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  1. Detail just isn’t included in TU colour presets. It probably ought to be but that’s something to be changed in TU, not Lazy Painter.
  2. @Second Hand Rocket Science Carefully reinstall Textures Unlimited. Make sure it's this version. https://github.com/KSPModStewards/TexturesUnlimited/releases Your player.log says this: Line 1776: AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'LazyPainter' has not met dependency 'TexturesUnlimited' V1.6.0 Line 1779: AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'LazyPainter' is missing 1 dependencies If that still doesn't work then I may have the dependency set up wrong, but if that was the case I'd expect to have everyone saying it doesn't work.
  3. Hey! I’d recommend installing the mod with CKAN as it will install the correct version of TU for you. If that doesn’t work you can send me your KSP.log file and I will tell you if I see anything wrong.
  4. It should be in the toolbar. If it’s not there you might not have textures unlimited installed?
  5. 0.3.1 is out proper. - Lazy Painter now works on individual sections of parts where it's supported (like 'Engine', 'Mount', 'Side', 'Panels', 'Shroud' etc). Otherwise it acts on the whole part. - Added the ability to double click a part to select all its sections. - Entering Lazy Painter now acts like an editor mode similar to the action group editor. - Improved the in-flight mode. Time will stop and the UI will disappear similar to the in-flight action group editor. - Improved performance for bulk selection and painting. - Added a settings menu ('s' in the top right of the UI). - Added a setting to show values either as an integer from 0 to 255 or as a decimal between 0 and 1. - Added a setting to hide the Lazy Painter button in-flight. - Added a loading screen to prevent hangs when opening Lazy Painter on high part count craft. - Prevented the app button from showing up in the wrong scenes and showing the wrong state. - Refined control locks and prevented click-through on the Lazy Painter window. - Prevented the UI from being visible in loading screens. - Prevented the UI from ever going over the edge of the screen. - Fixed highlighting bugs. - Updated help section ('i' in the top right of the UI). - Added a version file. Grab it on SpaceDock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3415/Lazy Painter
  6. Hi again. Finally got round to doing this. Only took just over a year. Record time for me. The solution that I think is most intuitive is to switch Lazy Painter from working on parts to working on the sections themselves. So when you click on a part you're now selecting just the section you wish to recolour rather than the whole thing. The UI is the same because nothing major has fundamentally changed, it's simply more granular now. You can still select the whole part by double clicking. Here's a demo of it working: And a pre-release version should anyone wish to give some feedback before I make a proper release: https://github.com/Halbann/LazyPainter/releases/tag/pre-0.3.0
  7. I’ve put a request in but I think there’s a pause on adding new mods at the moment. I don’t know for how long.
  8. Hi @Gargamel. My question is whether the deleted messages contained any reports of bugs. Perhaps even just, "it also crashed my game". Nate has commented on that already but I don't have any other info to go on.
  9. Just updated it with a fix. Thanks for the explainer. It should always show the final cost of the part now.
  10. Window adjusts the default field of view such that you're looking through your monitor as though it were a window on to space. It also lets you manually adjust the default FOV. You'll find the new settings in the stock mini-settings window that you open via the pause menu, just under the graphics section. There you can enter the horizontal width of your monitor and its distance from your eyes. It doesn't matter what unit you use to measure. Dependencies - HarmonyKSP __________________________________________________________________ Download SpaceDock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3722/Window Github: https://github.com/Halbann/Window/releases __________________________________________________________________ Source The complete source for Window is available on Github: https://github.com/Halbann/Window License Window is distributed under the MIT license. Needless Justification When I played RSS for the first time I was fascinated with the scale - being in LEO feels nothing like being in LKO. There's so much less curvature, everything moves more slowly, the surface feels closer. It's quite serene - especially with the graphics mods we've got now. I wonder if this is what it's like to really be there? Am I seeing everything just as an astronaut on the ISS would see it? Would my home country look that big from up here? Would the horizon curve quite like that at this altitude? How high would I have to go to see the entire Earth within my field of view? How much detail would I be able to see in those mountains over there? I was unsure. And then I realised I was looking at everything through the wrong end of a pair of binoculars. Not a very big pair of binoculars - actually a pretty small pair - but it was through the wrong end nonetheless. Everything appeared a bit smaller on my screen, and in my field of vision, than it would if I were looking at it with my own eyes. What I wanted was for the field of view of the game's camera to be exactly what the monitor was occupying in my field of vision, no magnification, no reduction, no distortion: the object's image on my retina exactly the same size as if was looking straight at it, like a window. So, in order to turn your monitor into a window, you need to work out the visual angle of your monitor in your field of vision and apply it to the camera. This way, you'll have perfect straight lines beaming directly out of your pupil and into the hit game Kerbal Space Program. For that you need to know the width of the monitor, and the distance from the monitor to your eye. Monitor's Visual Angle = 2 * Arctangent((Monitor Width / 2) / Monitor Distance) So that's all this mod does. You plug the measurements in, the mod remembers them and applies the "correct" field of view when you load into flight. It's not very noticeable, but there's a certain pleasure in knowing that the scale of Jupiter's storms, of Saturn's rings, of the Moon's craters, and of home, are just as they would appear on your eye were you really there.
  11. Thanks very much. Waiting for it to be accepted to CKAN. Would you mind sending a picture of what that purchase entry looks like? I've never really played much career mode so I'm not sure exactly what you're talking about. Is it to do with part upgrades?
  12. I see. So everything works alright in the editor, but when you go into flight mode it doesn't work at all? Give this version a go and let me know if it fixes your issue: https://github.com/Halbann/PartTips/releases/tag/1.1.1
  13. Stapler adds a construction mode to the editor that lets you re-parent parts without changing their position. You use re-parent mode just like you would use the re-root function in stock; it even has its icon in the same place. The keybind to enter re-parenting quickly is 5 (6 if you have TweakScale Rescaled installed, which also adds a construction mode). In the demo I'm combining a fragmented wing which allows me to move it around as one. This is a minimal remake of @Spartwo's Stapler mod, with none of the other planned features. They may be merged at some point in the future. Please report any issues here. Contributors: - Spartwo - Halban __________________________________________________________________ Download SpaceDock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3721/Stapler Github: https://github.com/Halbann/Stapler/releases __________________________________________________________________ Source The complete source for Stapler is available on Github: https://github.com/Halbann/Stapler License Stapler is distributed under the CC BY SA license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
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