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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Finally wrapped up a marathon Jool Explorer mission, which consisted of a 2-Kerbal lander with a 6-pack of probes. Made it back with one probe (which made 2 landings), and lost Kurt on Pol when he used a puff of RCS while jumping. He vanished in a puff of dust on landing. Overall made 2 manned landings in the system and left a probe floating around on Laythe. Biggest headache was having to launch a probe to jumpstart the fuel supertanker in solar orbit that was supposed to follow, but someone forgot to deploy the solar panels. IIRC correctly the mission burned about 7 jumbos of fuel all told, aside from the 5 Goliath (26 jumbos and 19 mainsails each) launches that put it all in orbit. Capt Kirk Tiberious Kerman arrived back in a blaze of glory, aerobraking at 4.5km/s down to 30km altitude to make parking orbit. After sending the science probe parachuting down to land, he made a 'chuteless powered landing 33km from the KSC. The mission netted well over 5000 science points, with about 3500 left over now that the tech tree is maxed. The jumpstarted Fuel Supertanker (3 of my regular fuel barges linked up) burning towards Jool: The blaze of glory:
  2. Launched a manned ship with a 6-pack of probes to the Jool system. Launched 2 fuel barges to follow and assembled them on the way out of Kerbin's SOI. At some point while maneuvering for the Jool burn I managed to retract the solar panels on the fuel barge and didn't notice until after I warped and F5'd. When the time came to burn I had 4 full orange tanks with 8 NVR's dead in space. (I think a facepalm smilicon is needed for times like this). Upon hearing that the fuel barge was dead, Kirk said "Aw, kerb it! Punch it, Kurt!" They made the burn for Jool regardless and have racked up tons of science. The fuel barge won't be going to Jool today. And Kirk and Kurt won't be coming home.
  3. Even being able to access the input settings (keymap) from in game would be a huge help, instead of only at the starting menu.
  4. Ok, that was weird. Ctrl-Z was the second thing I tried after Esc and it didn't work. Trying it after reading this post it still didn't work, at least not right away. Eventually it worked in a hit-and-miss fashion. After a little more fiddling it worked every time. Odd. Thanks! Now if only I could figure out how to change this thread to "Answered"
  5. My greatest frustration in the VAB is when tweaking a design. I can have a design with symmetric strapon boosters and say I want to tweak a strut or fuel crossfeed line. If I miss when trying to select a small part, suddenly all the boosters are off the rocket and have to try to put them back on . This is more frustrating when some of the strap-ons have been individualized. If only I could just press Esc and everything goes back to how it was. Is there a button I just haven't found yet or can the feature please be added in future update? I shouldn't have to save it after every single change but that (reloading) sometimes seems to be the easiest way to correct for when I accidentally remove parts.
  6. What always gives me a chuckle is building a massive orange asparagus monstrosity with a MkI spam can on top, and watching it fall apart in multiple balls of fire as soon as I put it on the launch pad. The kicker is the spam can rolling out of the fireball and Jeb getting out with that idiotic grin on his face. Those command pods are tough to survive that!
  7. ***UPDATE*** After 9 years stranded in space, Jeb is home! Intrepid Kerbal Bill Kerman, the first Kerbal to (crash)land on the Mun, was sitting in his Goliath rocket in Kerbin orbit, preparing to rescue his would-be rescuers from the moon (they ran out of fuel during the first attempt to rescue Bill), when he heard that there were no plans to rescue his pal Jeb from solar orbit in the vicinity of Eve. So he cancelled his upcoming TMI burn maneuver and instead plotted a slingshot to the inner system. After a 3 year chase, Jeb exhausted his remaining RCS fuel and rendezvoused with the Goliath stack. Since his Monkeylauncher 'Kspam Kan' capsule was not fitted with a docking port, he had to spacewalk across to join Bill in his capsule, and they lit out for home. Jeb was in too much of a hurry to get home to plot a landing, and they splashed down in the middle of the southern ocean. Recovery vessels are now on route. Image: A happy day for Jeb http://s6.postimg.org/ca94lvjs1/Jeb_Rescue_2.jpg' alt='Jeb_Rescue_2.jpg'> screencast
  8. Jeb is currently stranded aboard MonkeyLauncher Alpha in solar orbit in the vicinity of Eve, after having accidentally slingshotted out of the Kerbin system. With no fuel he is patiently awaiting a rescue mission which isn't even close to being on the books.
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