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Everything posted by Moach
Kerbal Space Program is coming to the TI-83 Calculator!
Moach replied to RocketBlam's topic in KSP Fan Works
so what's the difference, blasphemy or no? -
Kerbal Space Program is coming to the TI-83 Calculator!
Moach replied to RocketBlam's topic in KSP Fan Works
wanna hear something that simply feels "wrong"? (even though there's nothing particularly un-right with it) I'm all but surely positive that you can actually download a TI-83 or similar in the form of an app for your iThingy.... I'm really not sure how to feel about that -- anyone? -
confirmed - massive lag on EVA's - not always, but often enough - and it's quite brutal when it happens -- upon heading back aboard, it goes away and FPS becomes smooth again on a semi-related note: using NanoGauges, you get correct O2 and CO2 readings when focused on the ship, but not on EVA's - I found that odd, given there's only one shared set of resource definitions for those supplies - logic implies it should read through just the same with EVA's but somewhy it doesn't... mayhaps that's a clue somehow -- so I figured it was worth mentioning, just in case
it is indeed a good exercise in the observation of random samples generation and the often surprisingly "unrandom" results it can appear to produce... I've had plenty of experience with random lately, being the lead dev. on a mobile bubble shooter game... -- you know that feeling that you never seem to get the bubble of the colour you want? - you're not going insane - that's MY doing mwahahaha... in the game I'm making (should hit the appstores within the next few weeks) - we've devised a somewhat intricate "biased random" color selection system -- this was done because "actual random" simply proved to feel "not random enough", and gave us no options to fine tune each level's difficulty (it biases both ways, mind you) problem with random things, I mean, is that humans are hard-wired to look for patterns in things - it's an instinct, long story... anyways, in order to achieve a sense of "fairness" with a localized random process, one must often take contrived measures to allow for a (seemingly) more homogenous grouping this is just to satisfy our human expectations that a randomly selected set should somehow be evenly grouped -- even though there is really nothing other than sheer dumb luck that would provide for that... so truth of the matter is: true random isn't and with that - I do seem to have more girl Kerbals than boys - I know it's random... but problem is -- it really IS random, where perhaps it shouldn't be... it works for human populations, sure... with 7 billion samples, your statistics are bound to converge... but much like there are families of 5 children all of the same gender, a localized truly random sample group has a large tendency to appear biased - especially given our human disposition to see patterns, even when they're not there my suggestion to Squad would be: -- make it less random -- use some statistics "magic" to make it appear more random by really making it less so... a simple method: when groups are uneven beyond a set tolerance, draw odds twice - then from the two, pick the result that favours better balancing (if available) it still is fundamentally random, but it will try to correct itself so that apparent patterns are disfavoured to some extent Cheers
things needed to get into orbit.... step 1: blast up step 2: blast sideways step 3: keep that going until you're falling with enough sideways speed to completely miss the ground step 4: worry about how to get back (optional) but then again... don't we have a section for how-to's? - I think we do... hang on ...yup, we do -- and now we're there! whoa... dude! Magic!
aye, true enough! so we have determined that KSP solids are not tail-burning, tho it is still apparent they have a constant-area profile to them in some other way... this is visible as your SRB's become lighter and your G loads start to become more and more favourable to "juicing" the poor brave kerman strapped to them... still, your usage of the term "safe" does imply of a very unkerbal choice of booster model either way -- doesn't solve the problem much.... must look into this engine control thing - that sounds promising
What bothers me about the fairings...
Moach replied to RocketBlam's topic in KSP1 Suggestions & Development Discussion
Shouldn't this be in the development section? oh, look! it's there now! what sorcery is this?! back on topic... I usually prefer the Procedural Fairings mod fairings... haven't been able to work these new ones out yet (likely, from lack of trying) -- and I'm kinda lazy with my designs, as my rapidly multiplying roster of dead kerbals will surely attest to so if it works, I stick with it... lest too many more kerbals become deceased (which administration says is bad for business) -
Came back from the Mün and landed... WITHOUT the spaceship and what particular "Kerman" is this bravest of daredevils proving to us all that "staying inside" is optional and quote: "boring"? well, you thought correctly! this is the one and only many: JEB KERMAN! the only Kerbal crazy/lucky enough to ever-so-casually decide for and commit to such a stunt and somehow actually succeed!
