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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Lives in a farmhouse and goes into the city for groceries.... Hmmm, probably buying things he could have grown on the farm.... 2 bags in one hand, hmm,.. was one bag empty?
  2. Rama Revealed by Arthur C. Clarke posits this very thing
  3. Some inconsistencies bother me, but I don't see how they would catch him up. A school playground shouldn't be all that busy on a weekend. Two grocery bags but he has a free hand; you'd expect one in each hand to balance the load, assuming plastic bags. Paper bags would be even more awkward to carry one-handed.
  4. Correctomundo! A family should be getting new additions on a somewhat regular basis. It's made of people! And while some work well together, others are always infighting. And the many would be from the mother.
  5. I don't think that extinguisher will do much here
  6. Well, it's not a specific group, but a kind of group. And someone here must know what Soylent Green is.
  7. No correct answers yet. It's not any kind of organization, yet it is a group. "Hopefully never finished" means that ideally it would never end, never stop growing. The last few answers are on the right track, in that it's like Soylent Green. There is a key word in the second line. I am one from many, with many from one. Many related parts that make a whole, yet hopefully never finished. Some of us work in harmony, others suffer from friction. What am I?
  8. No and no, but you're on the right track. A few hints come to mind but they'd be giveaways
  9. You can rotate your view up (up arrow) to look down on the rocket, and see the difference when the booster is on the decoupler compared to just on the core
  10. I think there's a problem with the boiler...
  11. Yes, the idea of a cycler is that you just need a small taxi to get to and from the surface. The cycler will have the massive parts such as life support, fuel stores, radiation protection, and other stuff that is not needed on the surface colonies (once a colony is established)
  12. No, it is not on a micro scale
  13. Bill: What does this big red button do again? Me: DON'T PUSH IT!!! Bill: Too late.... Me: Well, at least the LES works Bill: But why isn't the parachute coming out? Me: I thought I was forgetting something.... Bill: You fo-
  14. Nope I am one from many, with many from one. Many related parts that make a whole, yet hopefully never finished. Some of us work in harmony, others suffer from friction. What am I?
  15. ... was thinking Orbiter might be a little too complicated for me....
  16. Did someone say M.O.O.S.E.? Get to know the Moose!
  17. What? How the heck did you catch that? Everyone knows Roscoe couldn't catch anything! j/k
  18. Nope I am one from many, with many from one. Many related parts that make a whole, yet hopefully never finished. Some of us work in harmony, others suffer from friction. What am I?
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