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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. 6/10, hard to see detail And I recognize Dooz's avatar. It's a Protoss Probe from Starcraft (maybe the image is from SC2, not sure)
  2. There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't On a more serious note, I can agree with hexadecimal. If I am thinking it through right, a base-9 or base-16 system would have a rational number for the square root of 2
  3. One lander I used on Jool's bigger moons had landing legs on girder outriggers. One hard landing destroyed the legs, then my LV-N's, before coming to rest on the girders. I still had "emergency thrust" radial engines left for the ascent. Too bad I didn't have enough fuel.... Rescue rover mission is still in the design finalization stage.
  4. Kontract one: Launch a "kommunication" satellite (or constellation of them) for the Krussian military. Kontract two: On behalf of the Kerbal Trade Federation: Wipe them out (all of them)
  5. Why manned? Good question. The most obvious is the political points. Testing equipment and human endurance is certainly possible closer to home, but there may be subtle differences in psychological and radiation pressures that far away. The best reason to send people is the ability to improvise on the spot, in the ways robots can't. Telepresence gets far more difficult as light-time increases. Having humans on hand, while making missions more complex, enables more complex missions. The possibilities are as limitless as the human imagination. 3-D printers will expand the possibilites even further. The biggest things would be on-the-fly repairs and setting up bigger, more complex experiments without relying on mechanicals to pull something off millions of miles away after years in space. Yes, planetary science would likely sufferin the short term, especially during STS development. But this could be a good thing. In the long run, planetary missions could be far bigger than the current 1000lb New Horizons probe or the 5000lb Cassini probe, and get where they're going faster, with less long, multiple-flyby journeys.
  6. Exhaust is pretty much unavoidable, even fusion and fission reactors have reaction products to be disposed of (exhaust). The trick is generating thrust without requiring reaction mass (what you toss out in one direction to generate thrust in the opposite direction, "equal and opposite reaction"). Jet engines use reaction mass, the air that is sucked in and heated by burning fuel to increase the exhaust velocity. The only thing that doesn't really use reaction mass is a propeller, which is actually immersed in it, pushing against air or water. The only known way to generate thrust without reaction mass is with electromagnetic effects. A true space drive using known principles would either use electromagnetic or gravitational effects, such as anti-gravity (Larry Niven's 'Known Space' series of novels uses gravity polarizers for normal space maneuvers, along with hyperdrive for interstellar), also useful for inertial damping. Venturing into unknown principles would create the Holy Grail of spaceflight, the "Space Drive," as mentioned in Sir Arthur C. Clarke's Rendezvous with Rama. Basically anything that would push against the space-time continuum itself ('ether'), much like a propeller in water or air, would qualify as a space drive. Spaceflight would be soooo much easier if you didn't have to carry reaction mass for ac/deceleration everywhere you go
  7. Which joystick? Pic might help. Default binding to switch between staging/docking is.... um.... I see there isn't one, just ins/del as you said. But you know what, hardly anyone uses docking mode, so I'm not sure why you want to. Some people think they need it for translating or a good camera angle, but there are other ways around that. Use V (or whatever button you assign) to switch camera to chase, and use IJKL/HN for translating, mapping translation controls to your hat switch (hopefully you have one). Hope that helps.
  8. To quote Howie Meeker: "Okay, stop it right there... Okay, now back it up." The next line in the Kerbal version would be "Now here's where things started going terribly wrong..." If you know who I'm talking about then you're an older Canadian. Long live the Kerbal Telestrator!
  9. As I said, too easy. I won't even make you fix the spelling. Blaine the riddling Mono it is, defeated by those who deal in lead. In particular the one who also deals in jokes.
  10. You're on the right "track"
  11. If it used oxidizer at high temp it would oxidize (i.e. burn up) very quickly. No more engine.
  12. I know I have pretty much zilch in graphic design skills, but that didn't stop me from whipping up a simple logo. Sometimes simple is better.
  13. I'm gonna go then because I at least came up with the Kinder egg part.... Based on a series of books by a very well-known author, so if you haven't read it then you may be out of luck. It should be easy if you have. I can add another verse if necessary. Don't ask him silly questions He won't play silly games He's just a high-tech choo choo train And he is quite a pain.
  14. An alternative to disbabling crossfeed is to rt-click on the tank and turn it off (green arrows). It'll stay turned off, unlike disabling crossfeed.
  15. The US lost so they have to keep Bieber. That was the bet.
  16. Haven't seen Kerbal Alarm Clock mentioned, that should be essential, along with Enhanced Navball. Given his interests as a youth, he should be able to make use of KER right off the bat too. You know, the basic data stuff KSP should come with stock
  17. Q: "Go left?" A: "Right" Q: "Right? Ok, if you s-" I suppose that's why pros are trained to say "Affirmative."
  18. I'm sure there's a lot that will start with "Don't worry, ..." "Don't worry, I know what I'm doin-"
  19. All those krazy kerbals making a huge run on "space tape"
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