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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Yeah, I’m sure it’s still a lot cheaper than any other bids they had. Still seems a bit high, but WDIK. I don’t even know how much props it would take to do a controlled, targeted reentry. One thing for sure, they better mount a few starlink transceivers and a zillion cameras on it for the grand finale… Meanwhile, another FH launch goes off and I barely noticed, if I hadn’t read this thread. Even that beast is getting routinely common
  2. (Doc Brown voice) $843 million! The pork must flow…
  3. Oh. My. Gawd! The bad gateway mayhem lately was reminding me of the issues some ppl have been having with the S&SF subforum. While it worked occasionally, I would still get the same issue with KSP1 Discussion even as S&SF was working, so I knew the problem wasn’t actually fixed. But now, after trying a few times to get to the forum main page and getting the white screen, and then the page finally loads, I find that all the subs are working, S&SF AND the KSP1 Discussion sub. Dare I hope that this old, intermittent problem that only affected some people has finally been fixed? I’m still on my phone and have yet to try a PC… @JoeSchmuckatelli, are things working on your end?
  4. It’s the challenge of getting air (only 20% oxygen, remember) into the engine at hypersonic speeds, still flowing smoothly and without melting things. At least a rocket can get above the soup, to where things won’t melt from Mach heating.
  5. They really need to move to more spacecraft-agnostic launch/landing suits, so in an emergency they can just grab their suit (if needed) and get in the nearest capsule. Because seriously, what if an emergency forces the ISS to be evacuated, and one capsule is not accessible or is damaged. Then what?
  6. Somehow ironic that a professional lifeguard and surfer, who has appeared in "The Pirates of the Caribbean" franchise, gets killed by a shark... https://www.cbsnews.com/news/shark-attack-tamayo-perry-legendary-surfer-killed-oahu-hawaii/
  7. Such a hit-and-miss question. Answer: "It depends." Smart answer: "Never leave your kid alone with any dog." Any dog can have an instinct triggered that makes them snap; it's just that pit bulls are so powerful they can do more damage quite quickly.
  8. I lost our LEGOnaut and two other “volunteers” to a rocket-eating tree. Still haven’t found a proper-sized place to launch model rockets around here. Probably the best bet is to ask a farmer during fallow season…
  9. https://www.ctvnews.ca/entertainment/donald-sutherland-veteran-actor-known-for-roles-in-m-a-s-h-klute-and-the-hunger-games-dead-at-88-1.6934568
  10. It was my understanding that aerospace connectors were standardized after the Apollo 13 accident, where they had to use space tape to make CSM and LM life support components work together. Or that could have been wishful thinking in some fiction I read. But it would make sense to have umbilical connectors as standardized as possible in case of an emergency. It would be awfully shortsighted to have someone die of hypoxia because the only available oxygen hose wouldn’t connect to their suit because of mismatched connectors…
  11. Similarly, once we had photographic film that also happened to be sensitive to x-rays, the discovery of the radioactive rabbit hole was inevitable
  12. The problem is the imprecision of the wording. If they said “full mission duration “ or “full planned test duration”, it would save these arguments.
  13. Agrivoltaics is where it’s at. Many crops benefit from partial shade, and evaporation from the soil is reduced.
  14. Videos that end too soon. Need extended clips from both angles!
  15. And in training (which was conducted in enormous neutral buoyancy tanks to simulate spacewalking) they discovered which parts of the procedures and tools needed to be changed. Especially in the early days. The most common request from early spacewalkers was "More hand and footholds!"
  16. That was …. Crazy! Was watching the labpadre stream while working. Favourite quote from the chat stream: “Hear me baby? Hold together!”
  17. Well, given the speed of NASA, if they have tn years to do something, they need to decide on what they're doing right now...
  18. 7am CT so 5am PT! Perfect, right during my morning coffee. Of course, if it slips an hour then it’ll be right when I’m starting my shift…
  19. The saga continues.... https://www.theguardian.com/business/article/2024/jun/01/boeing-safety-crisis-response-union-busting
  20. 'jerti New JRTI (pronounced "jerty")
  21. Considering that the Saturn V had a TWR of around 1.1 at liftoff, burning some off during startup was pretty much necessary in that case.
  22. The Shuttle could handle a few lost tiles on the upper surfaces, and it could handle damaged tiles on the belly, but losing a single entire belly tile would be seriously risky. Atlantis was nearly lost on STS-27 except for luck. But of course mikegarrison knows all this, I'm sure...
  23. I dunno, LPV-1 doesn’t sound too bad
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