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Posts posted by ping111

  1. Kol hakavod!

    shamati shmu\'ot al tahanot halal? :o

    Haya tzakhaka. (That\'s how you say joke, right?)

    Haiti leturchia vesham lamadeti al islam va\'mecca, ei bamizrach, cmo ei she\'zazu ha\'btilim sheli.

  2. Ze meanien? lama? :)

    gam israelim ohavim ma\'da ve technologia :D

    Ani yodea, yes mad\'i tov meod sham :)

    Zeh rak tov she\'israelim mesachakim KSP, ad sheyesh safah she\'anu yecholim ledaber bo ad she\'ein mishu seyishmoa.

  3. Well, it has to be just a little bit thicker than your thumb... Something thinner than that - I have tons of spare aluminum. Good suggestion though =P

    No, silly, just make a plushie stuffed with wadding!

    Here\'s an idea:

    1.Look up 'how to knit a sackboy'

    2.Knit it

    3. Cover it in green, orange, etc. felt to look like a kerbonaut

    4. Add wire-and-plastic aviators (for jeb 8))



  4. Salutations.

    Apologies for filling up the challenge thread recently.

    Your mission, should you choose to accept it:

    OBJECTIVE: Design a realistic-looking (could be anything from American Army to Nazi) propaganda poster advertising R.K.M.

    REWARD: Building me a sweet avatar, and severe thanks, or if you can figure something reasonable out We need to spread propaganda of our army; new forces arise! All propaganda accepted, the one that contributes the most to spreading it gets the above award.

    DEADLINE: Zero-hundred hours on the fifteenth day of the first month of the twelfth year of the first decade of the first century of the second millennium


  5. OH! I just realized this contest was for planes that can fly upside down!

    My first pic of the Humming bird used VTOL systems to hover upside down.




    Are you the Jesus of KSP?

    \'Cause I don\'t believe you.

    Just joking, Private Pony.

    But seriously, I\'m a Jew, and I hate Christmas.

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