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  • About me
    In-house Philosopher
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    Anywhere but there
  • Interests
    Model railroading, backyard astronomy, space exploration, music (composition, play the French Horn, Oboe, Alto Recorder, and Cornet), learning to play the ukulele (seriously, I am :D), kit-bashing, camping, and hiking, reading great science fiction, and escaping the university campus any chance I get!

    I teach World Civilization, U.S. History, and U.S. Foreign Policy at the college/university level. So, with that said, I love history, love to do research, and enjoy good conversation.

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  1. Update and observation 2:

    "Facts" I never knew about American history...

    This is not a political thread, although the "facts" I am sharing here are actual answers that students have given for their final exam. The final exam covers a period of American history ranging from 1927 to 2000. I think a few of you might find some of the answers shockingly amusing. 

    • World War II started when the Germans bombed San Diego on December 7, 1941.
    • During World War II, Italy, Germany, and Russia united to defeat the Axis powers.
    • The Cuban Missile Crisis happened when President Johnson tried to annex Cuba for statehood.
    • The Berlin Wall was used by Sherwin-Williams to test the durability of paint. :D -um, NO!
    • Macintosh refers to a type of apple used in frozen apple pies... (Um, the term to identify was "Macintosh (MAC)" and was in a lecture about 1980s consumer culture...)

    Other student observations:

    • Each semester, students are required to complete four exams for the course; each one has an assigned due date. Never submit all four exams on the same date. There's a good chance your instructor isn't going to grade the late ones.
    • Students know the last week of class is the last week. Never email your instructor after final grades are posted to ask can you do extra credit.  Um, not going to happen.
    • Never tell your professor the topic you chose for your term paper was dumb and your professor should have warned you (Yeah, I did that but the student insisted they could do it - sometimes you have to let them smack into  brick wall. Oh, and I keep copies of the emails...).

    One class completely done - and now on to the next course! (It's World Civilization to 1500).

    1. NSEP


      I read in an educational comic book a long time ago that Axis fought against Axis during the end, but i was never that sure. Thanks, interesting stuff!

    2. adsii1970


      I'm now grading my world civ class. There are some pretty interesting answers I've had so far.

    3. Wildcat111


      The Berlin Wall one made me laugh for 5 minutes straight!

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