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    Curious George

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  1. I second this by the power of Grayskull!
  2. OK now I'm totaly confused. Did these parts just didn't make it in time for the pre release of 1.2 but will be included in the final 1.2 update or do have to wait for 1.3?
  3. What you're listing are the display options. ... to display signals. You need to find input settings, to handle the video signals. Maybe in a different menu. But sure, some TV's just don't give you these options. Shame ... shame ... shame ...
  4. This! I guarantee you, that you have not checked your TV settings for the right Input setting. Unfortunately every TV has a different name for this. Overscan, PC mode, Console Mode, Game mode, 1:1 ... the list goes on. I would bet money that you played with a cropped picture for a long time without noticing it.
  5. For the love of god, let us just invert the Y axis.
  6. I think this is by far the biggest mistake with KSP for Consoles right now: "The game doesn't even allow inverting the vertical camera control for god's sake! How does anyone work in the games industry and not know that some people are "invertees" who willnever be able to comfortably enjoy a game that doesn't allow this incredibly basic feature". We need to be able to invert the camera. This is mandatory. Everything else you listed is just meh. I too would be glad if I didn't needed to use the US Store - and will probably buy it again on the EU Store :/ - but the rest is perfectly fine. It's a console port. To hell with keyboard and mouse. Flying already feels better. But I really need to invert my camera. Squad could just switch motion sensor controll to touchpad if you feel like it. But in my opinion, it doesn't really matter that much. On the other hand, an invertable camera would be nice. And OMG please tell the europeans what the heck is going on so we can start our fires, get our pitchforks and meet up at SCEE. And then while we burn them we sing about how important it is to be able to invert the camera controls. They should concentrate on building a good update structure for themselves. It would be a pitty if all the PC updates in the future will be 6 weeks earlier then console updates. Just like not beeing able to invert the camera, this also makes people sad. And while I'm at it: Overhaul the graphics, polish the code like you already do, make scatterer stock, make engineer stock, make opm stock maybe look at clouds and let me invert my camera. Ta-Ta Cristo
  7. Your ship looks quite like my good old "USS hyperedit is for quitters"
  8. @selfish_meme I'll just get my shorts and beach rain coat out. BTT: A real color image from those NASA guys: When I compare this with the latest screenshot I can't really tell which is real and which is ksp.
  9. I first also thought it was simply colored from a black and white pic. But indeed, those crazy Russians - gotta love 'em - send a heavy color recognizing camera there. In those pictures you can even see the massive cover for the lense lying at the landing legs, which apparently was decoupled just before the camera would be avtivated. Holy gosh! This Venera probe really is an enormously impressive piece of probe. However, so far I think the really yellow ones are a little bit oversaturated and brightened. @Berlin @sDaZe I just saw that you really included my configs in the 1.0.8 download with your adjustments. I'm so happy However, as the planets have been resized, this leads to a different look again. Which somebody already noted with there beeing somehow no atmosphere. I saw that Berlin will redo those. I still would suggest to take something along the lines of the configs I suggested to have a better compatibility between OS's. When you have the next update ready I will have a look at the current scatterer settings.
  10. Disgusting! Looks like someone just peed all over the atmosphere. For decades. Are you sure this isn't recolored? Wikipedia gives me this:
  11. Me too. Use my settings from page 33. They'll fix the artifacts for you.
  12. Please Test my settings. I made a download at page 33. Please follow my instructions there. It is definitely a Problem with scatterer OpenGL and ssrss. However it should be completely fine with my settings.
  13. Shameless double post: btw ... I think you made a mistake in the latest Mars atmosphere update in SVE: OBJECT { name = Duna-MainClouds body = Mars altitude = 40000 speed = 0,35,0 detailSpeed = 0,0,0 settings { _DetailScale = 20 _Color = 128,108,108,200 _MainTex { value = StockVisualEnhancements/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/mars2 } _DetailTex { value = StockVisualEnhancements/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/DetailCirrus } } In the line: "_Color = 128,108,108,200" the value 200 makes Mars purple like stock Eve, when I change it to 20 like this: "_Color = 128,108,108,20" it looks nice and mahrslike again.
  14. This is now my final config (this time I mean it ) -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vvh5355ulc48l7l/AABPJXXQmQJTpiMEt-y3emTGa?dl=0 Those are the included values (Stock planets just for comparison): The orange field were filled in by me in the settings, the blue were only there to indicate to me wtf they were doing and how they correlated. And here some pics from Triton and Pluto to show that the flickering is indeed gone, when you visit them:
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