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Everything posted by Anquietas314

  1. In fairness, (RL) airliners don't fly at mach 15 (~half orbital velocity) either . Or mach 3 for that matter, though I think concord might have been able to back in the day.
  2. Going by KER's readout (for one engine - it derps badly for multiple ones), turbojets hit flameout at 1000% intake air usage - that is, trying to use 10 times more than is actually available; for rapiers it's more like 350%. Not sure if that helps at all. Usually my designs are very close to the speed limit of both engines before they actually reach those figures though, so naturally the thrust readouts can't really be compared in any useful way without knowing exactly how speed (at a fixed altitude) maps to thrust :/. Not to mention KER's thrust readout for jets is way off at high altitude.
  3. How much ram does your computer have? Stock 0.90 uses considerably more memory than 0.25, which will generally cause page-swapping (= lots of very bad lag) on lower-end machines. On my 9 year old rig with 4GB of ram I literally had to install ActiveTextureManagement to keep the lag under control in stock
  4. Yeah I'm pretty sure that's a mainsail too - the texture's totally wrong for the KR-2L aside from anything else.
  5. For OP's sake it's worth mentioning that with a pretty reasonable number of intakes (more than in your code) you can fly quite a bit higher than 25km while maintaining (actual) full throttle. My cargo plane has 10 of the structural ones per engine (not terribly efficient, but it's meant to look good) and it lasts until about 35km before it needs to start throttling back - but by then you usually want to be using the engines in rocket mode (rapiers for easy design...) to get out of the atmosphere quickly anyway.
  6. Eh, GUI code's not that bad . Awkward to write if you're not used to it though (plus unity's API seems particularly awkward )
  7. Oh I did see that, it's just that your suggestion was a little different; I'm saying you should (in my experience) punch through not only to high altitude, but completely out of the atmosphere (i.e. > 70km)
  8. Pretty sure they were always that way. The fuel efficiency from turbos is mainly that you can use turbojets alone to get a plane out of the atmosphere - then use rockets to circularize. The Mk3 parts are really heavy though.
  9. numberobis: A possibly more efficient strategy with turbojets (particularly with a small, high TWR plane) is to launch the plane out of the atmosphere into a suborbital hop to cover very large distances (using the turbos). It's not quite what OP was after, but in my experience it uses way less fuel than flying through the atmosphere to get there, although admittedly precision's a bit of a tricky issue because of the spin up/down times on the jets.
  10. Nope . Even if it was I wouldn't say, but it really isn't that. Looking at it, it's really not that bad tbh. I mean it's not exactly a shining beacon of coding practice for all to follow, but it's not even close to the worst I've seen by any means EDIT: Heck, I've written way worse code than that before; have some code from an old project I worked on (alone) a few years ago (if someone should find this code in any way useful, feel free to use it... I don't recommend it though): structureDatabase.h: http://pastebin.com/ZzKrYTELstructureDatabase.cpp: http://pastebin.com/5C1VbtyX structureDatabaseInitialize.cpp: http://pastebin.com/Ts6GCX5v structureKeys.h: http://pastebin.com/MmrCHrsp Yes, that's a hard-coded database written in C++. If you want more of the code for context just PM me Bonus points if you can figure out which facebook game that thing was written for Don't worry, I've improved a bit since then
  11. TweakScale is explicitly stated to be incompatible, which is probably the main cause of your issues. If you're having memory-related crashes, have you installed the ActiveTextureManagement mod first, which B9's thread states fairly clearly is pretty much mandatory? If yes, have you tried the aggressive version? You could also try just deleting all the wing parts and using pWing instead; it provides B9 style wings. There are also plenty of mods out there besides B9 that add a variety of cool parts
  12. I did some testing, and the success of that seems to depend heavily on what exactly you're dropping and how you're dropping it. Bigger cargos tend not to work out very well, especially if you're going reasonably fast. Small cargos at lower speeds (~50m/s) seem to be reasonably safe - the payload typically clears the bay before it collides with the rest of the plane, assuming you drop the payload from the front of the bay. If it's dropped from the back, it may or may not leave the bay dependent on speed, angle of attack required to maintain flight at that speed, etc. Chutes used are also a factor :/
  13. The thing is, even with the chutes half-deployed, at that altitude it could very easily tear the plane to pieces or cause it to nosedive.
  14. Well, that too, but that requires a fair bit of piloting skill to have the probe drop quickly enough before you fly that far away and survive the impact (deploying chutes while in the bay is a very bad idea... for obvious reasons ).
  15. Not in stock, sorry. The game deletes anything not controlled by you that's flying below ~23km in the atmosphere and outside physics range (2.5km) (at Kerbin - on other planets its where atmosphere pressure is >= 0.01). You can use the Flight Manager for Reusable Stages mod to do what you want though
  16. NO! The K thing has gone way too far already EDIT: Only the first part of course
  17. I almost cried when I looked at the code of one particular mod I won't name for the sake of the author's pride. A clue though: it had something to do with building rockets *decides never to look at another mod's code again*.
  18. It's a really small thing, but this bothers me a bit too. Biomes are supposed to have biological ecosystems of some description in them, so it doesn't really fit to have biomes on Mun and such. It's obviously not important, but it would be nice to have it changed Geome works I guess
  19. It doesn't necessarily have to be something that actually impacts gameplay much. Pilots could just be better able to survive a crash or less likely to be kicked out of the command seat or lose consciousness or whatever (assuming life support/gforce damage etc are added at some point). I just figure it might be fun to have the characters that are supposed to be badass actually be badass.
  20. 1: you may be going in the wrong direction, not have required instruments, be missing solar panels, etc. 2: I assume you mean EVA report on Kerbin contracts, for those you really ought to use a plane or rover rather than a rocket or getting out and walking. You can use the in-flight waypoints mod to add visual markers in the flight screen (where you see the ship / your kerbal / ...) 3: If you mean you can't accept more contracts, then you need to complete or cancel the ones you have first. Beware that some can't be cancelled. If you mean you just aren't getting new ones appearing, then time warp or switch to a ship and back or something. More should show up. 4: Parachutes don't open automatically. You have to stage them first. If you have staged them and they're still not deploying then that might be a bug. 5: Sure, it's cheaty, but practically speaking it's just going to cause lag eventually if you leave it there. If you want to be realistic you can of course rendezvous and deorbit it. Last point: this is an early access game; you shouldn't expect it to be perfect yet EDIT: Ninja'd, sortof. EDIT2: Just to add, you can use the StageRecovery mod or Flight Manager for Reusable Stages to recover stages that fall back to Kerbin instead of the default behaviour of just deleting them.
  21. I'm not sure on the details of where you can use the ISRU, sorry. I mainly used interstellar in sandbox (career was broken at the time ) where it just wasn't necessary (plus no TAC and such). You could try interstellar's wiki - it usually has good explanations of things. The page in question: https://github.com/FractalUK/KSPInterstellar/wiki/ISRU-Refinery
  22. Where are you trying to use the ISRU? The KSPI one cares about where it is. You need to be sitting in water to harvest deuterium for example, or on the Mun for aluminium iirc.
  23. I would recommend you read up on hash functions. The whole idea usually is to give a seemingly arbitrary result for a given input, because for most applications that gives the best results.
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