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O Nerd

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Everything posted by O Nerd

  1. I've been recently played with the updated version, and I just wanna thank you guys for all your effort. Nice job as always, actually, beta than ever.
  2. Firstly, thanks for your thoughts. Astropapi, how complex exactly? Do you mean the number of modules, IVA, stylization? zxczxcbfg, I'll list my replies one by one. No! Bad idea! Acceleration, remember! - Hm... I have a funny idea for that. Depending on the tech level, when kerbals were subjected to acceleration (any form), they could be thrown on the ground while one kerbal sits on a chair and controls the craft (low level), be holding onto something (mid level) or all sitting in chairs (high level). But I think that would take a lot of programming skills, and i think that it would be very hard to do. Also, it was just an idea. I just think we need more "regular" capsules. - I agree on that. Crew capacity wouldn't scale linearly. - I think that a developer of this mod (in theory) could just round down the number of kerbals. For an example, an capsule can hold 4,759 kerbals. The dev would round it down to 4, so that one kerbal doesn't lay down on an edge of the cabin (lol). the weight would go up much faster than the diameter (square-cube laws, heh) - Of course. any integrated ladders would have to scale as well - Don't forget that Kerbals don't scale. But you could also use TweakScale for that. any hatches would specifically have to not scale - The hatch could be a part, so that when a Kerbal does an EVA, the mod would search for the closest hatch and put him there. Or we could have giant hatches. the RCS capacity and internal batteries would be hard to scale accurately if the crew capacity changes (more space for Kerbals means less space for anything else) I think that if you have >6 crew members, you are probably going to put batteries, RCS, etc. somewhere else. reaction wheel strength would have to scale nonlinearly (due to the aforementioned square-cube laws) Well, same answer of the previous objection. I think that sums it up. Let's keep discussing.
  3. I have no idea. Maybe a single high-res texture that would be expanded the bigger the capsule would be. And the kerbals could be just floating around in the cabin.
  4. Hello. I'm new to this section of the forums, so any support is welcome. Also, I've never actually looked into the game's code. The idea is simple. Since we already have Procedural tanks, wings, etc. I think capsules should be included in that procedural mess. Similar to Procedural Parts, the crew capacity should be measured by volume, multiple textures should be possible and a few shapes should be allowed. Why? Because when you're trying to build (for example) Soyuz, Vostok and Buran designs, it's very hard to get circles, kind-of-cockpits-but-actually-not, etc. right. Also, it would save a ton of memory. Please let me know what you think about it.
  5. Só quero indicar que a imagem do Rockomax 24-77 não está aparecendo.
  6. Mod: Trajectories De tipo: Navegação. Ultima versão ( 05 / 01 / 2015 ): 0.90 Do que se trata: Um mod que permite prever trajetórias atmosféricas com alta precisão, além de aerobrakings e sítios de descidas durante pousos.
  7. Postando um tutorial aqui! Abrindo o KSP em OpenGL O OpenGL é um modo especial de abrir o KSP que lhe permite poupar muita memória sem reduzir a qualidade do jogo, nem o Gameplay de qualquer maneira. é fácil fazer isso:
  8. Alguém mais experiente pode me dizer como faço para deixar a câmera do Kerbcam relativa ao chão? (v. 0.13)
  9. Estou adicionando algumas missões, uma por uma - A Mariner 4 fez o que?
  10. Pioneer 4, Venera 2, etc - Mas é para que elas rendam ciência.
  11. Estou desenvolvendo mods para adicionar mais missões no KSP, e uma surpresinha para um futuro não tão distante...
  12. Opa! Lados divididos! Posso deixar a história mais interessante então... Mwahahahaha...
  13. 22º capítulo liberado! (Tenho que aproveitar a inspiração que peguei xD)
  14. Alguém aqui tá torcendo pros Krussos?
  15. Bem, como aconteceu na primeira missão da Mercury, os cientistas queriam um macaco a bordo para confirmar os testes.
  16. Capítulo 21 adicionado: Especial com 3 lançamentos!
  17. Oi galera. Estou com uma dúvida tensa aqui: Tem como usar o mod Telemachus de outro computador, usando, por exemplo, Hamachi ( )?E se é possível, como faço? preciso do DMP?
  18. Os Krussos querem saber se gatos se divertem com caixas do mesmo jeito em 0-g.
  19. Espero que gostem. Isto é mera enrolação.
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