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Everything posted by Lekke

  1. Let's hope change in maneuver nodes in 0.23.5 will improve it.
  2. I do the descent burn manualy but once in the atmosphere you can use spaceplane guidance. It works great for lining up with the runway. If you change the angle it might be able to land although haven't tried that out.
  3. Try using the rendezvous planner instead. You have to do the burns manually but you have better control over the navball chasing. For unloading modules try and get your shuttle to the same speed as your station (use your rcs), so your module shouldn't move as much and you can pick it up with your SST.
  4. The way I do it is, first I align the orbits. I don't always use the phasing orbit, it depends how long it takes to get, then I do the Hohmann transfer. After that match speed at closest encounter. And depending on how far I'm from the target I use the get closer command.
  5. Wich numbers are you using? You have to use the numbers on the numpad not the top row number keys.
  6. Strange I didn't have any issue with the 6-way coupling in 2.04. What might be the issue for the shutters, in 2.04 there is a bug if you richt click on the KerbalLab you can't right click on anything else. It's fixed in 2.05. It's a great idea using them as base modules but they were designed to be space station parts. Maybe if you elevate them high enough and put the station docking module near to the ground your kerbals can use that as an entry point. To move from module to module you could use crew manifest. (Just an idea )
  7. To get it to connect properly you have to use the turn keys untill it's green. And as for wich way is up, I guess you can go of the writing on the side. To open the shutters right click on the observation module and click open window shield.
  8. If you use an optimal ascent path, depending on payload mass, you can get into an 80 km orbit on the big orange tank. Depending on payload mass the the circularization burn will tapp in your onboard fuel supply. But from there I'm able to reach a 200 km orbit and land back at KSC. (I do tend to have an aux fuel supply in the cargo bay)
  9. Yeah that's the trick, takes practice to get the angle of descent correct. What I do is undershoot the KSC by about 30km. That way I can control that bit of final descent and line up with the runway.
  10. I feel your pain, it took me numerous attempts. Took me about a day or 2 to get it right (never used SSTO's so this was pretty new to me )
  11. I just noticed when I installed v2.06 and loaded up one of my crafts in the VAB some of the parts didn't have the new values to them. For example the KSO auxiliary fuel supply still had its old values.
  12. cheers for all the hard work. You guys are really cranking out the updates.
  13. At the moment my safety net revolves arround me not messing up my burn . If I do mess up, well those brave Kerbals will end up on the wall of fallen heroes . But I'm carefull about what mods I install, I'm running a pretty heavily modded game. My last install crashed and burned because of it.
  14. My problem on re-entry is I run out of fuel before I can finish my burn . A bit more go juice would be welcome so I don't have to glide it all the way back to the runway, luckely when empty it can glide pretty far.
  15. Wichever method is easiest for you guys. The minor inconvenience it will cause us we'll gladly endure. Keep up the good work.
  16. Better to overshoot then to hit the mountains , hit those several times during my first landings.
  17. Did you have the SST docked to your station prior to updating? I had something like that happen to my station with the SST from v2.04 docked to it.
  18. Are you using the top row numbers instead of the numpad? I had the same happen.
  19. When I copied the Gamedata folder in the Gamedata folder by mistake when I did a clean install of KSP I had some parts not show up either. You have to copy the folders inside the Gamedata folder to the Gamedata folder of your KSP install. Hope that helped.
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