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    Spacecraft Engineer

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  1. Yes you read that right, no i don't want to install firespitter. it would be nice to go a bit before the era of jets in ksp, i mean they had rockets in ww2 so it's not something completely stupid i'm saying. I just would like to see vanilla prop engines so we could recreate even more ww2 craft or make a douglas passenger plane. squad senpai please notice this
  2. y = 10 x = print(y / 25) print("hi guys!") new fonts and big it all seems to work again.
  3. so for multiple engines you do this Isp = ( F1 + F2 + ... ) / ( ( F1 / Isp1 ) + ( F2 / Isp2 ) + ... ) F = thrust of engine and the numbers indicate that it's a different engine.
  4. so i'm trying to go to moho and doing it all scientific and calculating everything but when calculating the delta-v of a stage and that has multiple engines (same kind) on it do you add the isp up or do you just use the isp from 1 engine?
  5. about 2000 or so? yes i just became a pro at ksp.
  6. true but when i play ksp i never ever (okay sometimes) think scientific unless i go to duna or something.
  7. uhm first you're talking about a 4 ton capsule and then a 2.5 ton capsule is even worse? how?
  8. my payload just fell trough the fairings
  9. the kraken can't be summoned anymore i think. try adding more fins or make it bigger on the bottom with more fins. also don't transfer fuel from the top to the bottom. AAAND don't go too fast when you're still in the atmosphere
  10. try using cleanmymac2 or 3 to clean all of your cache and other broken stuff. yes cleanmymac costs money but it's really worth it so you can see if it will help! also the active texture management mod reduces the amount of ram used by the game so that could help as well.
  11. put the terrain scatters on and scatter density to 100% it doesn't take away any performance and you can always see if it helps
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