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Posts posted by ping111

  1. Since when was \'Make my avatar\' a reward?. Sure, you can get away with a competition for a little artwork, but the reward is another job! Hah, I don\'t mean to be rude, but I think you should get of your lazy ass and make your own!


    Perhaps that came out wrong. There are other possible rewards as well.

    Hey! Everything you see in my sig was hand-made!

    That\'s good! Maybe a little more green, or even detail?

    Our colours are green and red/orange.

  2. Nobody really use tzakhaha here, we say bdiha instead ;D

    lo mamash hevanti, haita be turchia ve sham lamadeta al islam, et ze hevanti

    ma zot omeret btilim? :o

    Btilim are rockets.

    Mecca is in the East, so Muslims (and my rockets) lean to the east.

    The 'is the fuel halal' was just adding to the Muslim rocket joke.

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