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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. I honestly can't remember. Maybe it was mentioned in a response to a spacedaily.com or space.com article. Possibly a youtube thing
  2. Welcome to KSP and the forums! Here you will find the greatest collection of cool and helpful dudes and dudettes, and the Kerbals are awesome too! As the others said, launch clamps and struts are your friends, along with those little green guys (they can repair stuff too) Fuel lines act as struts? I just learned something new! 19 mainsails: check! 30 jumbo tanks: check! 6 LV-N's (nuclear engines): check! 1 land-anywhere lander (getting back to orbit is another matter): Check! 1 green guy in a can: check! Random RUDs (Rapid Unplanned Disassembly): check! Being scattered across the landscape: priceless!
  3. 42. Oh, wait, wrong question. I'll say about 400. For the record, I myself only submitted one simple logo
  4. Immediately after posting that, I went searching and ended up downloading my first iBook, Tales From the Man-Kzin Wars X: The Wunder Wars. I'm already on chapter 5 or so.
  5. Larry Niven, 'nuff said. Ringworld, of course, but that's a little, er, a lot more out there and future tech. Also in this "Known Space" universe of stories, and more near-future, are Protector and World of Ptavvs. See if you can find some anthologies titled "Tales from the Man-Kzin Wars." I think they would make a great TV series in the vein of Twilight Zone or Outer Limits Other books of his, co-authored by Jerry Pournelle and not in the "Known Space" canon include FootFall (alien invasion of present day Earth) and Fallen Angels (near future climate change setting poking fun at sci-fi fandom)
  6. Nerves / nervous system?
  7. Ummmmmm... Last 4 letters of the seventh planet?
  8. It should, but to be on the safe side you might want to have some sort of containment to keep it from flying apart before fusion occurs. As for the title question, anything?????? (Anyone remember the old Cadbury Caramilk commercial? anyways...) Sure, you could, but once you reach iron and heavier elements, fusion releases less energy than it took to start fusion, so you could never break even on the reaction. This is how stars go supernova, once they start burning iron they collapse until they rebound (that's the nutshell version).
  9. HP Envy dv6 notebook, which has: Intel Core i7 3630QM @2.4GHz 8GB RAM GeForce GT 630M (2GB) ~670Gb HDD Windows 8.1 The ultimate budget buy: Air Miles! But I don't remember how many I spent for it.... Somewhere in the 7-9.5k range, i think
  10. Jeb and Bill rescued Dillan after 5 years stuck on Tylo. I had to make extensive use of quicksave, however. My third landing attempt was a perfect touchdown, so I quicksaved it before I realized I had overshot by at least 150km. I ended up driving all afternoon to get to where Dillan had landed, and my rover got pretty skitterish and tended to flip at speeds over 25m/s, so there were plenty of crashes. The scariest part was that KER seemed to think I was as much as 1200km away, which had me thinking I had some 20 hours of driving to do. I was quite relieved when the target meatball showed up at 99.9km distant, but KER always seemed to think I had much farther to go. It must not be set up for ground rendezvous' The weirdest part was the flag exploding when I pulled up to the lander, and I was nowhere near it. I didn't realize what had exploded until later in the tracking station when I was trying to figure out Dillan's time stranded.
  11. Window: Clear part of wall Door Part of wall that opens Kerbalnaut: Spam in a can Spam: Smashed meat
  12. Lifeboats! I launched this set into a very low orbit (75km) to de-staff my space stations and to pick up my returning interplanetary crews after they aerobrake into orbit. I still have one more in orbit, waiting for my rescue mission to return from Tylo. Of course, it has to leave first
  13. Everything burns surprisingly fast and furious in pure oxygen. Oil or grease will spontaneously ignite in pure oxygen. DO NOT oil the O2 fittings on your oxyacetylene welding rig.
  14. Yes , my laptop keeps my lap nice and warm when I'm launching a 500 pt rockstrosity
  15. Money well spent, in my opinion. Jeb and the boys will be ecstatic!
  16. You probably read this article or something similar. My main point being that the tank had been dropped once, along with a design oversight. Also, this accident fits the "Swiss Cheese" theory of accidents. This theory has also been applied to health care.
  17. Nothing too crazy, just a poor imitation of a certain battle station. Farthest outside the box I've tried to build
  18. Finalized design for my Tylo rescue rover, after many iterations it was pared down from this 80ton monstrosity, with barely enough dV. I didn't like the tanksteer either, it was really hard to turn. But it did survive a test launch to orbit To this lean and mean machine, at 29 tons in descent mode, and oodles of dV. Pretty much the same number of parts at 112. It'll have even more descent margin when I start the deorbit burn with my transfer stage. Rover test: It's pretty much untippable, at least on level ground. And it won't endo when I slam on the brakes. Ascent module: Easily capable of Kerbin orbit, if I launch the whole rover from the ground: I don't think Jeb realizes that there's no parachute on this contraption he's testing... It just needs some minor details, like small solar panels for the ascent. The rover itself is RTG powered Smaller FTW!
  19. I splatter, er, lithobrake them wherever convenient. How else can my Kerbals keep that healthy green glow?
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