as far as I reckon, SRB thrust curves are determined largely by the geometry of the "fire-goo stuffed inside the go-tube" (yes, I chose the most Kerbal-ish words available there) the mechanics of SRB thrust envelopes are determined by the surface area of the fuel (which has a putty-like mushy consistency, I gather) that is exposed to combustion gases at any given time through the length of it's burn... there are only so many possible configurations, but they do cover a different range of applications and allow some limited flexibility to suit your (planned, unlikely actual) ascent profile it so then appears, the SRB's used by KSP are all solid-packed constant-area models... there are no specific cross section "hollows" to allow any other kind of burn profiles which is a valid option, no doubt... but then again - it does favour "creative omni-stage decoupling" a bit more frequently than crews would prefer.... the tradeoff here, is that a constant-area solid really does have the best volume-to-fuel ratio you can get - since it has no cavities in the fuel-putty inside... so to have SRB's with a tailored burn curve it is inevitable you'd have to remove at least some fuel - and given the indifferent bulk of the empty casing, this would detract from your final mass fractions a bit (less bang for your buck) this is a mod begging to be made, if anyone's looking for ideas (if not, I might go and make it myself one of these days) -- using modulemanager, this could be applied onto all solid boosters in general too (which is something that wasn't available last time I had a mod running that offered these features (a good while ago)) my (dead and soon-to-be) Kerbals largely endorse this idea!
If you're like myself, you probably can't live without your irresponsibly large array of mods and parts and whatnotyoumaygets galore... alas, KSP is still "unstable" as 64bit, and since it MUST load all assets (for whatever reason) into memory as soon as it starts, it's only to be expected that at the very first ram spike (usually scene transitions) the game will have outgrown the maximum memory address that can be written in 32 bits... (it's a matter of how high can you count using only this many digits, but in binary) long story short -- mod-hoarders everywhere frustrate... there's a perhaps not-well-enough-known thing that anyone can do (besides running with half-res textures) to make oneself a bit more space between one's addon binge and ultimate mem-crash step 1: make a KSP shortcut, if you don't have one already (I'll assume you know how to to this stuff, given you're already modding your game) step 2: ... step 3: profit! no wait, that's for stealing underwear.... step 2: right click that shortcut, and choose properties -- a window pops us (yes, you can change the icon and stuff here too - but first, focus) step 3: on the textbox marked "Target" -- insert the following at the end of the line, like so: "(...)KSP.exe" -force-opengl finally: run KSP from this shortcut, see if it helped this will set the game to use openGL for the graphics backend -- it just so happens this also has the fortuitous effect of saving you about 1~2 GB's of precious RAM of course, your mileage may vary... but for me, it made the game playable where before it wasn't -- without removing any of the many mods (all indispensable, of course) I had piled on up until the point of making it unworkable just thought I'd sticky this, as it solved a LOT of my problems just recently -- hopefully, it'll help some of you too
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well, not really necro, see.... while the thread is old - it is also a "collection" type thread - in which people gather accounts of their experiences in regards to some such event... in this case - running into KSP players in the, uh real world? -- where is this fantastic imaginary place you call "real world"? most creative idea there, never heard of such... eh, so: you see -- that's a very well on-topic reply, to a thread that is intended to gather a compilation of just those... now: this is a largely less insightful remark than the alleged "offense" it refers to - just saying.... either way, no harm here -- no need to overdo the necro rule, if you got something to add, you ain't raising the dead - you're just waking up something that's been long asleep, you know... like: A Bear uhh... *runs fast and far*
made me this:
hmm... a crazy solution - eh... if nobody's streaming KSP - just uh, bear with me here for a bit - this may sound a bit odd but: have you considered (crazy far fetched concept) playing it yourself? :sticktongue: j/k of course LOL -- reminds me of that South Park episode where Kyle wants to play CoD with his lil' brother, but can't get him to stop watching the streamers playing the same game on youtube... It's saturday -- I went to the Mun twice already... then came back -- it was really more like ten times to "break in" the new design... 'til then, there was a lot of: "OMG, they killed Kerman! -- You Bastards!" Fly safe out there -- I probably won't, or maybe, well let's find out! *hits «LAUNCH» for googol'th time* Cheers
eh, seems your proof has a slight case of broken link syndrome.... damn computers, they're supposed to work for us, not the other way 'round! (isn't this how Terminator started?)
