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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Awesome news, but link is broken!
  2. What's the most accurate mode for the planetary transfer? Formula or Model?
  3. I thought of that, too, unluckily this solution takes memory. Thanks.
  4. Hi everyone, is there a way to install mods, but to use only some of them in different games? For example, a completely stock career game with no mods, but at the same time a sandbox game in Real Solar System.
  5. Ok, now I get it. It's not the biggest achievement in the mission, it's the biggest achievement for each celestial body that really counts. I had simply misunderstood the wiki guide. Thanks to all of you!
  6. I don't remember, a bit more than level 1, but i did a mun fly-by and a complete orbit in two different mission before the landing, in order to gain more exp as possibile. But now i think that also the orbit gave me only 1 XP instead of 2 (don't remember about the fly-by). Do you know how to check the amount and the history of experience of a kerbal? I didn't find them in the save file, only their activities.
  7. Ok, but I went to the Mun, planted a flag on it, then returned to Kerbin, and got just 2 XP, not 5.
  8. I still don't get how experience works. If I plant a flag on the Mun, Jeb should gain 5 XP, not just 2, as he got after recovering on Kerbin. Is it right? Could someone explain?
  9. You can use this mod, StageRecovery http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86677-0-25-StageRecovery-Recover-Funds-from-Dropped-Stages-v1-5-1-%2810-7-14%29 You just have to add enough parachutes, than according to the landing speed of the debris and the distance from KSC you can recover a percentage of the funds, even if they are out of the physics range. You can even check in the VAB while building your spacecraft. It's very useful.
  10. How do strategies actually work? Ok, I understood their effects on funds, reputation and science, but can I regulate them after I chose one? Can I delete one strategy? How many strategies can I activate at the same time? Thank you
  11. presente, insieme ad un sacco di altra gente! abbiamo un gruppo ufficiale su facebook, se può interessare, Kerbal Space Program Italia https://www.facebook.com/groups/649113571769953/?hc_location=stream
  12. I like the idea of a Saturn-like gas giant, and of moons with an active surface (that would be good for Kerbin too), but I think that two gas planets and maybe a far away rocky planet could be really enough for the solar system developement, otherwise it won't be Kerbal Space Program anymore, but a Not-so-Kerbal Space Program...
  13. I read the wiki guide, but i sill can't do it. i'll try to toggle the camera mode.
  14. indeed! if I want to put into orbit a cool space station (could not be around Kerbin) to collect science data, I can't keep loosing points with radio transmissions!
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