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Everything posted by borzwazie

  1. Duna isn't too bad. I suggest that you pre-calculate the orbit you'll need - it saves a lot of fuel. Add a few struts and parachutes to your design and you can land using very little fuel, just a bit to set you down, and a shot or two to keep the chutes from ripping off when they open. Use NERVA. Here's a shot of my lander, below. All stock parts, no tweaks. I have a 3-engine transfer stage that uses two of the large 3-meter tanks, a tri-coupler, and 3 NERVA engines. Getting it all into Kerbin orbit is the toughest part. I'm almost certain that, if I was careful, I could get the lot to Jool, though I wouldn't be coming back, for sure, and I don't know that I would be landing anywhere there.
  2. I freaking love these things. The only mod parts I consistently used before were small solid thrusters for this very same purpose. These things are perfect.
  3. I'd like to take a moment to recognize all the Kerbals who have gone before... Remember when we didn't have ASAS? Remember when we didn't have steerable fins? Remember when the only way to mount liquid tanks radially was to use MOAR BOOSTERS? Remember when the atmosphere cut off abruptly? Remember when you only had two choices of propulsion? Remember when Kerbin was the only place you could go? .17 is a fantasic step in the evolution of KSP. Nice work, Squad!
  4. Unity keeps crashing on me. Access exceptions. I used to get crashes in previous versions when I added modes, but I have no mods applied now. The "fixed" fuel bug sure proves how easy we had it in .16 Also: I am no dang good at transfer orbits, at all. 279 days in space and I'm still not anywhere! BTW Squad - the new separator boosters are something I've been pining for, nice addition! IVA is a very nice addition, I like the manual controls there a lot! The CoG, CoT, and CoL are awesome additions.
  5. The new menu is nice! I finally got to see the helmet rolling around, never saw it before .
  6. KSP is at the top of my "dollar-to-fun" ratio. I can't think of any other incomplete game that I've had this much fun with. I advertise it to people wherever I go.
  7. A slower descent is more predictable, and gives you more time to prep for your spot. It's ok to glance away to check your potential landing spot, but when navigating down, you use the ball. Otherwise, your current attitude is unlikely to match your viewpoint, and you'll end up over-correcting in the wrong direction.
  8. Don't watch the ground while landing. Watch the navball, and your vertical speed. Watch the ground while landing and you'll end up as a junkheap. Turn capslock on. If you have lots of RCS fuel, set your throttle to a low descent, and use RCS to control vertical speed. If you have ASAS, turn it on when you're centered on top of the navball. Use the arrow keys just so you don't drift. Try to land at 3m/s or less. Get ready to hit "X" just as you hit the ground. This kills your throttle and avoids all the "hopping."
  9. Every time I try mounting a chute on top of the asas unit like that, it always separates and sends my kerbals to an impact landing.
  10. 785 m/sec, level flight. Could have gone faster but ran out of gas. All stock.
  11. KSP is 'pick-me-up' fun, and Orbiter is 'I\'m-a-real-astronaut-fun'. Totally different games. There may have been a time when I would have gotten into Orbiter, but I just don\'t have the time now. KSP is perfect for people like me. Even my wife, a total non-gamer, thinks Kerbals are cute. My kids were cracking up watching Jeb bounce around the Mun, while we sang 'I\'m jumping on the Muuuuuuu-uun! I\'m jumping on the Muuuuuuu-uun!' My 8-year-old son and I build rockets to see if they can get into orbit, land on Minmus and the Mun, and have a ball. *THAT* is how you know KSP has succeeded even before it\'s done. KSP team, you guys have really knocked this one out of the park, and it\'s only the second inning!
  12. I have some stock VTOL aircraft, but they just make me angry
  13. Yes. I had a design that just kept the empty tanks, but it didn\'t feel like the apollo lander, which dumps the landing stage. Like the boosters I don\'t really need, I just like it. Heck, the 'nosecones' on the first stage are worthless except for aesthetics.
  14. After many, many...many tries, I\'ve come up with a more-or-less (mostly less) flyable AV-8B Harrier. Or something. I recommend turning ASAS on for takeoff, 3/4 throttle. Once you\'re 30-40m off the ground, simultaneously increase throttle, and decrease nozzle swivel ( number 9 key) and off you go. Keep ASAS on if you don\'t have a joystick. This thing is about as aerodynamic as a one-legged pig otherwise. Uses stock parts as of 15.2 plus 'Damned Aerospace' mod for the nozzle swivels. Keep a supply of curse words handy for extra maneuverability. http://youtu.be/p29-wVUzNU8
  15. So, my input: You don\'t need more boosters. Use 1 ASAS instead of all those SAS units. Use crossfeed to feed fuel to the center rocket - run one fuel line from the very bottom tank on each side rocket to the center rocket. Then, fire all your rockets at once. By the time you run out of fuel on the sides, you\'ll be well into orbit. Follow an increasing trajectory angle, starting about the time you cross 10km. Steer by watching the ball, don\'t look at the rocket for guidance. Once you get out of the atmosphere (about 70km), kill *all* your rockets with 'x' and just coast until you get to Apoapsis. Then, just before you get there, turn to 0 degrees inclination, and burn the rest of your side rockets until you establish a stable orbit. You should probably be in a solid orbit just about the time those things run out. Then eject them and use the center rocket to increase your orbit until it intersects the Mun or Minmus\' orbit. If you do this right, you\'ll have enough fuel left in the center rocket to decelerate and acquire orbit at Mun or Minmus. EDIT: Here\'s a rocket and lander (all stock as of 15.2) that will take you anywhere you need to go and back. You don\'t even really need the boosters, but I like them I like to use the second stage as a descent stage for Mun landings. It\'s too much thrust for Minmus, though. For Minmus landings, I usually get rid of the extra fuel tanks on the lander.
  16. What Sasquatch said. I just found out about this neat trick not too long ago, makes some very interesting part combinations possible. Sometimes, toggling 'lock to angles' for part mounting also makes a big difference, too -such as landing gear mounts on wings.
  17. Here\'s another stable one. Great range, too! All stock as of 15.2. If you yank the droptanks and add another engine like the others, you can really scream with this thing, well over 700m/s.
  18. With JATO and droptanks! All stock parts as of 15.2. This thing flies so well I just wanted to share! Includes ASAS but you don\'t really need it to fly, at all.
  19. You should work together with zerohour - he has some really great deployable panels already made. Why duplicate work, see if you and zero can make his panels work with Zoxygene!
  20. I just discovered that .14 was released yesterday, and I\'m very pleased. Not only is it *much* less buggy than the .14 experimentals, but the additional parts are very nice indeed. Nice job, KSP Team!
  21. Guys? You *did* bring the porta-potty, right? (our return tank and engine seem to be...in small bits. The boys seem to be ok with this, though.)
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