if you have no axis for inclination -- how do you measure an angle for your orbital plane?? not sure I get the question to it's full extent.... my way of tackling the whole inclination matter is "make proverbial lemonade!" -- meaning, plan a maneuver somewhere sensible for your intended trajectory and molest it until the results are to your liking -- then point at the node vector, wait for it and open up reading your post again - I get a better picture of what you may be attempting to pursue.... if your landing target isn't on the body's equator, how do you time your reentry/descent -- put shortly: carefully for any planetary body with a rotation to it (moons usually spin slow enough to "fly it off") - your timing calculations climb up a sheer wall of complexity when your target is off of it's equator in such a case, you got a wave-like pattern governing the alignment of you and your path *cue in slide of 007 GoldenEye control room with the big map screen with a wave trajectory overlay* that "wave" is the footprint of your orbit over the squarified globe (there's no decent way to box a ball, mind you - always a compromise) - since you're in space, and therefore detached from any push-me-pull-you influences from below besides the usual fundamental forces and minor interferences, your wave-path-thing will seem to "creep" across the map over a period of -exactly- a day which cues us thinking -- maybe your orbit isn't "creeping" at all... (spoiler: it isn't) -- it's the PLANET (or moon/whatnot) that's rotating underneath the inclination of your orbital plane... this is where your brain opens up into a third dimension -- at least it was so for me, way back in the day... before KSP... (Orbiter has been around for over 10 years, man - Cheers, Dr. Schweiger) and now you can picture a planet in glorious imaginary 3d graphics (no DX11 yet, tho - sorry) spinning around while your relatively inclined orbit around it stays put... try and picture where your landing target would be at any point in time -- and where will you be by then.... crazy yet? don't worry -- this kinda stuff is one of the very reasons humans invented computers to do the math... no normal or even above-average brain can wrestle with that logic while the outside of your ship is starting to glow like it's on fire (oh crap) so yeah - in Orbiter I'd use the very handy BaseSyncMFD for that (couldn't find a good link, sorry - google it as you will) In KSP, I usually feel pretty good at having landed... at all... so there's that but yeah, look for reentry phase timing or some such keywords -- you'll get your answer if you don't mind going full geek about it or somebody help me out... I've had a 16 hour day of programming and debugging - my brain has largely felt the building
An Open Letter to Flying Tiger Entertainment
Moach replied to BagelRabbit's topic in KSP1 Discussion
I read and I read... come to the realization that this thread may (or not, who am I to tell?) have had an original purpose other than to simply instir mayhem into the minds of the poor victims that fall into it's merciless jaws of endless, meaningless, fruitless, oh dear god ever so hopeless back and forth about ANYTHING that can be burned for heat in the longest few posts of it's previous page..... dear god, what have we learned here? I think I grow stupider with each post.... oh no! some of my brain is dripping on the floor! I'm not cleaning that up! (even though I live by myself) -- hey Dog! stop licking that, that's the piece of brain where I remember my.... wait, what was that again?... I forget I'm feeling a strange urge to lock it, despite not actually really knowing what for... I just feel we as a group might be somehow better off without this... uh... whatever this is about this just may be one of the weirdest growing threads I've ever come across... there's something off here, but I cannot for the life of me put a finger on it... before someone loses an eye or some such... please folks, behave -- be nice to each other, think happy thoughts! somehow it feels this is critical advice to this debate in a near future this thread scares me, I'm outta here good luck! Cheers -
How do you finish, that which has not started? no wait, that makes no sense... ...eh... I'm afraid this thread has asked an unanswerable question -- it is not about how "finished" the game is.. even though one may argue (and have one hell of a good point in it) that games are in their deepest core, a form of art -- and art is never finished in an author's eye - only abandoned - there's always more to do, something to improve it'll never be finished..... no game ever is that doesn't stop them from going public, being sold, and thereby making money, funding new development, feeding the positive feedback loop, lather, rinse, repeat.... so many games are released BEFORE being finished -- some are even DECREED "done" albeit anything but -- take "IL-2 Cliffs of Dover" for one... took a team of modders several years to crack it and "fix" most of the game... development time being non-negotiable didn't stop Ubi$oft from greed'ing their way into a forcibly hasty release sure, it's awesome NOW... but that didn't come out of "magic" -- definitely didn't come from Ubi$soft seems: incompetence = corporateBudget² - developerEnthusiasm /( 1 + marketer2DevOutranking * nonTechManagementEffect)³; these days.... Squad being tiny as it is bears very well for KSP, by that logic! big bucks makes for big blunder - take EA (Evil & Associates) for one... money doesn't make good games, "actually giving a crap" does! -- another point for squad, who took up this "crazy idea" and reinvented themselves from a mexican electronic media (advertizing with geekware) company to a blooming testament of what indie games can ultimately accomplish but back from digressing... KSP, like any games made by anyone who actually cares - and not under insane pressure from "lower brains above" to deliver impossible goals fed by greed and corporate self-aggrandizing - is by it's own nature never really "done" because "done" implies - "I shall no longer dedicate any effort to this" -- which is to say, it either deserves or requires nothing more to be left as is for all of eternity.... and that's one hell of a commitment of course, all things must pass, Valar Morghulis, you know... eventually, something's gonna give and enough will be enough... "officially" it'll be "over" but will you? will the people modding it already think they've seen enough? Micro$oft "scrapped" Flight Simulator after FSX... it was "done" - or was it? -- well, ask these folks and you'll find their answer is a good deal distant from the "official" one... so it's not really a question of when a game is done -- it's a question of "when are YOU done with a game" are you really ever?
