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  • About me
    In-house Philosopher
  • Location
    Anywhere but there
  • Interests
    Model railroading, backyard astronomy, space exploration, music (composition, play the French Horn, Oboe, Alto Recorder, and Cornet), learning to play the ukulele (seriously, I am :D), kit-bashing, camping, and hiking, reading great science fiction, and escaping the university campus any chance I get!

    I teach World Civilization, U.S. History, and U.S. Foreign Policy at the college/university level. So, with that said, I love history, love to do research, and enjoy good conversation.

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  1. Quote of the day:

    "Knowing what we know now, we are being irresponsible in our failure to make the scientific and technical progress we will need for protecting our newly discovered severely threatened and probably endangered species--us. NASA is not about the 'Adventure of Human Space Exploration,' we are in the deadly serious business of saving the species. All Human Exploration's bottom line is about preserving our species over the long haul."

    John Young
    (Sep 24, 1930 -          )
    Quote taken from his essay, "The Big Picture" first published in 1978.

    John Watts Young is an American former astronaut, naval officer and aviator, test pilot, and aeronautical engineer, who became the ninth person to walk on the Moon as Commander of the Apollo 16 mission in 1972. (Wikipedia Commons)
    1. adsii1970


      PLEASE NOTE:  The quote above is the third version of this quote by John Young. This particular version did not come from the 1978 publication. It came from the 1998 revised reprint. I am sorry for any confusion or problems this has caused anyone.

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