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  • About me
    In-house Philosopher
  • Location
    Anywhere but there
  • Interests
    Model railroading, backyard astronomy, space exploration, music (composition, play the French Horn, Oboe, Alto Recorder, and Cornet), learning to play the ukulele (seriously, I am :D), kit-bashing, camping, and hiking, reading great science fiction, and escaping the university campus any chance I get!

    I teach World Civilization, U.S. History, and U.S. Foreign Policy at the college/university level. So, with that said, I love history, love to do research, and enjoy good conversation.

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  1. How did you do a sig scrollbar?

    1. adsii1970



      There's really only one way a scroll bar happens in a signature.

      If you were to highlight my signature, you'd see it is nothing more than a table I use to control the layout. If the table exceeds the width of the forum display, the program will insert the scroll bar. On my monitor and the way I have my resolution set up, I don't have a scroll bar on my signature.

      Now if you're using a smaller than standard resolution (meaning things appear bigger), well, you'll get a scroll bar when the signature is displayed on your screen. But it normally does not impact the way others see the same signature on other machines.

      Does that help?

    2. HansonKerman
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