ROFL! I do that too! some comments just read: // <--- what he said! ...or similar good to know there are coders that like me are not just crazy enough to become programmers (of all things a man can do to his poor brain) - they go one step further, and make the compiler go LOLz! what other coding-comedy do we have in the crowd tonight? - - - Updated - - - Due to (possibly imaginary, rotate 90º to check) popular demand -- here's more of my Codemedy™ Same class file "Blobulometry.cs" continued from the end of the lines above.... ...should I consult a psychiatrist? - no wait, I'm already on those meds which reminds me, YES - I have ADHD! where's my Ritalin™? - pills found behind keyboard, after a brief search - just where they usually dwell while I'm on the PC - one of said pills consumed....
WarNumber--; that's -31 (-) now... MWAHAHAHAHA!
fact! that has actually happened... long story, but an older version of that very same code ended up in the hands of a new programmer (who has yet to succeed in plowing though the thick of it, or as a more self-preserving/better-advised person would do - QUIT, as his new boss (my old one) is an evil character who does NOT own the rights to this program (due to contract - or lack thereof - issues) -- lolz, I'll sue the idiot later, tho I might have to get in line for that, since others lost a LOT more to his devious ways than me...) -- anyways, this new programmer has been known to say that he massively enjoyed reading my code - quote: "every line has a joke to it" or so I'm told... he was also said to claim he wanted to meet me someday (presumably in a well beer-supplied context) speaking of novels, there are also snippets from "Game of Thrones" inside that game's code... coincidentally relating to the same TopOfTheWorld variable... where the "Blobules" are coded to respect it (or die trying to break it) it is then referred to as "The Wall".... of course, commentary around that section MUST include a reference to (copy-paste of) the Black Oath, of the brotherhood sworn to protect the realm from those OMG-what-are-those!? evils of the wild lads "beyond the wall" I got that from the book - mind you, I'm saving the HBO version for when I'm done (kindle says 98% now... I'm reading slow on purpose a bit) (...) *reads over* holy crap! how did we get from C# to Game of Thrones in just about 5 posts?!!
hang on... fixed it! - damn google drive...
This is a screenshot from my own Visual Studio editor: and at the risk of admitting to get some giggles from my own code remarks, I found it chuckle-worthy enough to share with my favourite geeky crowd this has been sitting there for a while, but every time I open up that class file it always gets a bit of a "lolz" (mostly 'cause I forget it's there, busy with the other tens of thousands lines of just-as-thick-or-worse-yet-to-read C# gibberish) to satisfy the curious, that function "snaps" a given 2d vector point into a hexagonal grid, clamped at the top at a specific height defined by the "Blobulator" (Moach-made device that assembles "Blobules" into a hex-grid pattern ("Blobules" are a generic, theme-agnostic name I've taken to calling the "bubbles" in any bubble shooter type game - they have since gained an character-like personality, as their doom-bound existence (they all eventually go "pop") has given context to many blobular drama stories in various crazy ways (in my head, of course)) )... The "Blobulator" also assigns a flag indicating whether grid height lines up to an even or odd row count -- which turns out is very important when dealing with hexagon patterns - that's what "EvenFlow" is for... the "magic numbers" you see there in the form of long-winded decimals are the pre-calculated sine of 30º (the angle between a hexagon's sides) and it's reciprocal (1 divided by it) -- this is because I, unlike a twin brother of mine with the very similar job, do NOT believe that preemptive optimization is the root of all evil -- proof of fact, that function was written about a year ago - and it never game me any more trouble than a "less optimized" one might.... Anyways, my favourite-most band is still MetallicA... (so is HarvesteR's (the aforementioned twain of mine)- where d'you think the upper case 'R' comes from?) - but I haven't yet found a cue to insert a plug from their lyrics into my usual (inevitable) code commentary humour) Cheers
Lolz, truth be told - it might have been a bit more like 4.5m, really... we were not exactly super-good at blasting Kerbals to orbit.... it usually stopped at the "blasting" part ...so little has changed since then