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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Must be a Fahrenheit 451 movie reference. Never saw the movie but read the book. As for the bullets, not even AP would go through these steel plates
  2. And this is exactly why I finally decided to install KER, so that I could be sure my Eve and Tylo landers could make orbit again without doing multiple missions just to test. Having Eve landers break on the way down was enough hassle. Thanks Padishar!
  3. I'm having trouble thinking up an original one, so I'll just recycle one from my favorite source There is a thing that nothing is but yet it has a name. It's sometimes tall and sometimes short, it joins our talk and joins our sport, and plays at every game What is it?
  4. Agree that the displays should be available, either through settings options or unlocking via science or achievements. The Kerbal way is using a rocket capable of putting 100 tons into orbit to launch a 20 ton Mun mission.
  5. I once mounted goo instead of monoprop... I decided not to do any docking that mission, which was cut much shorter than originally envisioned
  6. Fiction: Fallen Angels by Larry Niven. Space themed although most of the action is ground-based Have Spacesuit, Will Travel by Robert Heinlein. Might be a little past the era you want. Non-Fiction: Dragonfly: NASA and the Crisis Aboard Mir self-explanatory
  7. If it'll melt a terminator it'll melt your anvil.
  8. I want to say lightning. Electrical currents will fit all the criteria, by stretching into all the devices that run on electricity
  9. I currently use navball docking alignment indicator, KER and KAC, all info that I think should be in the stock game (but perhaps unlockable on the tech tree). Soon I think I'll add FAR and Deadly Re-Entry to up the difficulty, as things are getting rather routine.
  10. Clearly, Streetwind is right. It's a fan. First in line on game day rules out the other answers
  11. WooHoo! That's two in a row I've been close enough to get the cigar. This'll probably be an easy one. I can give you a breeze on a hot day, Or be first in line on game day What am I?
  12. I get in on floor 11 and immediately mind control everyone in the elevator, and start them all jumping up and down
  13. No, they're Kristian. Actually, if triangular structural plates were available, I would have made cairns. I was going to do a simple upright girder, then I realized I could make crosses. When I realized it was night out, I added lights
  14. They were attached to a radial decoupler on the hearse, which just dropped them. I had to include a probe core and RTG on the markers to run the lights and to make them stay put after I recovered the hearse.
  15. veteran military intelligence officer His wave at the kids was more of a salute!
  16. So I turned on permadeath (a little edit in the persistence file, forgot what it was), and then two brave souls, Chad and Kendon, decided to ride an asteroid down to Kerbin. So I decided I should set up a memorial, where all my foolishly brave kerbonauts will not be forgotten. I know there's a mod to send their remains into space in a little space-coffin, but I wanted something on the ground at KSC. So I set up some markers in front of the Astronaut Complex. The hearse can be seen in the background. Who else has permadeath on? And do you do anything to memorialize your lost kerbals?
  17. You see the beepocalypse coming I wish for an FTL drive
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