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Posts posted by ping111

  1. Going to camp for the first time (call me young)

    Going to Europe/asia

    Learning hypnotism

    2 earthquakes... IN CANADA!

    Finding KSP

    Finding Minecraft

    Finding TF2

    Finding the Portal Series

    Finding the Assassin\'s Creed Series

    Finding MLP

    and other shit I don\'t remember...

  2. @TimBarrett

    I agree for the most part, but there are a select few (myself inclusive) that should be treated with more respect than their age\'s percentile.

    I am an intelligent, respectful 11-year-old, and silent advocate of this cause.

  3. Hello everyone!

    I was looking through some spacecraft photos, when I found this:


    The capsule looks similar to ours.

    It has RCS blocks.

    Can we build it?

    I want to see someone build an identical rocket to this that can get into orbit with these two stages.

    Obviously, part packs are REQUIRED.

    So, it should look like this:

    Chute-pod (with RCS surrounding it)-fuel tank (two solar panels on it)-engine-decoupler-SRB


    I\'ll attach mine when I build it.

  4. No.

    You just HAD to necro this thread with your stupid comment, didn\'t you? Thanks a lot. Now it will never go away.

    Fucking shut up.

    Someone didn\'t have their Wheaties this morning, mister Grumpy-kins.

  5. Hey everyone.

    Is it just me, or is it every time I post on an interesting thread, it just dies, and no-one replies?

    Don\'t believe me? Check these out:

    Kerbalnaught Minecraft Skin! (Off-topic)

    11:11:11:11:11 (off-topic)

    A thread can be as lively as The Chancellor\'s Comedy (that scene from V for Vendetta where they play pranks on the Chancellor), but as soon as I post, it dies as fast as St. Mary\'s Virus.

    Happen to anyone else?

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