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Everything posted by rabzoue59

  1. I like the sound of this mod, really ! it gives a new dimension of actually contracts. Well done, i wait for update of other big mods you know the routine, and get this one for sure . thanks man
  2. No worry bro, since 24.2 we try all to help each other lol tell us if it get worked, and why not to share yours with us
  3. @ dtoxic you have 2 choice, -You grab one from existing tech tree, like before. -or if you like a tree made by someone, or if you want to load your own tree, you have to copy/paste your tree.cfg, I explain myself : 1-Grab this :Treeedit.dll and put it inside /Gamedata, and be sure to remove treeloader.dll before launching the game. 2- Create a new game, on the pop-up select one of them, or simply clik on stock tree. (Personaly i used one of all tree because with the stock tree it didnt save my work, dont know why..) 3- enter R&D building. 4- Edit the tree like you want and dont forget to save by typing F5 when you have done. and quit the game. 5- Replace treeloader.dll and delete treeedit.dll 6- go to your save directory, you will see this one you had just created (e.g. TreeEdit for me), enter it and you will see your tree.cfg, copy all you got inside and close the file. 7- Launch the game, create a new career and then, when you see the tree pop-up select stock. Dont enter de R&D building, after that, return to the main menu. 8- Go to your save directory, /save/*YourNewCareer*, and open notree.cfg, then, paste all we copyied just before, and save. 9- return inside the game, and load your save. 10- It's normally done. (sorry for bad english)
  4. It works for me too, with 80+ mods actually, and 0.24.2. but i have the "data transmission syndrome", with remote i only transmit packet like 0.1, 0.2 or 0.0 . I dont know where's the matter.
  5. Same issue with data recorder, it don't work any information about that ?
  6. Montyben101 said : For me : I ran it with both of them, 32 and 64 and didnt saw any framerate drop. Ran with best terrain texture, because default setting cause flickering i believe. But a low config will cause drop, normal.
  7. Swonnr said : Me too, i wanna make a custom techtree lol, i cant play without it lol...
  8. thank you for this update, and for your work mate, i'm glad of this!
  9. Hello, pas de soucis, alors pour ceux qui veulent faire de l'importation directement sur Unity via le logiciel Blender, veiller àposséder une version en dessous de la 2.69, actuellement Blender en v2.68 marche plutôt bien avec unity en v4.3.4
  10. mdrr je t'avoue qu'àforce de lire en anglais ça fait péter les plombs au bout d'un moment
  11. Salut àvous communauté FR !!! j'aurais une question et dans le soucis de créer un nouveau post, je vous la pose ici. Je voudrais créer un mod pour KSP, pour les notions de modélisations ça devrait passer, seul problème: puis je savoir la marche àsuivre Idéale, ou tout simplement la votre, qu'il faut accomplir pour passer d'un logiciel de modélisation àUNITY ? Car d'un coté je vois qu'il faut exporter en .COLLADA, d'un autre en .blend ou encore .fbx ? aussi je vois plusieurs threads qui parlent de parttool v0.20, ou la dernière v0.23, apparement il n'y a pas beaucoup de différence entre les deux et que l'un va aussi bien que l'autre, mais concrêtement ce package sert àdéfinir quoi exactement ? Si vous pouvez juste m'aider àsoulever ces interrogations, le reste est pour moi... Sinon, mon mod traiterai sur des capsules de tests, qu'on pourrait balancer dans l'espace avant d'envoyer nos petites têtes vertes et récolter des points de sciencs. Avec àla limite un tech tree, plus on avance, plus nos capsules évoluent également.
  12. It's cool mate, it's done, for part like this, you have to set emissivebumpspec for shader, and put Specific setting, however, it depend of part, it may be 001, or 002 etc, and you'll get back all lights. Then, like chaoko says, it will be a good idea if we have another layer for "scratch" effect. but yep, it need to work on all part. I'm working on several part actually, with mods of course. B9 aerospace, Novapunch, KWrocketry and firespitter parts are almost done. If the autor agreed with this, i can share all the paint map with you, and the kerbpaint.cfg file which come with. It's not perfect but it give you the option to recolore all your part.
  13. Ok, for those of you who got that problem with these legs, you have to put the command manually in action group tab. Action Group > select Leg > Toggle leg. that's all
  14. Hey people, i've got one question about this mod, if i repaint one part which use light feature, do it break this one ? i've just finished to repaint some part of B9aerospace mod : as you can see, i can't illuminate the cockpit since i've used this .png file. Any solution ?
  15. Yes, but these legs, is designed to be animated, but they don't.
  16. Yep, but it's always ON, that's my question, i want to know how i put all algorithms on a part. So if you put this part on your vessel, it will show you the VOID ui, anyway, you will see nothing if you don't care it onboard. If is possible of course...
  17. Hi mates! See, i wanna put Void Informations on a part, like Mechjeb does, it's possible ? VOID make SEMI AXIS and orbital information more accurate than others scripts. Pretty useful for Geostationnary orbit for example. So can i do this ? Thanks ^^
  18. Yes, if you take a look in Resource.cfg in Squad folder, we can see how it works, and like you said, "Sciencecap" is obtained by packet of data transmitted i think.
  19. Oh great, it will be a must have of mod playing mission wish the futur update will implement de interest issues ^^
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