eye level with the RCS Block. I had the same problem for the longest time.. was about to post when I figured that out. I hope that helps you!
  6. Possible Bug. I built a heavy lander version of the Gemini and attached it to a Centaur booster with additional fuel tank (I tried the small atlas style as well as a small 2.5m from KW. Mounted this atop a modified Titan IIIc (added RD191 from Bobcat's Soviet Engines pack) EVERY launch has a separation at the joint at the top of the Centaur. Altitude always is between 5km and 15km in various speeds/accelerations/g-loads. I have even launched with just the SRBs lifting.... I HAVE removed the tank atop centaur so the capsule and it's FASA decoupler themselves are on the Centaur tank.... Same issue. Is there a strength issue with the Centaur in the latest release? For grins I made a 4 stage Titan with stages 2/3/4 all being Centaurs. Catastrophic failure on each launch attempt (would immediately break on spawn.) Any thoughts/help/suggestions? Thanks in Advance and for the great work!
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