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Posts posted by DYJ

  1. I haven\'t thought about it, it\'s still a long way away from being ready for textures. And I\'m terrible at making textures so if someone with some 2d skills is interested I\'d love to have some help with the texturing when it comes to that.

  2. Wikipedia is a global organization, they are taking a stand globally.

    The SOPA bill would have affect people outside the US too, like I previously stated, we all use the same Internet.

    Tldr: Stop being ignorant and If you want to use Wikipedia during it\'s blackout you can simply disable javascript in your browser.

  3. I am opposed to both SOPA and Wikipedia\'s takedown. Since the bill is in America, why should the servers in the UK suffer? Why should I go without a day of information for KSP Addon Developing, for a rule that isn\'t going to pass anyway and it half way across the world?

    Because it\'s not about your 'suffering',taking the site down is Wikipedias last resort when it comes to expressing what they believe. And thinking that just because it\'s an American bill that it won\'t affect you is simply ignorant. That goes for things unrelated to the Internet too, but especially when we are talking about the Internet. We all use the same Internet, that\'s the beauty of it so we are all in the same boat here.

  4. dNf3Q.jpg

    And yes that thing is landed, and those are indeed rcs units and a rcs fueltank.

    The vanguard still handles like a plastic bag caught in a tropical storm on methamphetamine (and I mean that in the nicest of ways) , if you are going for realism it needs to be heavier and have it\'s CoG moved forward/ it\'s AMC moved back. If you are simply aiming for playability you should still move the CoG further ahead, a real plane tends to nose down as it slows down, not up.

    And if the rest of the craft is borderline indestructible shouldn\'t the nosecone be that too?

    And why does it feel like all it\'s control authority comes from 'magical pod force' rather than it\'s control surfaces?

    Apart from those minor issues it\'s a wonderful little shuttle.

  5. One of the things that greatly disappointed me in Skyrim was how linear and scripted it feels, in the Fallout games you could do more or less whatever you wanted, killing the wrong person might have broken a few quests on occasion but the game still allowed you to do so. Whereas in Skyrim nearly every npc with a name is set as essential (unkillable) and most dungeons inaccessible until the quest related to that place has been activated. Which for me ruined the entire large open world exploration gameplay I loved in the fallout series and was promised in Skyrim.

    Cod4 was a great game for me since it promised shooting people in the face gameplay and delivered that, Skyrim promised open world exploration and delivered a quest/story driven hack and slash gameplay.

  6. Like with most new games Bethesda are selling Skyrim the HYPE not Skyrim the GAME, which essentially means that what you get is an okay game hyped to fuck so that everyone will buy it. It\'s not good, but if you are a rabid fan of the other elderscrolls games you will probably enjoy playing it for a few hours. If not you should stay away from it.

    TLDR: I\'m mad, game is mediocre, and the games industry is messed up.

  7. That\'s the worst screenshot I have ever seen, how do you even create such a bad screenshot?

    OnTopic: Looks like your node_attach in the .cfg is at the center of your model and not at the end of it, you want those coordinates to correspond to the surface of your model that you want to attach to something. Hope that helps.

  8. Not that exciting, just wanted to share my munar experience.





    Flown with the: Aim at mun,land on mun, aim at Kerbin, deploy parachute approach.

    Derped up my return boost and ended up in a highly eccentric orbit around Kerbin that after some adjustment at apokee landed me somewhere on the planet.

    All silisko parts, except for the C7 fins I used on my first stage for some reason. Nothing modified.

  9. Landed on the moon with a 'plane' yesterday, but it was done with a horrendous mix of Siliskos and C7 parts. The ramping on a mountain style takeoff resulted in a aircraft sized fireball though.

    I might do it again today if I can fix Siliskos fueltanks without too much effort, they currently attach in a messed up manner radially.

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