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Everything posted by ddenis

  1. HyperEdit (http://www.kerbaltekaerospace.com) - it's plugin which allows you to move your craft into orbit in a second and then move it from orbit of Kerbin to orbit of Eve. http://youtu.be/XDvedL-oo4I -Video tutorial
  2. The best way to simulate it is simulating it within the game which simulate it by sending your craft to eve via HyperEdit. Because... really - this game is simulating "real" world, you can use it to simulate things in simulated "real" world.
  3. Without docking port and without addons you cannot refuel it... Sorry. But you have several chooses: 1) Get out of the rocket and push it until fuel of spacesuit get to 10-25%. Then board and get out of the rocket and push it again.... repeat as many times as needed. When your Pe get to 60-65 km you are ok, get inside of rocket and wait till aerobraking will get you back to Kerbin. If you get Pe lower you will get home faster. Also I want to mention, that if you're returning from the Mun to Kerbin you don't have to circularize your orbit around Kerbin. Just make your Pe about 30-60 km above Kerbin and aerobraking will land you. 2) Also you can build another rocker, get rendezvous, and move your kerbonaut to another rocket which have rocket and can land, but you can loose science in the craft without fuel.
  4. Sorry, I've just returned to this tread to get a new version. (Thanks for it!) Yeah, I'm using FAR, that's why I've asked about it.
  5. Your Pe it way too high, your craft isn't aerobraking. Ap changes because of turning rocket by SAS. Because the Ap is so higher than Pe and far from Eve, so even such small actions have big influence.
  6. I'd suggest you to use only 2 LV-N for upper stage and get rid of the second big reaction wheel. It will cut 5t or 10% of your payload. Oh. You've already tried 2 LV-N. As a possibility.... You can turn on physical Time Warp when engines are burning, use "Mod + ." With it you can time warp up to x4, so, even with 2 LV-N you can burn twice as fast as with 4 LV-N without time warping. Mod + . Physical time warp increase (compulsory) Mod + , Physical time warp decrease (compulsory) It's the same warp which you have when landing in atmosphere.
  7. Yes, but user of such mod have to be aware that things can explode if you switch between vessel in space and vessel in atmosphere. If I remember it right from Manley's "reusable space program" series.
  8. Until it lands, after that it will got "landed" status and won't be deleted. With parachute it will go down with ~5 m/s below 500m under surface. So you have to be really slow
  9. 1) Altitude < 22 km. 2) As soon as it get farther than 2 km from your active vessel. It's deleted... P.S. 2,5 km - it's distance on which physic is turned on/off for not controlled vessels.
  10. If it's below 22 km and not in range of 2-2,5 km from your active vessel - it will be deleted by game.
  11. In this case you still can use aerobraking, but you will have to find such Altitude in atmosphere, which will slow you down enough to circularize orbit, and then you can use rest dV to rise your Pe over atmosphere.
  12. Have you considered the variant of crashing straight into Kerbin atmosphere? To make aerobraking or land without going into orbit around Kerbin? For this you will have to adjust your direction somewhere in the middle of trajectory, but it will require less dV than burning retrograde.
  13. Why do the top part of tanks have 0.2 drag? Shouldn't it be lower?
  14. Are probes needed... who knows... I've just sent a probe to Minmus with Kethane scanner, it will be the for whole its life. Do I need to put a kerbal there? Without any desire to return it home. Or I have Remote Tech satellites around Kerbin, Mun and Minmus. Do I need to put kerbal into each of them? Or I've been on Mun and Minmus, got samples... great! But I've opened a new science equipment... do I need to send mission with kerbal to Mun and bring him back or I can send a probe with antenna, get science, transmit it and then abandon the probe?
  15. Just do it! And then post here how much days it took you to rise Ap to 100 km higher with 8 orange tanks and as many ion engines. as you wish. But if I were you, I would create an orange tank with one Ion engine and enough solar panels. And with HyperEdit move it into Kerbin orbit. Then try how it works. HyperEdit - great mode for testing your concepts before doing real flight.
