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Posts posted by DYJ

  1. PJCjR.jpg?1

    Together with R4m0n I\'ve made things that not only rotate but also spin!

    Plugin/general help by r4m0n

    Models/textures by Damnyoujapan

    Pack includes:

    Turboprop engine

    Prop-fan engine

    Counter-rotating coaxial helicopter unit

    Simple propeller engine in 1m and 0.5m, pushing and pulling.

    Old-school rotary engine loosely based on the Clerget 9B.

    VJ-101 inspired dualturbine unit

    Basic wingswing mechanism

    Basic tiltrotor mechanism

    Avataresq ducted coaxial rotors

    F-35/Yak-141 inspired engine hinge thing

    Not only does these engines have rotating parts they are also air-breathing, flying the helicopter to the mun is therefor impossible.

    Please note that the all non pushing engines use origin hacks to get past the engine deathray issue, this causes them to spawn offset from where you drop them in the VAB (should be either 12 or 15m below, so dropping them quite high up in the VAB is a good idea).

    Thanks to my inside man (C7) engine damage can now be turned off, all pulling props now have a mass value with some logic behind it.

    The swingwingmech has very thin moving colliders so placing stuff on it is a tad bid finicky in angle snap mode, normal attach works fine.

    Video demonstrating how the moving parts works in the Damned Robotics thread: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=10662.0






    Installation note: The plugin within this release is the same MuMechLib as in the mechjeb 1.9.1 release.

    Alpha release, please report bugs and other potential horrors.

    Download 1.5.3

    Source: http://svn.mumech.com/KSP/trunk/MuMechLib/


    Code: Original license applies.

    Parts: Feel free to do whatever you please, but contact me before redistributing anything.

    Revision table:

    Rev0: Release

    Rev1: Updated faulty part title

    Rev2: Added 5 new propeller engines, fixed some texture issues, adjusted helicopter thrust from 75 to 100, added icon centering, plugin updated to latest version,+ other small changes I can\'t remember

    Rev3: Added basic swingwing and tiltrotor mechanical parts, as well as a new engine, can\'t keep track of all adjustments.

    Rev3.1: Fixed the tiltrotor rotation direction

    1.4: Swapped to a software release revision numbering system, added .15 compatibility, added Avatar-esq ducted rotor, undid the origin hack.

    1.5: Added a vtolengine hinge thing, reduced fueldrain to more closely match the new vanilla engines.

    1.5.1: Adjusted the fuel consumption values on hopefully all engines I missed in the last update.

    1.5.2: Added .16 compability.

    1.5.3: Fixed the rotorblur issue.


    The crewtank!

    Holds extra kerbals and fuel, useful for rescue missions.

    License for the crewtank: No rights reserved, do whatever you please.

    Download .zip

    Revision table:

    1.0 : Release

    1.1 : Underped the attachment rules.

    1.2 : Removed the portraits since they were going mental with too many kerbals.

  2. It\'s using a nextgen version of r4m0ns variable engine plugin, and as such it can be .cfg edited to use a special fuel. I\'m hoping to get it released sometime this weekend, likely along with a bunch of different variants. But it all really depends on if it can be made more awesome or not.

  3. #ksp is an ingame channel open to everyone who plays eve and is a member of this forum.

    If you are new to the game you join channels like this: Top right corner of your chat box there is a tiny speechbubble icon, click that and punch in '#ksp' and click join, it\'s as easy as that.

    If there is enough interest we could set up a small corporation, I\'d gladly be of help to any first time players. And I\'m sure there is enough bittervets hiding on the forum to spread the workload of running the corp if it comes to that.

  4. First of all I\'m not talking about 1.2km shots, those are extremely rare in battlefield.

    Secondly the bullet speed in battlefield has been determined by gameplay rather than facts, since most shootouts in the game are at relatively short ranges bullet drop would simply not be a factor if the speeds were realistic.

    Compared to ARMAII I find myself compensating for bullet drop at ~100meter ranges in battlefield while I in ARMA simply shoot where I want to hit at those ranges.

    Don\'t get me wrong, I do play battlefield3 quite a lot and it\'s currently the most universally appealing pseudorealistic fps out there, it\'s just the blind praise of high budged projects riddled with flaws that get me riled up.

  5. Derp that\'s no helicopter.

    Reposting mod parts made by other people without asking for permission is generally considered a nono. But since it doesn\'t look like you\'ve altered anything (only looked at the one part authored by me so I can\'t be sure), I don\'t mind it in this particular case.

    Since none of the parts are new this belongs in the spaceship exchange forum, and you might want to ask the other mod authors before you upload their stuff.

  6. What I can\'t wrap my mind around is why you have a 65usd water cooler and 65usd for a graphics card, they are hardly equally important components.

    I run a I7 2600k with the stock cooler, as long as you don\'t overclock it excessively that works fine.

    and since it\'s only 100usd more than the i5, you could just as well get that instead and get a watercooling setup if you reach a point where you feel a need to overclock it. That would only be around 35usd extra.

    And my setup (i7-2600k, slightly overclocked 6970 and so on) gets around 55fps in BF3 (on ultra) you are not going to get any fps at all with a entry level graphics card.

    Take a look at tomshardware.com, they have a million charts comparing graphics cards in different tests.

    And a larger SSD doesn\'t hurt, you really want to put both your OS,KSP and Bf3 on there, does wonders for your loading times. I have the 128gb version of the SSD you selected and that works great although it is already filling up.

    Also: American prices are pretty much half of what stuff costs here in Sweden, you people are lucky.

  7. Looking awesome. Might be very useful. Will I be able to attach the thing that deploys cargo to any plane?

    Short answer: No

    Long answer: No, the shuttle gets around the lack of multiple/concave node_colliders by using multiple parts. So there is no specific part that allows it to carry cargo internally. The thing that deploys the cargo in the tech-demonstrator is a simple vanilla stack decoupler. But I\'ll make one with zero force for the release, no reason to have your spacestation parts shooting of into the distance when you deploy them.

    Sick ANOTHER Spaceplane!!!!! At least this one has functionality. Is it SSTO or will it have an accompanying ET/SRBs or launch vehicle?

    I think I\'ll make an adapter piece allowing it to sit on top of two 2m diameter rockets alternatively see if I/Tiberion could whip up something like his shuttle launch system for the thing.

    I\'ve been referring to it by the name Kuriosity shuttle, but I\'m open to other suggestions name and otherwise. And as previously stated I could really use a 2d artist to do the textures when it comes to that.

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