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Everything posted by Queril

  1. RAM doesnt seems to be an issue here. CPU.. kind of is.. 3841 root 20 0 161m 107m 2148 S 63.2% 43.3% 15:01.44 mono
  2. Welp, CPU usage rises dramatically when there's a lot of people in orbit. This results in lots of jitter and sometimes Kraken attack. Will transferring to dual-core machine help?
  3. got a server crash. One of the users (Nick) seems to be crashing the server whenever he enters it (p.s. link github pls, lost the link) Also, I sometimes DC from server when typing something in chat from Idle or just from KSC screen
  4. He's IP of my VPS: Port: 2076 will be open probably 24/7, minus server updates i'm not entirely sure of the hardware, so stress test it if you wish
  5. Also, there seems to be an issue. I can connect to my server, but client crashes immediately on syncing
  6. Hey guys, my VPS is up and running! And about dependencies - mono-complete is redundant mono-runtime and libmono-system-data2.0-cil is enough both can be installed by typing sudo apt-get install mono-runtime libmono-system-data2.0.cil in the terminal Worked for my barebone Debian 7.0 server at least
  7. basically, my game just dies when I try to connect anywhere Worked once, then any attempt to connect just freezes the game entirely
  8. sorry bout that, probably my ISP is blocking the darn thing
  9. It would decline ping even if it worked guess it's my provider not liking me opening servers I think I'll try getting that VPS up
  10. Probably provider's ****. Try direct connection on ip (most likely wont work)
  11. I entered my nickname, added my server and that's it, it worked (well, it derped the first time, crashing the game, but worked fine the second time) Most likely, IP address issue. Did it say something particular?
  12. For some reason, "Revert Flight" is not appearing in Esc menu. Is it a bug, a feature, or is it just me not reading FAQ? @Oninoni: worked fine for me
  13. By the way, anyone want to fool around a bit? All my friends are too busy with Dota and whatnot if anyone wanna try connecting, I got dynamic dns address: queril.no-ip.info:2525 Also, how much resources does the server consume? I'm thinking of renting a VPS soon for my projects, might try hosting public server on it.
  14. is there any way to make it run without root privileges?
  15. Just a heads-up for linux users: server needs mscorlib.dll to run, which can be obtained (if you dont have it yet) by typing in sudo apt-get install mono-complete
  16. There will a number over an unlocked tech if there's locked parts in there
  17. Nope, I had enough power to make 2 transfers in a row (basically the ship was a battery with camera and engine strapped to it)
  18. It says that on the Mun I'll get something like 275 science, with 80% transmission efficiency.. but for some reason I only recieve 60 science for that transmission. Is that a bug?
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