  16. In "Select target" window for dishes there is a target "Active vessel". If you have 2 or 3 satellites on the geostationary orbit with spare dishes targeted to Active vessel and a dish which is targeted onto any of such satellites, then you will have connection almost everywhere and almost all the time in range of your dishes. I use Omni for local control around "colonized" bodies and dished for connecting my colonials. As for my... I have 3 satellites around Mun at Alt 1500, with 2 dishes DTS-M1 and 1 Omnidirectional for 5 Mm. One dish is pointed into Kerbin, another into Minmus. Around Kerbin I have the same 3 satellites, with 2 dishes DTS-M1 and 1 Omnidirectional for 5 Mm. One dish is pointed into Kerbin, another into Minmus. And a bunch of smaller satellites with only Omni antenna. On Mun, because of the Alt 1500, all satellites are connected by omni antennas, so even if the satellite on the dark side of Mun and don't see Kerbin, it has control. With such layout I can send to Mun mission with only Omni antenna 2.5 Mm or 5 Mm range. Before it around Kerbin it controlled by local satellites, so I can adjust it course to Mun. Then during it flight to the Mun it will lose control until it riches Mun, where it connects to Munar satellites.
  17. Thanks you, KSP team! I love this game and hate in some measurement, because of it I go sleep for an hour or two later for last two months than I used to. Because I want to send this beautiful rockets into space and can't but do it. I've started playing the game with a pirate copy, but the urge to buy it as soon as the 0.22 was rolled out made me did it, the first game which I've bought for last 5 years! Love this game!
  18. Space telescope! So I will be able to get better knowledge about celestial bodies around me before I will send a rocket to them for more research.
  19. Money! Everything costs money! You want launch a rocket - pay! You want to hire a new kerbonauts - pay him salary for the whole time of his work... yeah, ofcours, if you launch him to another planet he won't anything to do, but his productivity will be rally low, as believe in returning home, but if he return... you will have to pay him salary, or hi will quit and you won't be able to hire him... but number of kerbonauts is limited... and somebody have to run experiments on stations, fly to another planet or land on the Mun... if no kerbonauts are available you can always send a probe! Yes! you will have to send unmanned probes due to budget and human resources limits! Also you will have to send rescuer mission to get kerbonaut from the Mun to not hire another one, so you would have to pay salary to both of them. Of course, in short term accounting building a rocket to the moon is more expensive than hiring a new kerbonaut, but in long term accounting, when you have to pay salary to the one on the Mun, who do nothing useful... his total payment would be about the price of a rocket to get him beck. It also can be an option during creation of the game "Do you want to pay to you men?". Also I want to have an option to disable termination of things in space, so I only will be able to retrieve things from Kerbin (and been able to use this parts without additional expenses). With this option turned on you won't be able to terminate your kerbonauts to not pay them salary. Mmm... maybe two options will be good: * Preventing from terminating vessels with kerbonauts on them, but can terminate everything else. * Preventing from terminating anything.
  20. 1) Money! Everything costs money! You want launch a rocket - pay! You want to hire a new kerbonauts - pay him salary for the whole time of his work... yeah, ofcours, if you launch him to another planet he won't anything to do, but his productivity will be rally low, as believe in returning home, but if he return... you will have to pay him salary, or hi will quit and you won't be able to hire him... but number of kerbonauts is limited... and somebody have to run experiments on stations, fly to another planet or land on the Mun... if no kerbonauts are available you can always send a probe! (Yes! you will have to send unmanned probes due to budget and human resources limits!) 2) Optional missions with money reward 3) Somewhere on the forum I saw an idea (mod?) how make orbital station useful: Big heavy laboratory module which use specials resources/things to do science. So you can launch a laboratory module once to the orbit with a loot of resources needed to launching it and make it work on orbit (a lot of power). And than you have to launch other rockets with specimens to run experiments. Specimens should be also in small amount - e.g. 1 per container. 4) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54859-Science-Ignorance-Uncertainty-Knowledge-about-the-Kerbol-System - as in this thread, on start user have only basic information about space around and have to send probes, to get more information. 5) Random generation of kerbal system (different orbits, size of bodies, number of moons, orbital period, random order of bodies and etc.) 6) Life support (individual life support for pods, massive farms for space station that can keep several kerbonauts alive and refill life support resources of pods/rocets) 7) Make it possible to have space stations with 200+ parts with out fps degradation. For example: combine parts into one module in space based on the weakest connections. For example: we have two rockets joined by docks, assume, that if at least one central part of either of rockets will be damaged, then the whole rocket up to the docking port will be destroyed and all kerbonauts inside will die due to depressurization if they in the PPD-10 Hitchhiker Storage Container, or live if they in pod. So in that case both central parts for each of two rockets can be counted as a single part reducing part count for physic simulation. Or group each five parts into one and calculate them as one, if needed group already grouped parts into bigger parts and keep number of parts for calculation up to reasonable number. But if collision happens (another rocket kissed you) than ungroup current group to calculate damage. The same idea as graphical redactors give you ability to group staffs so you can easily work with them without messing up.
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